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Everything posted by JEC

  1. Got a tip, Uber can't pick you up at the airport but they can pick you up across the street. There's a famous taco stand (Marlin) across the street - go there have some tacos and call an Uber, boom! 😁
  2. JEC

    Lucas Ridgeston

    This is 2018, looks pretty good to me 😄
  3. Going to PVR for Thanksgiving week 2021 (for the first time) Welcome any/all insights and recommendations, not just escort/massage. Thanks all! Jack
  4. HIV has been much more disastrous. 1. It has killed more people. Only because the transmission vehicle is so different, has it taken 30 years to kill 36 million people. If HIV was a highly transmissible respiratory virus, it would have killed that 36m in a very short time. 2. Because the gov'ts of the world were so slow to respond, it took over 1 year to even identify that (a) it was a virus and (b) it was sexually transmitted; COVID was identified in days to weeks. 3. Investments in education, research and treatments have been and continue to be slow to come. Were this a disease that affected the general public, things would have been much quicker. 4. 30 years since discovery of AIDS there is still no vaccine, no cure. In part due to the nature of the virus itself, but also in part due to the ongoing lack of investment by government and industry in research and treatments. Our response to COVID has been markedly different. 5. For 15 years, there was no effective treatment for HIV. Everyone who contracted the disease died, and in most cases a slow and torturous death. 6. There is little or no stigma associated with COVID. 7. As opposed to COVID, the gov't is not paying for treatments. HIV medications remain outrageously expensive making them difficult to obtain for many. HIV remains a case study in the role that bias plays in medial research and funding. When a disease affects a majority marginalized population, the urgency the public will just aren't there. HIV will benefit from COVID, the MRNA approach to develop a vaccine will almost certainly develop a vaccine and/or treatment for HIV and perhaps quite soon. That's good news, but again the huge sums of money and resources invested in MRNA research was targeted specifically to develop a response to Coronavirus variants (including SARS and now COVID). The response to these 2 pandemics are vastly different and for one reason only: the populations affected.
  5. JEC

    411 on IsaacX

    No experience, but agree - his videos are hot AF!
  6. Daddy was the former sole owner/operator and webmaster of this site for many years (search on hooboy for history before Daddy). While he was already in failing health, sadly he succumbed to COVID in March of this year. He passed away alone in his apartment and was discovered by the Las Vegas Police. An period followed where the future of the site was uncertain - there were issues of legal ownership, probate, funding the site, who will operate and maintain the site etc. even getting access to the content of the site was unclear. This site and this community were at real risk of simply disappearing off the web. Daddy had no will or close family to serve as executors, complicating matters. Many members of the community (and some of daddy's friends) stepped up in various ways to secure the future of this site. The fact that daddy technically had no assets, and the site had no real value, meant that probate basically "left it alone" and allowed it to pass to new owners. Now there is a new generation of people running the site, and infusing new ideas. Honestly, this story could be case study (one that will never be published) in the survival of a community, Lord of the Flies for the escorting community if you will. By the time you joined in July, we were coming out on the other side of this. There's lots of content on here about this period, and the yin and yang of daddy's style of governing which was not universally appreciated. Welcome to the community, (fellow top) ....Jack
  7. I think there are multiple factirs at play here I feel like the site was much more active before Daddy did the (previous) redesign of the site. The redesign also roughly coincided with SESTA/FOSTA I think the combo platter of these forces + his failing health made Daddy cranky and banned/alienated some members. SESTA/FOSTA also really cracked down on the some of the freedom of discussion on here, and probably made some nervous about their activity being tracked here. Lastly, I think hiring activity is also becoming more diffuse - moving to other platforms (GRINDR) and ergo more into the mainstream? Open to other opinions here, these are mine. I also miss the higher level of banter and would welcome more participation. Jack
  8. I always hire during the day, during the week....when I can get away from work. I'm good with meeting as early as 10am or as late as 3pm - otherwise depends what work appointments I need to work around. As long as I'm home for dinner, I think you get the picture. There's no power play here, this is simply the time I am available (acknowledging that my availability is unusual compared to most). Part of the reason I hire is that I can have this experience at a very specific time. I have had a few bad experiences meeting in the morning....IMHO if a provider cannot provide a stellar experience at that time they should not accept a booking at that time 😬.
  9. The main website for providers in europe is HUNQZ. Good luck......
  10. I have not been to CR but it's on my short list so have done some research on it. Costa Rica has fantastic beaches, cities and rainforest all in a small country. When I do go, I'm hoping to see all 3. You can find packages that include all 3. In the rainforest there are resorts which have treetop villas where you are surrounded by wildlife (monkeys, birds, etc.). There are American branded resorts as well (Hilton,etc) if that's what you are looking for. While travel agencies are not as common as they once were, this might be a case where you use one....American Express for example still offers travel agent services. Costco also has great deals on travel packages. Lastly, Tripadvisor is a great resource for reviews of hotels and resorts. Good luck, Jack
  11. If you search the forum on "Atlantis" you will find many references to experiences on Atlantis cruises, can't wait to hear yours.....!
  12. From a client perspective, there are 2 types of traveling providers I am interested in. First, the "new meat", that is anyone who is visiting in town who I am interested in. This is very likely a one-time connection. Living in Boston (and I assume most smaller cities) the local talent is limited, therefore this variety is welcome. There are plenty of these, many come thru town once and are not seen again. Second, the regular. There are a few providers who do a regular circuit. Victor Powers used to (before his retirement) fit this description. He visited basically quarterly and I was happy to see him every time he came. He often txt'd me before his visit to let me know he was coming into town (he was very organized and smart about his business). Many of his repeat clients would book overnights or weekends as part of his trip. He would also occasionally txt between visits just to say "hey, thinking of you". He BUILT these relationships, and was good at it. As a provider I suspect the first scenario (random travel to a bunch of places) probably produces some quick cash (new meat) but may not produce long-term results. The second scenario is more likely to produce lasting repeat clients (and revenue). These 2 scenarios are not exclusive, if you build those repeat clients you will still have plenty of one-time connections. Point is, the one-time connections will "dry up" quickly after a few visits. Given your stated concerns and preferences, maybe it would make sense to identify a handful of cities, try to make a quarterly circuit and build some repeat clients. This would allow you to actually get to know each city, some of your clients, and also make some friends who you would feel like you could build a more lasting connection with, and hotels you get to know and start to feel like "home". You may also find you prefer staying in apartments or AIRBNB's as I do when I travel - feels more like home. I personally enjoy travel and especially enjoy it when I have the invest the time to learn my way around, explore local culture, figure out where the cool neighborhoods, restaurants and sights are. Like many things it will take work to make this experience work, some planning, cultivating those repeat clients (meaning, reaching out to them proactively). If you put the time and effort in you will likely see the results, and enjoy the experience more. Good luck, and if you come to Boston HMU 😉 Jack
  13. JEC

    Tops who Bottom

    Interesting. His new(ish) hubby Jack Vidra (who I have, ahem, met BTW) also primarily a bottom but does flip.
  14. Grinder is a numbers game. 95% of your interactions will lead nowhere, and might include getting blocked (as Mr Maus said for no reason). Some ppl (including me) use block to simply remove people from the seemingly endless pool of potential connections. What I have learned from Grindr: there are a lot of legit hot young guys who are into older guys and #DaddyDick. It's a thing. Many are even into out of shape older guys. So, if you get past being blocked, and feeling like "he would never be interested in me" and just work what you have you might be surprised what turns up. Also, lots of young guys on Grindr looking for $Gen. You have to be careful about this, but lots of hot young guys can be found for for 50-100 VS RentMen rates. Happy hunting!
  15. Boston-NYC-DC you should definitely plan on traveling by train, part of the charm of the Northeast corridor After the flood waters recede that is 🙄
  16. Probably on a traveling OnlyFans content tour 🐷
  17. Has anyone met this tasty treat in Boston? https://rentmen.eu/Justintaylorxxx/
  18. THISSSSSSSSSSS: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5ea76a4e7810a
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