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Everything posted by FrankR

  1. I’m willing to try it. But I am not paying the retail price for any more gadgets!! 😆
  2. Thank you for reporting back. You earn bonus points for not using “BBC”! May I suggest, for future use, enormous excaliber??🤭
  3. I am thinking of taking a trip to New Orleans towards end of February. Just need to so some homework and figure out where to stay and what we can do while visiting.
  4. Indeed! If it doesnt feel right, I do not engage. In December a truly epic hottie I flirted with at the gym many times, told me he was desperate for money to fly home for the holidays and offered. He was very nervous and uncomfortable. I politely declined. Instead I Zelled him a gift to help him out. I offered to look at his budget with him and walked away. He flagged me down at the gym last week and asked if he could take me up on the offer. We met at my place for coffee and to crunch the numbers. He then made his move and we had a great time. No desperation, nerves or discomfort. I took him shopping after. He enjoyed himself. He texted me and indicated he had a great time and would like to meet again. I’m betting he’s gonna turn into a FWBs.
  5. When it comes to the hobby - what is your favorite travel destination in the USA and why? I would like to start planning my travel for the year and suggestions/insights would be appreciated. 😁
  6. I’ve had quite a bit of success with Mintboys. I always ask if they are actually in my city and if their pics are recent. A video call can usually settle any doubt I have before we meet. But I have noticed that many of the men are part timers and cant host. You have to be willing to host in those cases.
  7. Rate depends on location. In major cities (NYC and LA) he charges more - when I reached out to him in Ft Lauderdale, FL his rate was lower. Never did get to meet, he was really hard to…nail down, if you will pardon my choice of words. Also, keep in mind some of the pics on his profile is from when I approached him in 2019 - you may want to ask about recent pics. 🤓
  8. I dont follow individual stocks, but this may be helpful: https://www.benzinga.com/amp/content/30607886 I heard Prof Jeremy Siegel’s comments on CNBC yesterday and he appeared to be rather bullish on the market as a whole (shocking, I know!) I try to balance my market diet with equal parts of Jeremy Siegel and Jeremy Grantham!!! 😆
  9. There are at least 3 “3 bucket” approaches I am aware of, with various flavors inbetween. Here is the most common one: https://www.ncoa.org/article/your-retirement-portfolio-in-three-buckets Tax is always a consideration when personal finance is being looked at - decisions can vary dramatically from state to state. Highly recommend you meet with an experienced tax focused CPA for a consultation - the right choices can save you big money.
  10. Dude! You’ve asked about 10 guys from all over the world in less than 24 hours…are you asking about every guy you see or planning a trip around the world?? 🤔
  11. Did you run a search? There are comments from a few months ago here: https://www.companyofmen.org/topic/117361-411-on-marktoniazzo-in-nyc/
  12. FrankR

    Kir_UA NYC

    Yum, he can he my lad anytime! 😉
  13. Thank you - interesting topic. I do think we need to be clear that this is an effort to decriminalizing and not to legalize. They are not the same thing. If you have a small amount for personal use, you will not be arrested. You can seek aid/assistance or counceling without fear. But it is not legal to have a large quantity at hand.
  14. As it stands today, the US market appears to be fairly expensive at the moment (measure by looking at PE ratios), in my opinion. Bond market is also looking expensive, so is the property market and commodities. I am not selling, but have not been putting any money to work in US markets recently. Built up a sizable pile of cash in case of a recession or market turbulance due to debt ceiling shenanigans etc. Given the current strong dollar and more reasonable PE ratios in emerging markets, i invested my annual IRA contribution in a Vanguard Emerging Markets index fund. Also carries a nice dividend yield. (This is not intended to be, nor should it be considered to be, investing advice or a recommendation. Consult with a financial professional - simply sharing what I am doing)
  15. What age group etc are you targeting? It is quite rare to find a younger or much younger guy willing to invest the time. You may have better luck in your own age group. Consider an Adam4Adam profile and make clear what you are looking for.
  16. Are you asking about him or are you advertising? 🤔
  17. Tried that - “no results”. I guess I am doing it wrong. 🤔
  18. Mens Massage Exchange in NYC (MMXNYC) has professionals on staff and provide training courses.
  19. I met my running buddy on Adam4Adam. I met my massage buddy on mmxnyc. But these sites are generally aimed at bi/gay guys. Since you are st8, you should probably set boundaries ahead of time so no one’s feelings get hurt in the process and you start the friendship on the right footing.
  20. Got it! Thanks. I prefer Dinner & Dick, but I may have to start trying new things! 😋
  21. Drunk & Disorderly? That sounds like every weekend! (seriously, have no idea what you mean by D&D!)
  22. I am sorry to hear about your experience. Whenever I host (whether hiring or not), I leave my “fake” wallet out in plain sight by the front door. It holds a few expired cards and a bit of cash. I keep electronics and valuables out of sight. So if it turns into a grab and go, the damage isnt severe - only happened once so far in all my years of inviting guys over…
  23. I just dont understand why plane galleys don’t come fitted with Crockpots….I mean we are gonna be stuck on the plane for hours anyway, may as well use it productively! 😋
  24. Well, his pictures show him at the gym….so maybe you are exaggerating just a little? 🤭
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