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Everything posted by JEC

  1. JEC

    Prep Privacy

    Agree with @FrankR, see other post about Prep there is a US based pharmacy option (Mark Cuban pharmacy company) you can buy direct, you would still need an Rx tho which may still end up on your rx profile.
  2. Here is a new option for inexpensive HIV (and other) Meds for ppl without insurance: https://costplusdrugs.com/medications/categories/hiv/ This is a new company started by Mark Cuban, they are adding new meds to the list all the time.
  3. I believe that flipping is more complex than the TV shows make it appear. First, real estate transactions are complex.....therefore to be a flipper, someone needs to understand the ins-and-outs of real estate transactions, and related financial instruments (mortgages). Ideally, if you are a licensed Real Estate broker, you can act as your own broker and save the broker fee. Second, you need a crew or crews who are reliable and are going to deliver on time and on budget, without ripping you off. Third, zoning and permitting are complicated and vary from town-to-town. Fourth, the market is volatile and understanding timing and the nuances of each market is important when making investment (flip) decisions. Fifth, you will need a good mortgage broker, lawyer, engineers, inspectors, and other professionals in your orbit to have successful flips. The TV flip shows focus on the drama, that "project killing" problem that surfaces, and the interpersonal conflict with the flippers. I think there are a precious few ppl who actually make big money at flipping. There is money to be made. But proceed with caution, as there is as much downside and upside. My husband thought he was going to flip houses in his semi-retirement. I think I have talked him out of it..... 😨
  4. JEC

    411 jasmorgan

    Jas has a day job, and a family. This is truly a "side hustle". So, to meet with him you have to understand these things and work with his schedule and availability a bit. I assure you it's worth it.
  5. JEC

    411 jasmorgan

    Except for the pic with the harness, the other pics are new/newer. I last saw Jas 2 years ago and he was still in stunning shape, in fact was just completing a bulking/shredding cycle. You cannot go wrong with this man. Do not hesitate, do not ask more questions just see him.
  6. JEC

    Site activity

    Amazing data, thank you @RadioRob!!!!!
  7. JEC

    Site activity

    Would be nice to have a dashboard or graphs that shows site utilization, i.e. total # members, # who are active, # posts, most active forums, etc etc. I don't think it should get to the member level for confidentiality? Thanks for considering, curious minds want to know LOL
  8. The Gilded Age is fab, produced by Julian Fellowes this is the American version of Downton Abbey, life in NYC during the Gilded Age. Cynthia Nixon is a notable star, as is Claybourne Elder who is in the current cast of Company on Broadway. Many of the street scenes were filmed in Troy NY, near my home town in upstate NY.
  9. Went to NYC last weekend and saw 4 shows on Broadway: MJ, Dear Evan Hanson, Company and Hadestown All 4 were fantastic, and I highly recommend each and every one! My unexpected favorite was MJ! The musical review genre has been "done", but this show really delivered! Can you imagine a more complex character to play, and nail the character than MJ? The lead Myles Frost nailed it in every way - looks, mannerisms, body type and most importantly his voice and ability to dance. Self-taught (in both acting and music), this was his first Broadway show. We have not seen the last of this young man, he is exceptionally talented. The rest of the cast, the sets, the music and the dancing numbers were all phenomenal....this show was an ear-to-ear grinning foot-tapping joy from start to finish. The NYT criticized the show for not dealing with the most difficult subjects in Michael's life, to that I say "eff you" we wanted to be lifted up, not brought down. BTW the worst seats we had were 4th row, as Broadway came back online there were lots of great seats available and I grabbed them!
  10. Saw Company last weekend and it was brilliant. First time seeing Lupone and she's still got it! Funny sidebar, during the intermission, 2 theatre staff came down and spoke to a man sitting behind us (they had flashlights and walkie-talkies, so official 😲). They said "the cast are telling us you are not wearing your mask over your nose, and if Miss Lupone sees you she will stop the show." It was humorous, her reputation lives on!
  11. I like this thinking, curious ... is this your own approach, your financial advisor, something you read?
  12. JEC

    Jesse Stone

    I love his porn scenes, he's one of those bottoms who becomes completely submissive when he has a D inside him. And the moaning and eyes rolling back into his head just seal the deal. I would hire him in 2 seconds. Hot bod too.
  13. JEC

    Completely Lost

    @Aces would be interesting to hear from you how you are processing all of this input/feedback....🤯
  14. This is an existential question I know, do others think the market is peaking? Are we on the verge of a recession? With gas prices soaring, ongoing supply chain issues, and potential for war on the horizon..... Are you moving into more conservative positions? I am invested in mostly aggressive (but diversified) funds. Thinking of moving to a more conservative position for a bit. I'm 58 and planning to retire at 65. Welcome your thoughts.....
  15. I am fortunate enough to work with some brilliant medical and scientific minds. Early data on the 2nd booster/4th shot is that it is only effective for about 8 weeks. Too early to know if this data will hold, and if it does hold, why is the additional immunity so short-lived. There is still so much to learn about this virus..... I'm still glad I got mine, off to NYC for the weekend and want maximum protection. I had zero reaction to the shot, not even a sore arm. Hubs had flu-like symptoms for 1 day.
  16. Off to NYC fort a long weekend, what are your favorite museums and why? I especially like the smaller, lesser-known off-the-beaten-path museums. Thanks gents!
  17. JEC

    Completely Lost

    Nothing productive can come from looking back, and hating yourself and your choices. The best thing you can do is to look forward, and make choices you will be happy with. I can't claim to identify with your situation since I have been clear on my sexuality from the start and have been "out" since the age of 18, but I do empathize. There have been some good suggestions here re: therapists, gay community resources and getting involved starting in a non-sexual way. And, as for younger guys, "daddy" is a thing. There are lots of younger guys attracted to older men (and not all have "daddy issues"). Many providers (rentmen) will tell you that a large % of clients lead straight lives and are either experimenting, or do this as an ongoing thing to "have their cake and eat it too". There is no perfect person, perfect life, and perfect set of choices. Humans are by nature imperfect beings. We create so much negativity by expecting perfection from ourselves instead of accepting and working with our imperfections. This extends to relationships, too. The fact that you posted this is a big step forward. You are clearly at an inflection point. You can have a happier more fulfilling life, ideally with the help of a therapist. Good luck..... 😉
  18. I am scheduled for my 2nd booster Monday. Off to NYC the following weekend, and the new variant is already spreading there so I will be happy to have all the protection I can get.
  19. Some of my hottest encounters have been with "premium" providers who charge premium prices. And when I say hot....I'm not just talking about their looks, we set the bed on fire! I've had great sex with providers with less premium rates too, they will likely figure out they should be charging more. It's the tenets of capitalism at work: demand VS supply....and, quality always costs more.
  20. I never met Daddy in person, but he changed my life. I discovered this "hobby" and this site by accident. If not for this site, I would likely never have pursued this hobby. And for sure I would not be as comfortable and informed, or have has as many successful encounters without this resource and community. In the short time I was connected to Daddy, I experienced the extremes of his personality...a gracious thank you for donating, and a stern warning for posting what was considered "a review". I understood the warning though, he was trying to protect himself and most importantly all of us from the potential risks of SESTA/FOSTA. As @RadioRob has mentioned, it seems impossible that he did it all himself (as much as he relished being in control). His heart was big, his commitment was unwavering, and his time commitment was astounding. And, he developed and nourished this community to become what it is today, a thriving community. He changed all of our lives. For all these things I thank you Daddy, and I hope your spirit is at peace a living among (slutty) angels somewhere. Jack
  21. Answers to your questions: 1.But where can I get guaranteed action? Spartacus is closed. I saw somewhere there is another Bathhouse called Papi Chulo PV but not have seen many reviews. .....this is true, I have not been to Papi Chulo so cannot comment, some reviews on the FB page mentioned below. 2.What are the good website to find escorts there? ....there are some on RM. Others have been mentioned in other threads on here, use the search function to locate. 3.As far as apps are concerned I tried to check grindr with their explore option and nothing really interesting there. So which apps do you recommend? ......I did find some guys on GRINDR while I was there. I don't think there are other similar apps for this region, but others may know more. 4. Are there any Sexual massage ( massage with some sexual stuff) places or people? ....yes, you'll need to seek these out. There is a Turkish Hammam, you might have luck there. There are also guys who advertise on some PV Gay websites. There is a Gay PV page on Facebook with lots of useful posts & discussion, check it out. The sexual part will not be advertised publicly, you'll need to contact each masseur and confirm if they do sensual massage. 5. Some people mentioned about 'cruising', does that really works? I have some places shortlisted like Amaria Villas pool party, Los muertos beach, piñata hotel, elizabeth theater. .....the Amaria Men's event is great, there was not open sex going on when I went. A massage was included, and you could negotiate "extras" from the masseur (I did 😉). There is also the Casa Cupula naked brunch Saturdays. And the naked boat tours. I did not see any open cruising spots, but I wasn't really looking for them either. As with many things, I think a lot of this activity has moved online. PV is a very gay, openly sexual town. By open sexually, many gay men are there on vacation and looking to hook up. I don't think there is sex going on in public (except for the "private" events mentioned), but others may be more knowledgeable here. Bar10 is a fantastic upscale bar, with hot shirtless bartenders. Club69 was the best stripper bar. If you want a nature break, highly recommend the Botanical Gardens....45m bus ride from town. Here is the Gay PV Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/puertovallartagays PV is a treasure, you will have a great time! Jack .
  22. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU KNOW YOUR SITE USERNAME/PASSWORD! When the domain changes, your browser will not automatically link it's saved version of your password with the new domain. So the first time you access the site after the change, you will need to login again. @RadioRob is there a way to make this message @ ID/PW more prominent (banner at top)? I suspect many members need to see this and won't in this forum....
  23. JEC

    Orlando Candy

    Gents, met with this beautiful young man recently in Orlando and all I can say is WOW! Sometimes things just click 😋 https://rentmen.eu/TrendynYoung
  24. Something about him turns me off If he is in a porn I always take a "pass"
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