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Tarte Gogo

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Everything posted by Tarte Gogo

  1. It is just a thread you need to ignore. I never read anything longer than 6 lines anyway.
  2. Of course it is not ok. Why would I think that one type of rape is ok? I am just giving a data point about how society currently reacts. And I provide a reference. Do you think every post is an opinion with a hidden agenda? Some posts are just new information relevant to the debate, we are not all always trying to make a point.
  3. When a 14 yo boy has sex with his female teacher, there is very much a sense of “lucky bastard” rather than “poor victim”, especially among males, so even when there is a trial, the woman often walks free because the judge or the jury cannot decide that something fundamentally wrong happened, especially if the boy is cocky about it (which he often is) Example: http://www.dartblog.com/data/2006/03/005314.php
  4. No, but pretty close to all of them. I keep a file with a list. It is at least 95 % complete. Probably more like 98 %. Many of them have no name, just “hook up in gym X“ or “hired in London - his place on Carnaby st” or something similar. I am no where near 1000 though!
  5. Lol, terrible translation, but I read the original is Spanish. So it seems to describe a guy that is top, but that sucks and also lets you touch, rim, and rub your cock against, his asshole?
  6. What does “Activo Participativo” mean? I was first thinking that it may be the equivalent of our “versatile/top” but can’t be sure it is the same, since versatile alone is translated “versatil”.
  7. Ok a non-pay sex party I get it. Thanks.
  8. Very curious. You are setting up “parties” for escorts? Was it his birthday? Only joking, but this is a weird reply, @Nakedchi . Care to elaborate what sort of relationship makes you setup a party for an escort?
  9. That is also the sign of a really good escort for me too!
  10. He is my favorite for my short stay in Buenos Aires (will be in December) Asking here if anyone has ever tried to contact him? http://www.soytuyo.com/indexmodelo.php?id=500#.WfHaK2hSyUk
  11. You know him? What was his name? On which continent and in which country did I hire him?
  12. @Yeison had a similar story. He was using “FallenAngel” as his RM handle, and someone actually called him that in public in front of people. That is why he switched back his name to Yeison, so people can call him something that works in English (sounds like Jason) and in Spanish.
  13. This is confusing. HE is an extra.
  14. 3 pages of answers in only 6 hours? Wow, that is a subject that is dear to your hearts!
  15. This thread is interesting, but you can specialise even more. There is a tumblr account that is called “Justin Bieber’s armpit” http://bieber-armpit.tumblr.com/ Exclusively pictures where you can see part or all of one of his armpits, from various angles.
  16. I am missing the summer. So I am going to switch hemisphere soon.
  17. I think he is getting better with the years, don’t you think?
  18. I think @12is12 is asking for non-gay tourist attractions. Like monuments, museums, etc
  19. “Prices are 250/hour at my place, and 600/night.” It is right there.
  20. Nothing involving piercings or clothing, just a plain cute belly button in the middle of some nice abs, or at least a flat tummy. I like to put the tip of my finger in there, and then of course, my tongue. Some escorts have been surprised to see me do that to them. I also love if they pay attention to mine (rare, unless you ask). Anyone else? Or am I the weirdo around here?
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