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Everything posted by FrankR

  1. Looking for a muscle bttm from Asian descent (Chinese/Japanese or Korean specifically) in NYC - any recommendations would be appreciated. (I enjoy varity and havent seen any prospects in a while.) Thanks! 😊
  2. Most rinks in NYC close by end of February. Most of us who enjoy skating feel a sense of urgency to use it before we lose it… 🤓
  3. Not a medical professional, but if it is painful or you feel like you need to wear a brace/sleeve the I would avoid going skating.
  4. Bump - he is still in NYC. Anyone have recent experience… specifically curious if his pics are still up to date… No reviews for more than a year, so I am hesitant to reach out.
  5. Be sure to leave out treats for the reindeer! 😋
  6. And the rates listed on those reviews speak for themselves.
  7. Indeed. Some of them can’t even spell basic words correctly or produce sensible sentences. I can cite many examples. 🙊
  8. There are a large number of threads on him - make sure you search “All content” and not just “topics”. Here is just one if them: https://www.companyofmen.org/topic/95038-411-on-dutchpr/
  9. It went out the window the day we found out Santa wasnt real, dear man!
  10. He’s been around for a good long while. https://www.companyofmen.org/topic/132717-sergeyua/
  11. You may be right. But if you paint yourself into a corner, you only have yourself to blame.
  12. If KC agreed to read a LGBTQ friendly book, I would have no problem with that. But what are the odds? A drag queen, on the other hand would happily read the story of Noah’s Ark. That is the difference.
  13. The 50,000 number is for first and second doses. Approx another 50,000 received just a first dose by November 18. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/17/nyregion/monkeypox-vaccine-van-nyc.html
  14. In NYC the Health Department indicates that the majority of “at risk” individuals received the vaccine. I cant speak to the situation in LA. Behavior changes helped, but the vaccine helped a great deal more than you give it credit.
  15. Not sure I am following your comment. @KeepItReal have you considered that it isn’t envy, but maybe you feel a little intimidated by his sexual olympics? I am not surprised that seeing him in this context changed your perception of him. There is such a thing as “too much information” - I rarely ask my partners about their previous relationships or conquests…to me that is TMI.
  16. It sounds like a business opportunity to me! 😁
  17. I have to agree with the concensus - it is generally a bad idea. Also be mindful that if you say “yes” odds are they will ask again…and again…and again. Ive been in that trap. Never again. Think very carefully - if you do decide to help, make sure you are okay with it being a gift and a one time thing. Expecting to be repaid is over optimistic and when you see him again and deduct the “loan” it will undoubtedly lead to resentment and a bad taste in the mouth. Most people are just not wired to be grateful.
  18. Have to add to your comment. I know eggnog tends to be a darling this timr of year, but I am not particularly fond of drinking it. I do make eggnog pancakes that are popular with my group of friends. Those I do enjoy. Try it!
  19. I admire your creative spirit. This from a guy who breaks out in sweat when the “chicken or beef” question gets asked! Lol
  20. A pair of loose fitting boxer shorts and maybe a tshirt to hide the scratches! 😋 I wear socks in the winter since I tend to have cold feet.
  21. WTF? Please stop speaking in code. 🤫 My grandma used to say that if you dont say what you mean, you can never mean what you say.
  22. HE ~ 50 Rimming ~ 100 Full service ~ 150 (Opinions may vary…a lot.)
  23. I have a fragrance for every season. One of my fond habits is to rotate to the next fragrance. About to switch from Dolce and Gabbana’s The One to my winter bottle of Ferragamo F Black. 😁 D&G goes well with my fall wear like leather jackets and I remember picking it out at Macy’s flagship store in NYC 8 years ago…picked up the salesman the same day! 😉
  24. I suspect it is a prank - someone is messing with him and posted this fake ad. 🤷‍♂️
  25. My godson came to me and raised the topic. I was about as unprepared as you can be. But I powered through to the end and did a pretty good job. Covered both the physical and emotional aspects. I grant you my description of the female body was straight out of the biology text book (high school was far behind me). Made sure to debunk some common misconseptions. And did not turn him gay. (In case some of our more conservative and recalcitrant members are wondering about that…you know who you are!)
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