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Populist Fury

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Posts posted by Populist Fury

  1. I am very confident in saying that Chris Daniel has no STD or STI. I am also very confident in stating he is negative for both forms of herpes HSV-1 and HSV-2. After the weekend I spent with him, I am can say Chris is very clean, discrete, and drug/disease free.


    lol you sound like a paid shill for the guy.


    I wouldn't say he's exactly my type, but I do find him very hot <3

  2. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/tv-ratings-roseanne-still-strong-pulls-152-million-week-2-1099563


    The show continues to be a ratings hit, only dropped down to just over 15 million viewers last night. I'm sure those numbers will once again grow when time-shifting views get added in.


    I personally didn't enjoy this last episode as much as the first two. Not a fan of Roseanne bullying her granddaughter like that.


    Whatever Roseanne Barr says when she's off her meds on Twitter has very little effect on me in terms of how I view the show itself. My favorite musical artist has been saying OTT shit his entire career, especially in recent years, & I'm still able to enjoy his music the same now as I did back when I was a teen. People like that CNN goon from the article posted above need to chill. There are more important things in life than worrying about what crazy celebrities say on Twitter.

  3. I heard on the radio that it's been renewed for a second season.


    Yeah, Ro was tweeting about it earlier, looks like the final viewer numbers were 5 million higher than initially thought also...


    wow! Final ratings show that our show beat Stormi Daniels after all!! thank you, peeps!!


    just got new figures! show did even better when they counted DVR's! Higher than originally thought-thank you, America! enjoy the jokes and laugh alot!!


    omg! the count is 23 Million ppl! OMG-just got the news as my friends gorgeous george & Chaka Khan delivered me a great meal from MELBA's NY! gotta eat!! c ya

  4. Switch to matcha green tea instead of coffee, your body & mind will thank you for it.


    It's healthier, rich in antioxidants, & helps burn more calories. Can be used in cooking & baking too. I like adding a teaspoon of the bright green stuff to my vanilla flavored protein shakes, sometimes a shake & a bowl of berries is all I need in the morning. <3

  5. Lol it's just a TV show y'all. The reboot has been an unexpected success that will most likely be around for a long time. It particularly did well in the those "fly over" states Trump won & up in the rust belt as well (no surprise there). TV execs definitely noticed, & I have no doubt we'll be seeing more white working class shows + other reboots emerge in the coming years. I personally think it's a good thing that we get to see old classic shows return & that everyone is represented on TV. <3 We all have the option to not watch if we don't like it, which is what I do with like 99.99% of the crap that's out there lol


    Also, I fully agree with everything my online crush says in this vid:


  6. Read some of her tweets. Anti Israel. Anti Hillary. Pro trump. She is not someone I want to support


    2 out of 3 ain't bad :)


    She's very pro Israel now tho, to the point where she comes off as Islamophobic at times. :confused:


    She's also more anti-Clinton than pro-Trump. Some of her comments on Hillary have been a bit OTT, but there's a lot of truth to what she says as well. I fully agree with this particular righteous statement for example:


    “Hillary owns the press…people in this country are not allowed to say anything except for that they love Hillary, or they’ll be harassed, especially on social media, until they leave or hang their head in shame…Because if you don’t endorse Hillary, then you’re anti-American, a racist, a sexist, or whatever names her robots throw around.”

    As a victim of rabid Clinton loons on social media, I know she's 100% right. They are unbearable, & a lot of them are paid shills & bots.


    Ro has always been very progressive when it comes to gay rights, women's rights, economic justice, etc. I won't let one vote erase everything she ever stood for in the past. Try to keep an open mind about her & enjoy the show for what it is... comedy/nostalgia/fun.

  7. Anyone else looking forward to it's return tonight??????? I know I am. Grew up watching the show along with Married w/ Children, Seinfeld, & the Simpsons.


    Don't care if Ro wears a Trump hat on the show or not, I'll mostly be watching for nostalgia reasons. She can do whatever the hell she wants. <3

  8. Yeah, $50 a month is nothing these days, consider it an investment that will leave you greater profit margins. You can always downgrade back to standard if it doesn't work out.


    From my understanding, Platinum Boost isn't a monthly membership, guys pay for it per day or something, & that one does tend to cost more...

  9. What's the difference in price between standard & gold membership??????


    You're in NYC where it's over saturated with escorts, so many ads that guys need to pay for platinum boost just to be able to get on the first page. Sometimes the entire first 2 pages are full of platinum boost guys only lol. I would invest in at least Gold. I imagine most clients won't be looking through every page, so the further back you are, the less traffic you'll get...

  10. That's great advice! Seems silly to wait on professional photos when I can post some now and get the ball rolling. Thank you!


    Tbh, a lot of the "professional" in studio pics I see in ads tend to look cheap, generic, & in some cases, make the guys look less attractive than they are... I prefer the selfies &/or in front of the mirror shots <3 Getting a friend to help you out is a good idea tho. Make sure you include at least a pic or two with nice clothes on, not everyone likes trashy. & if/when you do hire a photographer eventually, go out & shoot somewhere outside, show your personality & SMILE, don't just stand there looking angry or half dead lol


    I like your realness <3


  11. I was like 12, & this was the vid:



    I own it on DVD now, never really watch it, but like knowing that it's there in my closet somewhere. It brings back fun childhood memories <3


    Took me another 4 years to finally watch gay porn & I remember being mesmerized by it. I stayed up all night watching the 4hr tape in my room the day it arrived. I was dripping wet the whole entire time. :)

  12. I'm not particularly attracted to this guy, but see no problem in him charging $450 if some people are willing to pay that amount. There are some guys that charge $250-300 & should honestly be asking for more based on how hot they are & the service they provide...

  13. ***************SPOILERS BELOW!***************















    Tribes switched - all players are distributed between a new Naviti Tribe and a new Malolo Tribe. Naviti loses the immunity challenge. Disagreement among new Malolo about who to send to Ghost Island because the tribe cannot agree between the original Malolo members & the original Naviti members now on the new Malolo tribe! New Naviti tribe as losing tribe receives stones (one white stone and all others black) because winning tribe cannot agree. As stones are revealed, Chris has the one white stone, so is sent to Ghost Island!


    At tribal, because Chris is out of play, it appears it is between Angela and Dominick (but many believe Dom has an idol!) Dominick feels safe so he does not play his real idol. The votes are 1 for Libby, 3 for Angela and 4 for Morgan, (who holds that cursed Legacy Advantage!) so Morgan is voted out, willing the Advantage to Dominick, she says, because Dom has always been honest with her.

    TruHart1 :cool:



    Thanks for the detailed summary of what happened <3 <3 <3 Sounds like a good episode, I'll try not to miss this upcoming one...

  14. Meet future 2022 Olympic champion - Russian princess Alexandra Trusova:



    2 quads landed + highest technical score ever recorded for a female skater in competition <3 She's going to become an unstoppable force when her component scores start to go up.


    Also, that young coach from #TeamTutberidze is both fuckable & adorable. Husband material for sure <3

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