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Everything posted by liubit

  1. My case as well, @pubic_assistance. I live in Hong Kong, where mandatory tests were the norm, and where you had to show your covid-free status to go to most public places (restaurants in particular). I have received 5 Pfizer shots since early 2021. Happy to say I am confident I have not caught the bug, statistics or not.
  2. liubit

    Sean Ford

    He is a fantasy of mine. So sexy.
  3. liubit

    Neck chains

    An exhibitionist, perhaps? 😂😂
  4. I could certainly volunteer to give him some pointers 😂😂😂. The stamina and the never-ending erection of a 19 year old might indeed be overwhelming, but oh, so…satisfying if he is properly guided not to fuck like a bronco pony.
  5. Oh, he definitely is experiencing something out-of-this-world pleasurable, @cany10011 😈
  6. My neighbors son went to camp and sent me his picture.
  7. Like he says ☝️☝️☝️ Licking a deodorant-bathed armpit dries your tongue and leaves a foul taste.
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