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Everything posted by GTMike

  1. Doesn't seem like there is anything fundamentally wrong with searching for that if both parties are consenting adults and mutually fine with it.
  2. I have not met him nor am i commenting in any way to recommend or not but have heard thru reliable sources that the profile is real.
  3. I think this is perhaps a year old, but has anyone met him when he danced at Adonis in LA? (https://theadonislounge.com/la/dancers/brandon/)
  4. Haven't personally met him but he did briefly have a profile on RM a year ago or so. Then and now he's been responsive to email and text so far but again haven't met him yet.
  5. GTMike

    411 on Arco?

    Just wondering if anyone has any info on this new gentlemen? https://rent.men/ARCO/ Don't know if this is a recycled Ad or a genuine and authentic new profile?
  6. Well hopefully you'll add LA to your West coast plans. Haha
  7. ???? Not sure i completely understand this background? Is there something that we should all know?
  8. I know there are threads from 2013 but was curious if anyone has had recent experiences with him, good, bad, indifferent, pricey or not? Really just curious about current vibe if known and hopefully recent experiences to get a sense of where he's at. Any info is greatly appreciated, public or through Private messaging. Apologies. Here is current profile link https://rent.men/CliffJensen
  9. Agreed. He had many of those same photo's and a brief video all looking like the same person. Whether it's who shows up, i have no idea. But i will say that the person's orientation has "evolved" or those photo's are being hijacked. When the profile, (same photo's, different name) was first was created it was listed as straight. Overtime months later i believe it was either Bi or Ask me but now it's listed as gay. I am drawing no conclusions just stating observations.
  10. Well maybe he'll end up being "Benjamin Bottom", haha
  11. Maybe you saw this profile? Prolly can assume same person? https://rent.men/XXADRIANXX
  12. Sorry, i wasn't clear. I'm the client, he's the Escort. I as the client think the Escort who is young and very handsome is naive and based on his past experiences he told me about, I concluded he was young and naive and/or not the sharpest tool, in the tool box at best, but more likely he's slightly autistic and highly functioning, and I struggle with the feeling that I'd be taking advantage of him. I'm basing that on past experiences he told me about and he doesn't quite seem to understand how and why they happened and it seemns like an aspect of how we humans can "read and process certain facial expressions and emotions and connect the dots critically to understand social situations" was off and he had trouble discerning intentions.
  13. I really don't want to change the subject and know this is an asking escorts section but I'd also be curious how others feel about a situation. I will not say who but I've struggled with a guilt situation somewhat related to this as I've met a person who has a public profile and otherwise is a very fine and upstanding young man from my interaction with him. I do not have a license or the affiliated education or practical experience other than life experience and the problem is i feel that he's most likely (and please excuse the term and no offense meant at all) but "on the spectrum". My technical, unscholarly term is that i perceive him as a "highly functioning but somewhat socially autistic" perdon and from things he's told me frankly naive. Nevertheless he is grown, physically fit, "knows what he is doing", and an adult, but I can't justify meeting him again as i feel in some aspects, he was, is and i would be to a degree, taken advantage of him. I feel awful and agonize over feeling this way and making the decision not to meet him again, which is admittedly based on that I suspect others look past it because he is very attractive and accomodating. I admit i do have somewhat of a "Jesus Complex" (in the sense of typically wanting to help and save people), but i'm totally torn because on one hand he does understand what he's doing and makes that conscious decision as an adult so who i am to discriminate against him, but on the other hand, I'm not sure he's also aware of or getting guidance in further supplementing his education and other practical personal and professional life skills for his longer term prosperity. I feel that as he ages, the "looks fade", his pool of potential clients diminishes and he's not better equipping himself to cope with life's typcial and persistant challenges and that hiring him makes me complicit as well in taking advantage of him more than helping unfortunately.
  14. Look forward to it Anthony! Hope you're well after your trip and move.
  15. I wish. Good luck to ya finding that great match.
  16. Interesting. Obviously you know your particular and unique situation better, but i might think a way it could "go south" is if he potentially thought during the PT workouts that an escort client may start acting inappropriately forgetting for example they're in a public gym and it's not flirty and play time versus being serious about the training.
  17. Yeah that's how i look at it and experience has pretty much shown.
  18. Ugggh, I don't care what people are privately, but when you're putting yourself out there in a profile, for "basic fundamental" characteristics, at least have the courtesy to be somewhat accurate!! Haha
  19. Thank you @azdr0710, for actually making me realize it could be confusing who i was referring to. My comment above was in reference to Strongpower, not Xander who i've had no contact with in any capacity.
  20. I'd be curious to hear more about your experience and if ok, could PM you as well?
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