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Everything posted by GTMike

  1. Very new profile, and pic's seem authentic. But of course could be new name using recycled pic's possibly. Curious if anyone has met this gentlemen? https://rent.men/KierenOdell/
  2. He was the very first escort i met when i first started a couple years ago. I didn't have a good frame of reference to compare him to. I met him a few times and admittedly made some "rookie mistakes" in terms of directly communicating my expectations that caused some initial awkwardness but as i mentioned several months ago before above, he acted very inappropriately for a brief period of time, but i can say the more time i spent with him, it became clearer he was struggling with some things psychologically and when a certain threshold of alcohol was reached, (I hope I'm not getting into review territory), but i will say he exhibited a clear Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality type disorder on more than one occasion.
  3. Have been interested in him for a while from a far. Wish he'd travel to LA!
  4. His Profile is reactivated and states he's in Florida. I haven't personally met him but he was responsive over text. Said he took a break for a while but is back. At this point, I don't know if he is still living in Philly area and is traveling or that he relocated.
  5. I fully get it that everyone needs to be cautious and careful for so many numerous reasons and i probably like most everyone absolutely strongly prefer that pic's in Profiles are real and represent the escort accurately and also provides clients more ways to satisfy safety and certainity concerns, but with that said, I've had a similar experience with two different guys who don't use their real pic's and have maintained long-lasting, on-going good relationships. It's not for everyone to risk that level of certainity, but in theses cases, i know for sure the reason they don't use real face pic's is entirely related to their "privacy" concerns because they view it is a "side-profession" for a few years as they transition into other work.
  6. Again depends on situation. For example, I have a great "regular" but he lives >2,500 miles away and we meet up every 3 months or so and he wouldn't be offended by the question but i know his network of potential escort friends doesn't extend close to me geographically either. Not only that, don't many of us happy and satisfied "regular" clients openly and gladly provide positive public and private reviews encouraging others to meet escorts we know and like? Really just thinking out loud, but again if you're asking to figure out in advance how your friend might respond, my opinion is still it's most likely really gonna depend on your unique situation.
  7. I think that's a really good question and have wondered about it personally as well how to handle in a similar situation. I've concluded that at the end of the day, I think it really depends primarily on everyone's own unique relationship and situation with that escort and unfortunately therefore there is no "general" answer that is "right" ( right in terms of the right or wrong way to handle it to correctly and accurately guess what the escort's reaction will be) and therefore fits all of our individual and specific experience.
  8. I love Feet but his at least on screen don't do it for me unfortuntaely. I wish they did though.
  9. I get that and would agree. Would love to explore but unfortunately in this situation we're talking about an escort encounter versus a "trusted" companion you've known for a while. Everyone's situation is obviously different, but personally I'd find it very difficult to surrender that trust and deliberately put myself in a situation to be that vulnerable with an escort (or actually anyone) I've only met once or twice especially under the very discreet nature of it all in the first place.
  10. Man i hate "bumping" my own thread!, Hahaha. Anyone else (besides SultanDC who's feedback i greatly appreciated) have recent real life experience regarding his vibe and limitations ??
  11. Any further info? Was supposedly in LA this past weekend and coming again in a couple weeks?
  12. Just noticed that he recently added an SF, (415 area code) phone number to his profile for whatever that is worth. Slowly learning the ropes maybe? An experienced scammer would've already had that taken care of that first, hahaha
  13. I can confirm, he was busy with stuff and let his profile expire but he is still active. He tends however to stick to a few long-lasting and established clients so is sporadic in actively taking on new ones. He will be traveling in July but I'll have to leave it to him to publicly post his whereabouts and whether he will officially update and change his RM profile.
  14. GTMike


    Thanks man, but I actually just got the answer to my question. He went back to Prague area. Just hasn't been updated with current location.
  15. GTMike


    Does anyone know if he still is in the States? Profile, used to list a few travel new locations this summer (example, Vegas and a few other spots), but profile stopped listing new locations last week and still lists NY and someone's actively checking the profile somewhat regularly but besides that communication seems halted. Maybe hanging with the gf for a while before resuming with new clients?
  16. What?!?!? Never heard that one before! Really? Maybe he was gonna use it to try and host later?
  17. Yeah i know thought that was strange. I did ask him a few questions over RM email and responded to some of it but I don't live in SF and i think he's primarily interested in that at the moment. Trying to see if he's legit "new to this" as he mentions in the profile.
  18. Just curious if anyone has met this new gentlemen? https://rent.men/TrevorPowell/ Seems intriguing but don't know if genuinely a new profile? Regardless Happy 4th.
  19. GTMike


    . Part of what i am about to say will get me in trouble with some borderline troller users (who will remain nameless) on this site when i make the following comment, but I think that he has acted as a "legit" escort (with his limits) in the past when people make appointments with him but for sure he uses fake pics. I am also pretty confident that the person who uses this Profile is the same person who is also "MattAlpha" https://rent.men/MattAlpha who has mixed reviews. Again those Pic's are fake but others have told me met they've met that guy. Not 100% but pretty sure. And yes for sure he won't send Pic's of his "true" self, but others have told me privately in the past that the person who showed up was just as handsome (meaning meeting MattAlpha) and in some cases more attractive to them than the photo's however I've had other responses that made me think it was a different person. So it is also possible that someone is using a few fake profiles as "catfish" and then sends out one of a few different guys he (or she) is working with so that's why there's some discrepancies in descriptions.
  20. GTMike

    Jesse Jaymes

    So. About JesseJaymes and the fact that he's showing face pictures and video's. What should make of that development?
  21. I actually get why aspects of it are pretty appealing. Hahaha
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