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Everything posted by liubit

  1. When I hired for sessions longer than an overnight -let’s say a day, a weekend, a multiple-day trip-, I always allotted some “alone time”, both for me and the escort. The amount and length of that “alone time” varied depending on the total duration of the meeting, and it was mutually agreed. On average, I would say that for a weekend tryst, we would schedule 2-3 alone-hours daily. That would allow for phone or computer checking, gym, solitary shopping, etc. Believe me, the rest of the time we spent together was more than enough to cover bed fun, going to a show, or eating. In my experience, this “alone time” is ESSENTIAL for the success of the encounter.
  2. In Hong Kong -and I assume that in other places too- they are called Money Boys, MB for short.
  3. I had an almost identical experience a few years ago, @zzed and this is what I wrote about it in another thread: “Some time ago, while I was having lunch with friends at a restaurant, I spotted a young escort (19-20) with whom I had had a very hot session the day before. He was sitting a few tables away with an older couple, and they were finishing their meal. As they walked past my table on their way out he looked at me intensely and I saw in his beautiful eyes that he was terrified that I might make a move. Reading him, I refrained from even batting an eye. He later texted me to thank me: the older couple were his parents, who had no clue about his extra curricular activities. He said it would have been awkward for him to explain who “his old gentleman friend” was. I was happy I followed my instincts and his cue: we had many torrid sessions after this accidental encounter.”
  4. i have bad news for you. i am a hacker - Google Search WWW.GOOGLE.COM
  5. I have accumulated 700+ GB of porn (and counting) which I store in the cloud, in my Dropbox account. My storage there is 2 TB, and I pay about 100 USD for it annually. I have never had any problem. Anyway, as a supplementary precaution, everything is backed up in an external 2 TB hard drive. I sometimes wonder why I keep downloading porn and why I go to such lengths to store it. I don’t think I could watch my collection in a lifetime. But well… 😇
  6. I have received that almost exact e-mail not only once, but at least three times from different sources. I have deleted them immediately and, all their unheeded ominous threats notwithstanding, here I am, with my wallet, my (bad) reputation and my integrity absolutely intact.
  7. Beautiful boy. I particularly love the way he teases with a peek at his bush. So sexy 🔥🔥
  8. Here is a thread that you might find interesting, @goosh69
  9. There is a thread on scents in the Fetish Forum, @Lucius5. You might want to take a look at it:
  10. Male scents turn me on big time, and this sounds very hot, @Lucius5. I always ask my sexual partners to NOT wear any perfume or deodorant and, if possible, to work a little sweat before we meet. I love to sniff and lick smelly pits and crotch. Like @Jamie21 says: The one-or-so-day underwear is a MAJOR turn on for me. Sweaty balls and a musky ass (not shitty, NO) drive me wild.
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