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Everything posted by thedanNYC

  1. That sounds great. What I need to know is, are you single? If so, I think your name's going to look mighty lonely on that deed. It needs company.
  2. Gotcha. You're going with the belt and suspenders approach. Very sensible.
  3. By whom? Viruses are certainly considered more than simply inert matter, given that they have the potential to become "alive" if and when they hijack the proper biological mechanisms. In that way, they're not not alive like a rock is. But I don't think there's absolute consensus in the scientific community on whether viruses should be thought of as being "alive." *waits for the scientists and doctors to chime in
  4. If I may ask, are you considering using PrEP together with a condom to be extra safe since you only have sex once a year and don't want to take any risks? Or are you considering PrEP so you can have sex without a condom? If it's the latter, risking contracting other STDs, such as herpes, during a once-a-year encounter (presumably with a stranger) seems like an interesting choice to me. Are you taking that risk because it gives you a better sense of intimacy?
  5. That really depends on the country you're in, the spa you go to, and the type of massage you book. Many spas in the US require therapists to drape you like a mummy and to avoid uncovering more than ~half way up your thighs. Some spas will allow the masseur to massage draped areas over the sheets (such as the butt), but others don't. So you might end up feeling stiffed because the masseur didn't treat a large part of your body at all (or as expected). I've been there. Also, you have to pay close attention to the type of massage you're booking. If the spa offers both a "relaxing" massage and a more expensive "deep tissue" massage, you can bet that the relaxing massage will be nothing more than a gentle rub. That's going to be unsatisfying if you were expecting a lot of pressure. Having said that, I don't look for a HE when I get a massage. So I prefer going to a spa if I'm feeling spendy because then I get a massage and access to R&R facilities (sauna, steam room, maybe a whirlpool) for the same or similar rate that RM guys charge. P.S. - Whenever you want a great massage (and don't care about a HE), I'd suggest hiring a licensed therapist advertising on Yelp or working at a chiropractic practice. Their techniques and pricing is much better than what RM guys offer.
  6. I don't know how to get those links. But you can upload photos to the reverse image sites I'm familiar with. So a workaround would be to screenshot the images (cmd+shift+4), and then use the saved photos for the search.
  7. Let's see. This is a thread about urging people to get the flu shot. The video you posted is urging people to get the flu shot. A doctor featured in the video urges people to get the flu shot, but says to consider delaying it to mid-October to ensure people are protected through early next year because, you know, getting that protection is important in general but especially now during the pandemic. So...
  8. Just a side note: I've noticed that Russian/Eastern European guys' penises are sometimes much darker than one would expect based on their body color (like this guy). I've seen the color difference be even more pronounced.
  9. Just out of curiosity, how did clients scam him?
  10. I don't appreciate being accused of misquoting or misconstruing what others say. I copy/pasted your entire post, which @alageorge had quoted himself. So I did quote you appropriately. Anyway, I do think it's time to let this thread get back on track. So I'm letting this side conversation go.
  11. I understand that you eventually saw the need to fix what you said because of the reaction you got. And you decided to do that by editing and deleting your posts (and now giving a silly explanation for the supposedly innocuous content you deleted), as well as by blaming others for not reading a metaphor into your post. What you said and meant was entirely clear in your original posts. There was no need to read between the lines. Here's your post from @alageorge's quote: I call bullshit. I’m tired of this tired philosophy that people who don’t get vaccinated or don’t wear masks, or don’t stay home and rot while bills pile up, are “foolish” and are “endangering” the poor, frail, innocent human population. Give me a break. Its the involuntary choice that happens when we become human. If someone does not want to not be an “innocent victim” by all means, get vaccinated. Or wear a mask. Or do whatever you need to do. But don’t belittle, criticize, or shame those who wish to live their lives as chosen. A flu vaccine is nothing more than exposing yourself (Intravenously) to a (dead) virus. So if someone is willing or capable to get the actual virus and deal with (perhaps) mild symptoms (considering not everyone will be equally affected)....is that in itself not a vaccine? We’ve already heard most people with Covid 19 are asymptotic. So to HELL does it matter if the old man/lady down the street who is already dying anyway of something else, gets infected? Again, this is not putting down vaccinations or condoning anti-vaccers...but I am not advocating any side. In my opinion, force-vaccers are just as bad as anti-vaccers. if the actual government approves a vaccine and proves its a safe and necessary shot (because hell, we could equally say gay men who dont take prep are foolish and stupid, and should DIE a painful death of AIDS)...then I’ll goddamn fucking, consider it. But so far, a flu shot is simply “optional”. Like I said previously, it doesn’t protect against shit in the long run: there’s sinus infections, colds, weird viruses that doctors can’t name that come with the seasons....a flu shot is nothing more than full coverage car insurance, when Liability and uninsured motorist coverage Will do ? If you’re a shitty driver, yes...get full comp and collision. Me on the other hand, I’ve been driving for 15 years and never had to file a collision claim. But I have had to file a few claims from other idiot drivers ??‍♂️
  12. @Unicorn was reacting to the fact that, before you edited your posts, you said: "We’ve already heard most people with Covid 19 are asymptotic. So to HELL does it matter if the old man/lady down the street who is already dying anyway of something else, gets infected?" It's right in the quoted text in @Unicorn's post if you need to refresh your memory.
  13. You recognized him in the street and stopped him to talk? I've always thought that the unspoken deal is that, in the street, unless told otherwise, you don't know masseurs, and they don't know you. Is that not right?
  14. More importantly, did anyone else notice something special about the last photo in @NikoLeto's ad?
  15. The question should be what kind of "Dr."? He surely isn't a medical doctor. And I doubt he has any other kind of legitimate doctorate tied to having a license, such as in Chiropractic, given that he would be risking his license by offering erotic massage so openly. So my guess would be a mail-order doctorate in a pseudo-science, based on the odd diploma-looking documents on his website. In any event, he has a few bad reviews: https://classpass.com/studios/massage-therapy-by-dr-devon-keenan-new-york And you're getting a clock-watcher. Here's his response to someone complaining they didn't get a full 60 minutes of massage as booked. Granted, that's a common client complaint (and often an unreasonable expectation), but his list of things that might eat into your time is long: "Client is 60 mins, what is described when booking in the system, and that includes room preparation after the previous Client, meeting with the person, diagnostics, finding out about specific needs, requests of certain areas of the body with further focus in work" Sidebar: Are people really willing to pay this guy $170+ for a massage? There's no accounting for taste, but I mean...
  16. The basic economics principles you're hinting at are generally inescapable. They will likely push those escorts to reduce their prices or exit the market, assuming that their specific demands is not inelastic. That might be a big if, though, considering there are people here willing to pay $300 to average-looking escorts. So I can imagine that the adonis-looking escorts could afford to lose some demand and still do well enough to stay in the market.
  17. Did they tell you that when you got there, or did they let you find out the hard way after you were obligated to pay the entrance fee?
  18. Yes, sir. It is satisfied indeed. Thanks.
  19. Quick side bar: You're driving all the way to Las Vegas and might hire an average-looking guy. Assuming people have had a good experience with him, what hourly rate would you be willing to pay him? No judgment here, we all have our preferences. I'm just curious.
  20. This particular ad features a nonsensical description and a photo of a guy who looks older than he says he is. So I second @kben's advice.
  21. Yes, you can buy a reloadable card at Walgreens, and then register it online for re-use. But then the porn site's card processor would have @Doe Be Doe's address if that information is required to process the payment. I guess he could try registering a fake address for the card, and then changing it later to his real address if needed. Some websites accept PayPal. That might be a more discreet payment option because I think PayPal doesn't give your actual card information to vendors at all or verify your address (so you could use a fake one). That might be worth a try.
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