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Everything posted by FrankR

  1. You should have called the police and filed charges. Can probably still go to the police and make a statement. You should definitely consult an attorney first. Police should be able to get security cam footage, but they need to act quickly before it is deleted and then it becomes a he said/he said situation.
  2. It means he doesnt mind the use of marijuana in his presence.
  3. Now in NYC. Buyer beware. https://rentmasseur.com/EuropeanTherapst
  4. Dear @samhexum I never quite understood…am I suppose to tip the attendant? Only tip if they wash the windshield too? What if they offer to check the water for the windshield spout, bend over to give me a little peek? So conflicted! 😜
  5. Good lord! Ya’ll sound like what my father would call “a bunch of old farts bellyaching on the porch”.
  6. That is not my soul fella! But keep working it regardless! 😋
  7. @RadioRob Seems like a number of good suggestions here. Do you have a timeline in mind for piloting or getting the review site into production?
  8. Indeed - the Coast Guard was in a no win situation. If they dont conduct search and rescue the post game quarterbacks would say they are useless and neglecting their duty. If they conduct search and rescue they are accused of wasting tax payer dollars and conducting a grotesque charade.
  9. I never travel without it beyond North America. As an example of something to be cautious of: my credit card insurance plan does not cover foreign rentals, so if a rental car gets stolen or wrecked I am on the hook. Unless I opt for the expensive insurance at the rental agency in which case I am better off paying for a comprehensive plan anyway. Any medical issue I have may also be a problem and I am no longer a young man. If I recall correctly, the insurance usually comes out at 10% to 15% of the trip cost.
  10. FrankR

    Ruslan Markov

    Hello distinguished gentleman. I attached a photo of the model Ruslan Markov. I know he did porn for Sean Cody but cant remember the name he used. Does anyone remember? Thanks!
  11. FrankR


    From the album: Ruslan Markov

  12. FrankR


    From the album: Ruslan Markov

  13. And the haters will comment negatively in 3…2…1…
  14. If you are concerned…perhaps get two rooms - the nice one you actually want and a cheaper one for your “nephew who is looking after you”.
  15. Why would you assume it is poor math? Providing a quality massage gets progressively harder as your hands and joints get tired from exertion. Which is why some masseurs refuse to do 90 minutes - they only do 60 minutes max. (And probably why some of them flip the switch early to a more erotic experience - it is easier!) It makes total sense to charge more for the additional effort.
  16. Good you could join us “TomLA” - your gushing about Gabriel has me suspicious that you are actually Gabriel. How about asking your new friend to update his pics in his profiles - his pics are older than most of my mix tape collection.
  17. I would have insisted on compensating him for the hour. I did take up his time, after all. Would not have paid for two hours and I would probably have debates my usual reflex to tip. I can have a good time without going all the way, but that is what you agreed on so…
  18. The search box is your friend - if you run a search you will find an existing thread. https://www.companyofmen.org/topic/132652-boyforfundick-in-ny/
  19. You mean Doxy PEP, I hope. Doxy PreP is a very bad idea. Not recommended by any of the men’s health specialists I have spoken to. They basically told me that if I find a doctor willing to prescribe that much Doxy, find a new doctor.
  20. You may need to take a firm hand with them. Call them back on the customer service number and tell the first person 1) you called before, 2) they hung up on you and 3) your next call is to the state attorney general’s office because they are failing to satisfy the recall. That should bump you up to someone who can help pretty quick. I try to be really nice to customer service folks - its a tough job and I have been in those shoes - but if they jerk me around….the gloves come off!
  21. I can see why it would be a concern for you. You previously posted that you are looking to be: Roughly used by homophobic, abusive, selfish, conservative men Your words. So yeah, approaching those men will certainly put me on edge too. If you are fishing in a shark tank, dont be surprised when you end up tussling with a shark. For most people, who hire well reviewed gay men who enjoy the company of other gay men, it is an outlier, not the rule.
  22. @rustyrex I am glad you came away unhurt. When things go off the rails, I do whatever I can to extricate myself. Pay the provider the agreed fee, walk away. I may even pay more since I usually carry a little extra for tip. Put a post-it on your bathroom mirror for the following week with this message: I will not allow little Rusty to rule the roost! 😉
  23. Freaky indeed! Question is, is he more freaky about fitness or finance? 😋 https://rent.men/FitnessfreakU
  24. Because personal preferences is a thing. Different people like different things - why is that hard to accept?
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