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Tarte Gogo

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Everything posted by Tarte Gogo

  1. Lol, so update: Thursday nights, it is 25-0.
  2. Lol, no, my avatar is who I like to fuck, not who I am. You really don’t want to see me dance naked.
  3. https://theadonislounge.com/
  4. This is sickening and is very hard to believe that it still happens today, I must live in such a bubble of internationalism. Asian guys are actually sought out by many members here. I only hooked up 3 times for free in a bathhouse, and 2 of these were with Asian guys. Can’t get my head around these reactions.
  5. I assume “Don’t ask for a discount”. The price is the price.
  6. From my experience the rooms are often attended by hot guys, but the problem is that most customers are like me at 45 yo, are not as hot as 29 yo @thedanNYC So the willingness is one sided. In some places like hotel Movenpick in Cebu, they make sure they only hire attrative people. Unfortunately my hints that I very much “would like some company “ after their shift is over fell into dead ears, even though they must know that they can benefit financially (the massages parlors around there are basically HE centers, these services are rampant). So the staff are either too straight or I am really not interesting at all because too many years and not enough muscle.
  7. Lol you don’t need to. None of the social apps use proximity/geolocation to decide who to suggest. Only who you actually contact through the phone (if you don’t change the default settings and let the app do that).
  8. Indeed, or even if you spend an hour at the restaurant! All the other patrons at the next table would suddenly be suggested if proximity was being used.
  9. According to Facebook, yes. I should have gone there? Back home now, maybe another day.
  10. It is 18:15 I in a Thursday night and I am inside the Townhouse. Not a single rentable guy in sight. Also I am feeling too young for the place :-) I don’t think I am going even to buy a cocktail, that would just be a waste of time. Maybe I didn’t come on the right night or I am too early.
  11. Another city to guess (I also don’t know the answer), much less vacation-y, this time. https://www.companyofmen.org/attachments/thumbnail_img_1943-jpg.14274/ From the writing on the road, looks like a city with an East Ave. Also the round building might be recognised by the locals.
  12. Actually I now know for sure. But I am the questioner, so I won’t award myself the point. Edit: point awarded to Marylander. I guess there is no second point as “exactly where?” is kind of obvious, from the only beach there.
  13. That is a good hint, and seems to be likely, I am looking at google picture “village near Naples” and several of them look indeed similar to this.
  14. Here is the first one. I am asking because I don’t know and genuinely wondering. Colourful hillside and sea side town: What a beautiful landscape! Try to not let the abs distract you.
  15. For the few of us that are Geo nerds, we found a game, which in the past we played in the gallery thread called “what a beautiful landscape”, but I thought that since we can easily cross reference, and in order to make the game more visible, we should play it in its own thread. So this is the “guess the city” thread. Rules of the game: 1. One poster asks in this thread a question “Where was this picture taken?”, and refers to a picture posted elsewhere in the gallery, with a hot guy in the foreground and a city or some other identifiable landscape in the background. 2. It can be used either if the poster genuinely would like to know, or if the poster already knows and just wants to see how quickly can the others guess. 3. The rest can make guesses using their own memories, other pictures on the internet, google earth, google street etc, or anything they like. Reply here. Make sure you explain which pictures you are guessing by quoting, in case there are several running simultaneously. 4. The first to guess the city (e.g. just “Paris”) gets a point. Points are to be assigned based on post time. 5. Please no cheating with the late edits. Only one guess per post, please, otherwise you could just list 1o0 “maybe” cities, and one of them is bound to be the right one, that obviously can’t count. 6. A second point can go to the more specific location (e.g. “taken from the top of Eiffel Tower facing south”). That is it, let’s keep the rule simple or we’ll make it less fun.
  16. Don’t we love it when there is so much love in the air?
  17. Is Townhouse well visited by young guys on Thursday nights, after-work time? I might go tomorrow evening to checkout the merchandise and maybe gather a couple of phone numbers.
  18. I agree with Victor, often one likes to hear a variety of opinions before making one’s own mind. Also some people might have facts or anecdotes that are relevant to put in the “what could go wrong” side of the balance.
  19. Oh I need to say also, that today I kind of needed affection, not just sex, and he picked up on it and delivered, showing he is versatile in more than 2 ways :-)
  20. Today was my 5th time with Yeison so I guess I am now officially a regular? He has everything I care for, muscle mass (getting bigger and bigger), beautiful eyes, smile, hygiene, etc. I have to stop or this will be a review and will be taken down.
  21. Interesting That I really did not pick up on this because we, who are not American, see this guy as mixed race, not black, plus we don’t know your history of slurs, so I didn’t make any such connection.
  22. He really doesn’t look 21.
  23. Wait a second. Lack of hair trimming is a race?
  24. Hmmm, not a good idea. Sex for me is off the table, for how long?
  25. Hey, the “guess the city” game is back! So what is this one? There is a sign saying East Ave Fla on the road itself, but that doesn’t help me much. The round building should be obvious to many of you, but again, I draw a blank.
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