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Populist Fury

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Posts posted by Populist Fury

  1. This RT docu shows how brutal training is for the Russians, their coach is a militant b demanding only excellence from them. She clearly knows what she's doing tho, not knocking her, just sayin' she's not easy on them, the way I suspect american coaches are with their athletes...





    5:37 - 11:45 completely destroyed me :'/ The right girl defo won the other night <3

  2. ^ All 3 US girls should retire at this point, they don't have the technical ability/talent to ever become competitive with the Russians, Asians, or anyone else... USFSA needs to start developing new talent.


    This post-Olympics article is the most real & honest I've read so far on the subject:




    Nagasu's statement was a shocking admission from an athlete who doggedly refused to give up after being overlooked for the 2014 Olympic team, but it also was fitting. She and Rippon have thrown themselves into internet stardom, courting attention from celebrities on social media and lining up post-Olympics opportunities. Their skating took a backseat.


    Everything she says is true, Rippon & Nagasu became desperate media whores, more concerned with landing TV jobs than with actually skating to win a medal for our country. </3

  3. Reading Dick Button's tweets from last night filled me with so much life this morning <333


    Zagitova Costume is age perfect


    Zagitova Beautiful jumps, little height, wildly secure


    Zagitova She did her jumps in the second half, why complain when those are the rules, they give extra points


    Medvedeva another not satisfying dress


    Medvedeva a gutsy skater


    Medvedeva beautiful jumps, security good edging, steady curve in and out


    Medvedeva my opinion, her performnce is less satisfying to watch than some of the others


    A right decision, Medvedeva not elegant , technically strong, little performance


    Zagitova is a Ballerina on the ice. Same quality as Ludmillia Protopopov

  4. Honestly, the best thing the USFSA can do at this point is fire themselves after these disastrous Olympic results. All 3 US girls performed even worse tonight than they did 2 nights ago. Disgraceful.

  5. Alinamazing skated like a champ & won me some $ on top of that, couldn't be happier with the outcome tonight <333


    All 3 girls on the podium slayed me, best final in a long time, maybe ever(?)... Russian girls were on a whole other level. :cool:

  6. It's been a bad decade for the US. I think that the USFSA judges just don't align with the international judges and it does our skaters an injustice. Also, the USFSA doesn't seem to have a long-term strategy, other than to just pick out what they hope is going to be the least bad skater (Ashley) but then throw themselves behind an untested person who can land some jumps (Bradie) and blow up their scores at nationals. But international judges don't love either of them too much, do they? Mirai is always robbed in components, though, and she really deserves better.


    Agree, USFSA has completely failed our female skaters. Russian judges reward risk, that's why their skaters are fierce af & willing to go the extra mile.


    I hope Marai tries another triple axel tomorrow even if she falls again. She's got nothing to lose at this point anyway, might as well go out with a bang <3 Hard to not feel bad for her after watching this vid of her crying last night (I just watched it again :/)


  7. Alina destroyed me again tonight :') Scoring a new short program record was the cherry on top <3


    All 3 US girls choked really bad, but not as bad as Nathan Chen did in the men's event... there's still hope that at least one of them can climb up into the top 6 in the final.

  8. Which Russian angel is everyone rooting for to win Gold on Thursday night, Alina or Evgenia?????????


    One will walk away with Gold, the other one with the Silver medal <3 Don't see a scenario in which they both choke & someone else wins over them. They're both almost unbeatable & each other's only competition at this point based on their technical ability, etc...


    I personally want Alina Zagitova to win it all. Always love it when a hungry teen shows up @ the Olympics & snatches gold from the more established skaters <3 Also love the way she strategically places all her jumps in the 2nd half of her program to get the 10% bonus on every jump, milking that shit for extra points like no one else... it's badass & risky af. Like Johnny Weir said, it's like running several sprints after a marathon. Evgenia probably deserves it more based on her 2 year domination, so I'll be happy for her too if she comes out victorious in the end. :)


    Hopefully an American wins bronce. I'll be kind of difficult to achieve tho...

  9. Yuzuru Hanyu read my mind, he's going for a quad axel now <333


    “I have achieved what I set out to do and I have no intention of retiring,” he said, according to Kyodo News. “Whenever I think about whether I would like to do something else outside skating, it is skating that I always come back to."


    “I think I have devoted myself to skating from the bottom of my heart, and I want to do that for a little longer. I want to try a quadruple Axel and that is my only motivation right now."



    Also, this vid is adorable: https://www.nbcolympics.com/video/yuzuru-hanyu-breaks-down-after-free-skate-routine?chrcontext=newsfeed

  10. I'm sorry guys..I am NOT enamored with him. I think the media is TRYING to turn him into a GAY icon, but he just doesnt have the goods. He's a flash in the pan, unless he's smart and can turn his 15 minutes into something greater than a Wheaties Box. For me, he's a Davey Wavey wannabee, shrill, cocky and annoying. Girls LOVES that spotlight !


    But here's how I feel.....






    Girl, let's be honest here... he isn't even good enough to appear on a Wheaties box, athletes have to actually win at something before they can get on there.


    That's a cute gif tho <3 Caleb & Devin were the only guys I liked from that season. You're going to love tonight's BB episode... or not... depends on whether you still hate Omarosa or not. :p

  11. Rippon is a media whore who just ended the Olympics in 10th place. Hasn't done anything relevant or heroic enough to earn the title of "gay icon". He's a smart guy tho, I'll give him that. He knows how to milk the attention he's been getting like very few people know how to...


    I personally don't like him, don't find him attractive, & don't think he should've been given a spot on the Olympic team knowing he's incapable of landing a quad in competition.

  12. You’re only a product of the culture if you allow yourself to be. Most people over AND under 30 are brainwashed by the society we live in. Sad but true.



    Very true. Most people are lemmings unable to think for themselves, unfortunately... They need others to tell them what to think, what to like, & even what to believe in... it's not even sad anymore, it's pathetic. Especially in the world of politics these days :confused:

  13. Time to change the title of this thread to Nathan Choke after tonight y'all :confused: 2 awful performances in a row & all the way down in 17th place now lol. Like, I want to feel sorry for the guy, but can't do to all the hype he received going into Olympic season...


    Hanyu skating to Chopin slayed me, but I'm going to be rooting for Javi the most tomorrow night <3 Hoping he steals gold, or at least medals this time. Couldn't take my eyes off his perfectly round butt in that outfit he was wearing, wow! #SoInLove

  14. Glad the Germans went from 4th in the short to gold medal winners last night, they deserved it after that flawless/ferocious performance <3


    I normally don't care too much for the pairs event, but I was really impressed with them & some of the others. Ice Dance is the event I don't give a single f about...

  15. In the team event, the Russian girl wasn’t really that good of a skater. She earned a lot of points by doing all her jumps after the halfway mark to earn the 10% bonus.


    Actually, girl was flawless <3 The level of difficulty in her program was greater than everyone elses, that's why she deserved to get those 20+ extra points over the American even after the triple axel was landed by her.

  16. I used to be an avid figure skating fan, but kind of stopped following it from 2003 to 2016 because I got so wrapped up in baseball and tennis. In the interim, who the hell came up with the totally bogus fraud of an event, team figure skating?! How is this even a competition when only three countries in the world can even field a decent team?? Canada, Russia, and the US are the only three countries in the world that have a decent representative in all four disciplines. China has no ladies or ice dance teams. Japan has no ice dance or pairs. Spain has no ladies or pairs. And so on. How can you create an event and award gold, silver, and bronze when only three countries can field a team??


    Adam Rippon is blubbering about his great triumph of winning bronze. Dude, there were only three real teams in the competition. You basically came in last, but last in this event means you get the bronze. Gushing about "winning" the bronze is like gushing about winning a participation trophy.


    The team event in figure skating was added for TV ratings only, there's no real purpose to it other than making advertisers happy. I view it as a talent exhibition right before the real competition begins in the individual events.

  17. She was great. Her movements were so smooth. Tho she probably stole the last election. I am going to let it slip.


    Alina was even better :')))))


    Everyone else will be skating for bronce next week lol

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