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Populist Fury

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Posts posted by Populist Fury

  1. He probably thinks you're just jerking off to his pics, or feels stalked?????? Who knows. Don't take it personal & move on... or send him a text & schedule an appointment with him if you really find him hot.


    Also, why don't you change your settings to appear invisible when browsing through ads????? It's easy, just go to your dashboard, scroll down to "profile visibility", set it to invisible, & done. They'll never know you're visiting their ad. GL!

  2. @Boomxyz


    Girl, do like @coriolis888 said, & go back to finishing your site. You already invested time & money on it, would be dumb for you guys to abandon it just because of some board drama. Go out for a few drinks & chillax lol


    Also stop creating accounts for escorts w/o getting their consent first, & start being more honest about what it is you want to do. If you guys eventually want to charge for your services, say it, no one is going to be mad over it as long as you're upfront about it. Nobody expects to get shit for free these days anyway. I would change the color scheme of your site too, the current one makes it look generic. That's just my personal opinion tho, I'm a color snob. :)

  3. So much unnecessary drama <3


    I read the whole thread & didn't see much hate at all, just criticism (& a few bitchy comments here & there) like any new site/business usually gets. You guys just took everything too personal, & didn't know how to be open & honest about your intentions/business practices. You guys also never knew how to respond well, but I give you a pass on that do to English not being your first language(?).


    I wish you guys luck in finding a new hobby that isn't as stressful as running an escort site. #StayStrong

  4. I, Tonya has a lot of good buzz here in LA. I must see it ASAP.


    Did you see her first movie, Blood Simple? F. McD. and M. Emmit Walsh! :) They were also both in Raising Arizona which I LOVE!


    Good LA buzz or not, you def MUST see it! Everyone should, it's a good movie <3


    And yes, I've watched every Frances McD movie, she's been my favorite actress for a long time. So suave. :cool:

  5. Enjoyed I, Tonya very much. You certainly do see all points of view and at least, I came away feeling compassion for Harding. Imagine being a national joke for something that you really didn't even do? Or as the movie reports, didn't even know about it. Her husband's buddy and her "body guard" Sean was the mastermind of that ill fated plot if the movie is to be believed. Robbie does a great job and of course, Janney steals the show as her monster of a mother.


    But Three Billboards is my favorite so far. Watched it twice. Huge fan of In Bruge and this movie comes from the same mind with a lot of the same cast and attitude. McDormand eviscerates the Catholic Church in one memorable rant. Harrelson is excellent as well as is Rockwell. Caleb Landry Jones is this one too. Seems to be his year. Watched him in American Made, Tom Cruise's best flick in years and in The Florida Project. Ladybird was great film, too. Very deserved win for Ronan. Wish Metcalfe could have won as well, but Janney was too good. Looking forward to seeing Metcalfe back on Roseanne revival, but afraid that Barr is going to slant it all pro Trump just to allegedly represent the deplorables that elected him. Turning the channel at the slightest hint of that. Harding's mother would have made a better prez than that ignorant embarrassment.


    I'm also looking forward to the Roseanne reboot & don't care if she goes all political in it, in fact, I want her to! :)


    I don't think she's even a Trumptard, she just looked @ the horrible choices we we're all presented with for the presidency, & voted for the person she thought would do the least damage. Whether she was right or wrong is another story. She's ultimately more of a Green Party lefty than a right-wing Republican.


    Tonya was a victim of mainstream media bias for the longest time. Glad she's doing well now, & finally getting the vindication she deserves with this movie.

  6. Yay @ Queen Frances McD & 3 Billboards winning the most important awards tonight <333 I was worried that anti-Trump sentiment would propel Meryl/The Post to victory, which would've been almost criminal. Did not care much for that movie.


    Glad to see ice queen Tonya Harding in the building as well <3 I remember being in like 8th grade when the Tonya vs Nancy drama took place & I was #TeamTonya all the way, still am lol

  7. U.S. figure skating hasn't been relevant in over a decade or so. With the Russian Federation getting banned from the upcoming Olympics, there's very little to look forward to in this sport...


    In terms of looks, Brian Joubert always had the best ass <3

  8. As opposed to rentmen, who now charges $540 a month, on top of your base ad price, to be on the first page in Manhattan, far more then rentboy ever charged. And oh, they also hiked their rates the day after rentboy got raided. Talk about gouging.


    Kevin Slater



    Is that $540 for "Platinum Boost"?????? I always wondered how much it cost. Does the price for that vary from city to city or is it a flat rate for everyone per day, week, month, etc????

  9. My only issue is fake pictures.


    If an escort wants to hide his face/identity for w/e reasons in an ad, that's fine, as long as the pics on their ad are real &

    they're willing to share/text me a face pic.


    Posting fake pics, however, is FRAUD. An unforgivable offense I'm not willing to tolerate.

  10. Those Soraya gifs never get old <333


    I still don't get why clients get so offended when escorts want to know some minor info (like stats) about them, but w/e. Everyone's entitled to like/not like certain things, I guess.... I personally like it when I'm asked, & when I'm not, I volunteer the info anyway. Open & honest communication is key for me. Maybe that's why I haven't really had a bad experience?????

  11. I only use hq extra virgin olive oil & organic extra-v coconut oil for everything. No need for butter, margarine, lard, mayo, or any other type of fat/oil...


    Both healthy & delicious. One can even moisturize with coconut oil right out of the shower & smell like cookies for like 3 hours afterward <3

  12. That's a complete mischaracterization of a very long thread. There is no "general consensus" on this topic. There are plenty of us who don't have security concerns or insecurities to deal with and have no problem providing stats and a picture. I've been doing this successfully for a long time and I'm far from stupid dude.


    Well said. <333

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