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    Mydavid reacted to marylander1940 in Pornstar escorts I have hired   
    Marco Blaze

  2. Like
    Mydavid reacted to + OliverSaks in Getting Ripped Off By A Client   
    Remaining alive and still escorting for ten years is a pretty low bar to set. You may have more street smarts, but ... [typed and erased a pretty nasty and piercing rebuttal, but that's not what I'm about / total waste of my time / drumming up negativity - you have to live with yourself, and that would seem to anyone on the forum to be punishment enough - I'm sorry you lack content and peace in your life; that sucks]
    No one has ever tried to not pay me for what I provide. I am respectful to my clients, and thankfully, they generally treat me very well.
  3. Like
    Mydavid reacted to + Lance_Navarro in Getting Ripped Off By A Client   
    You are correct that there is a large Asian population in SF, for the sake of discussion, let's say 20%. I think most of us would agree that clients under 35 account for no more than 20% of our business. 20% of 20% is 4%. How many amongst that 4% do you think are going to write a check?
    I don't think anyone took what I said to mean "Don't schedule with an Asian client while in SF". All I'm saying is that if you have a young Asian client, most likely either in SoMa or Dogpatch area, who tries to quickly sign and hand over a check as he rushes you out the door, DON'T TAKE IT! Oh, and tie him down and call me so I can get the other 4 people I know that he's cheated, to come over and get what's due to us.
  4. Like
    Mydavid reacted to NuSingle in Advice for a First Time   
    As a newbie who hasn't pulled the trigger on my first hire I'm glad you posted this question. I actually scheduled someone a month or so ago, but had to cancel. I was planning to have him to my home and we texted and I never thought twice about my phone number or having him to my place. I'm nervous and thought I'd be comfortable that way and he agreed. The only plus to going to his place was less cost which is a consideration for me.
    Basically I'm not worried about extortion as I'm not worried about being outed other than the embarrassment of paying for sex which the more I read on this forum the less concerned I am about that.
  5. Like
    Mydavid reacted to + friendofsheila in Advice for a First Time   
    Re: home vs. hotel. I always had hires at my apartment. I had no choice since I have never hemorrhaged money. I also decided that if a fellow cannot make me feel comfortable about him when talking on the phone, I would not hire him (no matter how hot his picture).
    Also, I'd research the reviews here.
    As far as being nervous, perhaps you are like me and feeling guilty about spending money this way, as I was. I remember feeling better about it after one escort told me that I was just spending my "entertainment dollars" on something different than most people, that's all.
  6. Like
    Mydavid reacted to wisconsinguy in Slumber Party -. First Overnight   
    I'm celebrating three years being with the same escort. He was my first escort as well as being my first male/male experience of any kind. Add to that, I started hiring late in life.
    It's funny when you mention being "clean." I was so anxious I didn't have to worry about that. I spent a lot of time sitting on the porcelain throne day's before.
    I started out hiring for extended weekends. I have never regretted it. You mentioned you like and respect the gentleman. Have you spent time with him? Someone gave me advice which I took.
    1) Take a chance and put yourself in his hands and follow his lead.
    2) I wouldn't think it would be 12 hrs of unending raucous sex?. I would think you would have time for the other things you would like.
    3) Do think about talking with him and going over your concerns. I did and it helped.
    4) As far as sleeping arrangements. I book a room with two beds. I tend to snore at intervals. So he ends up being more tolerant than me. He also likes to sleep much later than me. So, I usually go and get coffee and people watch.
    5) In any encounter, it breaks down to being tolerant and somewhat intuitive for the other person.
    6) And, don't forget to keep you sense of humor!!!
    You certainly can PM if you'd like. Can share a few things and some laughs! WG2
  7. Like
    Mydavid reacted to rvwnsd in Slumber Party -. First Overnight   
    Now, now - no reason to be embarrassed. That's what we are here for!

    Yes, but that's an extra $50.

    No, yes, 7:46, only if you have chocolate croissants and Intelligentsia Colonia Llust'a Bolivia for breakfast.

    Hmmm. Not sure exactly how you will sleep with the escort if you are in a separate room. Let us know how that works out.

    Check with the hotel. If they have a no-smoking policy you probably can't burn the purifying sage. However, I find that pure sea salt satisfies the gods just as well. Oh, and have the flower maiden keep the chanting down. The people in the next room might want to sleep in.

    8:26. Fondle faster, you have croissants to eat before he leaves.

    Well, ask him.

    Assuming you don't wake him from a sound sleep at 2:30 AM and shout "MAY I FONDLE YOU?," I don't see this as being awkward.

    I think you should contact him by yourself and leave the insecurities at home. That'll teach the little fuckers for bothering you like that.
    But seriously...
    You really should ask the escort, as different escorts conduct overnights in different ways. One escort with whom I was a regular client told me that he would slip out discreetly at 6 AM on an overnight. (We didn't do the overnight) Another told me that he'd like to plan the overnight to occur when he had no prior plans or commitments the next day so we could hang out in bed 'til noon like he would with a boyfriend. (We did the overnight)
    Regarding the other questions, may I suggest you frame the discussion in advance something like this:
    "Hey, [escort name] I've never hired a guy for an overnight and, in fact, I have never slept with a man. I've always fantasized about spooning with another man, waking up in the middle of the night and fondling him, waking up in the morning and playing, and lingering over breakfast. Understanding that we all sleep in different ways, what are your thoughts?"
    Regarding cleaning yourself out in the morning, it would seem like a mood-killer.
    Whatever you decide to do, have fun! And tell the flower maiden I said "hi."
  8. Like
    Mydavid reacted to whipped guy in Slumber Party -. First Overnight   
    I personally can't sleep comfortably when there is another person in the same bed or even the same room. At times I can't even get to sleep when I am by myself. As such overnights are not for me as I would be totally wiped out. This was confirmed a few years ago when an escort was kind enough let me stay overnight at the apartment he was renting in NYC as I could not get a reasonably priced hotel room. We had gone to diner and then played earlier in the evening. The escort had to get up early to catch a train out of the City so he needed to get some rest. So it was a no hanky-panky overnight. We slept in the same bed... or rather he slept and I did nothing but toss and turn and hardly slept a wink. Part of it was knowing that I was a few inches away from the hottest guy on the planet...
    In any event, I would suggest that the OP have a frank discussion with his date as some escorts are up to playing during the night and others like to get their beauty rest. Some clients don't do overnights because they would prefer not to have to pay a guy to sleep, others don't mind if there is going to be a nice "wake up call" in the morning. However, more than one guy with whom I have spoken on this matter have been disappointed when they discovered that the escort was not a "morning person"... so discuss in advance!
  9. Like
    Mydavid reacted to + Eric Hassan in Slumber Party -. First Overnight   
    These are good questions, and I think you know that the best person to talk with and clarify answers is the escort.
    I would advise anyone who has any kind of concern when meeting with an escort - whether it's an hour or overnight - to do one thing and remember one thing.
    TO DO: bring your spirit and be your true and genuine self
    TO REMEMBER: there is no right or wrong - you can't fuck this up
    I think most on this forum would attest to the brightness of your spirit and you are a careful, considerate, thoughtful and self-expressed member of this community. BRING THAT. Ask questions, get answers, then allow yourself to ENJOY yourself and the lucky guy.
    Also, I second @escortrod's endorsement of Pure For Men. I use it and love it. I am routinely clean enough that if a spontaneous fuck were to come up, I would feel comfortable getting poked. I still prefer to clean so I remove all doubt and that process is much easier now that I use PFM.
    Have fun, dude. You've got this.
  10. Like
    Mydavid reacted to Good Grief in Advice for a First Time   
    Be super careful about who you might invite to your home. They will have your address and can obtain your real name, even if you don't divulge it.
    I say this because early in my hiring career I had a fellow come to my home. Had a great time, sex and all. Pretty soon, he started making demands and threatening to "out" me in my community if I didn't meet the demands.
    I hired an attorney and had an agreement written up. Not without some expense on my part.
    Extortion. Simply.
  11. Like
    Mydavid reacted to Epigonos in Advice for a First Time   
    Come on guys lets stop the petty squabbling and just answer the man's question. I have been hiring for nearly fifteen years and frequently entertain escorts in my home. I have NEVER had a threatening or otherwise negative experience. In the beginning I was prone to meet an escort at a hotel but over the years I have transitioned into meeting them in my home. I enjoy cooking and they seem to enjoy a home cooked meal with left overs to take home. I attribute my lack of problems to the fact that I thoroughly vet any escort I'm considering hiring and usually stick to guys who are well reviewed on this site. If you want to meet an escort in your home, do so, just make your choice carefully. GOOD LUCK, RELAX AND HAVE FUN!
  12. Like
    Mydavid reacted to LivingnLA in Slumber Party -. First Overnight   
    For me, I feel like if I were to hire for an overnight, I would ask for whatever is involved in a real full "BFE" (Boy Friend Experience). I know it makes me a big sap, but I'd want to spend an evening with a guy like it's a date with a guy who wants me and desires an evening of fun. I'd expect alot of kissing, cuddling, and more "intimate/romantic" activities. I'd want to experience being the little spoon and maybe even that fuzzy kind of awesomeness of an intimate quiet morning waking up with someone so close and special that we actually slept together and are now enjoying our coffee and breakfast before we "armor up" for the "real world." Though, that might be weird for me since that's a part of me only shared with my wife and family so far in my life. It might be too intimate.
    All of this would be shared with the escort so we could negotiate our time together.
  13. Like
    Mydavid reacted to + purplekow in Slumber Party -. First Overnight   
    I think some of your questions can only be answered by the escort: The time one specifically.
    Spooning is usual but some people do have trouble falling asleep that way, so there may need to be a break in order to sleep.
    There is no need to sleep in a separate bed, unless you are a violent or noisy sleeper, You know a kicker or someone who flails about or perhaps a snorer or a user of CPAP.
    As far as other interactions, I have had situations in which I have woken the escort for a middle of the night encounter, but usually I try to go for a session prior to dinner, a session before sleep and then another in the morning.
    In recent years, I rarely have the opportunity of awakening with someone in my bed, which has always been enjoyable for me. I hired an escort for an overnight and when I awoke he was out drinking coffee. I missed out on the sex stupid time. By that I mean, the time when you have had sex with someone and then awakened and are still have a bit of sex hangover and so you are bit giddy. I brought up on this forum the idea that I was disappointed to awaken to a missing escort and I was rebuffed for expecting the escort to be in bed. So this is probably something you should discuss with him, if you want to wake up next to him, so that there is no confusion.
  14. Like
    Mydavid reacted to LivingnLA in Advice for a First Time   
    @SurfTrvlr77, for me, it's not different. I would not invite them to my home. Ever. But, my situation is one of significant discretion and it's critical I remain discreet about my interest in sex with men and even more so my hiring of escorts.
    I don't believe you're being naive, you simply live a very different life and that's perfectly fine. Just do you as the kids say.
    Also, don't assume a "gold" or "verified" is somehow safer. All "gold" means is they paid a membership fee and "verified" that they sent in a photo ID that appears to be valid and match their name and pic.
    My first time hiring, was a very highly regarded escort, he was very well reviewed and recommended. That's why I went to his place without hesitation. I was drugged unconscious and possibly raped for my first time bottoming. I say possibly, because I was unconscious so beyond the bleeding, I have no proof or memory of the experience. I later learned he was fairly into drug use and that likely led to my experience, since he also stole my phone and cleaned me out of my cash by guilting me since I'd "ruined his night and forced him to cancel on other clients."
    I only share my story as a cautionary tale. It's important to be sensible and take precautions. I've had some very good hiring experiences and I believe generally speaking many escorts are awesome professionals who are well worth our time and money.
  15. Like
    Mydavid reacted to JayCeeKy in Advice for a First Time   
    Whether you have someone in your home or at a hotel is a matter of preference and circumstance. I NEVER have anyone in my home after a extraordinarily traumatic experience about 30 years ago - I unfortunately kept my hunting rifle and ammunition in a guest bedroom closet. When I emerged from the bathroom after our "fun time" the escort had the rifle and was loading ammo. I fortunately was able to run out the back door, over a back fence, and asked a neighbor to call the police, telling him I had come home and thought there was a burglar. When the police drove me home the rifle was lying on the bed, loaded. Luckily the escort was gone. I still have nightmares 30 years later - but, as I say, it's always at a hotel now. Of course, you could just as well have a bad experience at a hotel too, as newspaper accounts attest. Your best bet is to deal with "established" and well-reviewed escorts, though I don't always follow my own advice.
  16. Like
    Mydavid reacted to Good Grief in Advice for a First Time   
    Just be careful. I was not - and have been, within this thread, told how I wasn't in many ways.
    Bright side - I've spent multiple weekends, more than half a dozen in the last year with a fantastic guy, no longer advertising. None of those at his place or mine, always a travel location.
    He knows my true name, I know his. He knows my company name, I know his employers name. We have each other's cell numbers - no fuck numbers. He's met my sons. He and I have the utmost of respect for each other. We're both good guys.
    It works.
  17. Like
    Mydavid reacted to LivingnLA in Advice for a First Time   
    Many clients have no trouble hiring to their home. Use basic common sense when you're inviting an unknown stranger into your home and it may work for you.
    It would never work for me. Here are some reasons why and perhaps they will help you as you think through the scenario.
    1. I'm not out nor do I have anything to be outed about (I'm happily bisexual) but I do have facets of my life that would be harmed by someone publicizing the hiring of an escort and/or my enjoyment of sex with men.
    2. My job is sensitive and some-what public, so the risk of extortion is real and possible. Are you a teacher? A doctor? An executive at a public company? A politician? Someone who is a "well known" citizen may face some negatives by being outed as a person who hires male escorts, even if they live in West Hollywood.
    3. I have made certain promises at home about discretion and safety, so escorts will never--to the best of my ability--know enough about me to cause me to break those promises. I love my wife too much to risk her disappointment or cause her pain given her generosity in allowing me the ability to fulfill these needs.
    4. One or more of my kids are too young to understand why dad hires escorts sometimes, so again, privacy matters.
    5. Lastly, I won't risk inviting a potentially dangerous stranger into my home or even allowing them to know where I live. Plus there's no way to ever make sure the house would be empty without raising questions or suspicions.
    For me, hiring an escort means also getting a hotel room. Given my first experience, I won't go to a complete stranger's home either. It's too risky. I use a VoIP number for calls and texts and a throw-away email for those communications. There are other steps I take, but that's for another post. Good luck!
  18. Like
    Mydavid reacted to Good Grief in Advice for a First Time   
    I was never stupid enough to leave cash or jewelry (though I, personally, don't wear it other than a cheap Timex) laying about. Never left my wallet on the back of the toilet.
    THOUGH, I did have an address that was evidently extremely easy to google (or otherwise) to learn the true name of the resident (me) and my occupation and my associations.
    I paid pretty to shut the fucker up.
  19. Like
    Mydavid reacted to OneFinger in Advice for a First Time   
    My hard rule is NOT to have an escort come to my home. I value my privacy. I even use a "disposable" Google Voice number and an "escort only" e-mail when making arrangements.
    I started hiring over 25 years ago and have never regretted it. But, I've also learned to be very cautious. Good Grief has a very valid concern about the potential for extortion.
  20. Like
    Mydavid reacted to SurfTrvlr77 in Advice for a First Time   
    Interesting. I hadn't thought about the issues you raise. I was thinking more about perhaps petty crime, stealing or the like. I'm not sure really how I could be extorted but I'm sorry that happened to you. I hadn't thought about their being a problem using my phone either. How often do these sorts of things happen? I was actually thinking the risk would be lower than meeting someone at a bar. Does having a gold or verified RM profile and some reviews make you feel safer?
  21. Like
    Mydavid reacted to MikeyGMin in Advice for a First Time   
    And on the other hand... just so you don't think there's a unanimous opinion on this subject...
    Over the years I'm sure I've had over 30 guys into my home without a single problem. Even the one I sent away because he completely misrepresented himself caused no trouble.
    You just have to do a basic risk vs reward analysis. Are you in a situation where you could be extorted? Or is the worst thing that could happen is that you'd be embarrassed because you paid for sex? You live in West Hollywood for goodness sake. I doubt you are closeted and subject to that kind of blackmail. I doubt that you have a wife you are cheating on, so unless you have a partner that you are hiding this from, just what would they have to extort you with?
    I make contact with my unblocked cell phone number. I give my home address as soon as I'm sure I want to make the date. I do this because I much prefer an outcall to my home (I like the home turf advantage) and I want to make the escort as comfortable as possible coming to a stranger's house.
    This works for me because I'm not in the closet, I don't have privacy issues and I would laugh if someone tried to extort me. I don't readily tell guys where I work, but even if they went to the trouble of finding out, the worst they can do is embarrass me a little bit. The only possible thing they could do is come back to my house uninvited, but I tend to hire busy man with much better things to do.
  22. Like
    Mydavid reacted to + Gar1eth in Friday Funnies   
    Gosh I hate being overdressed!!
  23. Like
    Mydavid reacted to bostonman in Who was your teenage crush (the guy that made you realize you REALLY liked guys) ?   
    I remember my first "anonymous" crush lol. Early in my teens, my parents bought me a jockstrap to wear (I didn't play sports or anything, but I wore it with my swimming trunks in the summer). On the box cover there was a picture of a model wearing nothing but the jockstrap. I think the picture was just from the neck down, but hell, who needed a face with that body and that alluring bulge, lol? The manufacturers undoubtedly knew the possible effect (for women or for gay men) on such a picture, and it certainly sold me, lol. I seem to remember my mom throwing away the box without any thought (as in many products, the box would have no use once opened) - but I made sure I snuck it back out of the trash and kept it to look at while I jerked off. Can't remember how long I kept it, but I think it was my first real "porn" pic, at least given how I used it.
  24. Like
    Mydavid reacted to MassageFanNYC in Mateo in NYC - SO AMAZING!!   
    You guys DO realize that masseurfinder and massagem4m has put so many rules and regulations and censorship on the massage ads since the rentboy sting that most of the guys have trouble actually advertising what they do, right? I understand what your frustrations are, but you should blame the websites and the government for forcing this o the massage community, not the guys who are trying to figure it out with all of these stupid regulations. Even our customer reviews are up for serious censorship. I tried to post my review of Mateo on masseur finder and they yanked it and sent it back to me as unacceptable because I used the words "difficult time" (to describe my current tough situation). i couldn't figure out what the hell the problem was and then they told me that the phrase "ult time" was flagged as "inappropriate". I was like, WHAT?!? I was using the word "difficult". But apparently "ult time" flagged in the system as meaning "ultimate" and that could potentially be code for a masseur offering services that would be consider the "ultimate time". That's how bizarre and ridiculous this all is now.
    Anyway, I asked a friend today who also advertises and he explained that masseurfinder used to have 3 sections that were something like therapeutic, sensual and erotic. Then I guess they yanked the erotic and changed the sensual category to something else. now they have "heal" and "relax". He said Heal is code for strictly therapeutic and Relax is code for sensual. So I think you guys got it backwards. A shirtless picture is more appropriate in the relax category than in the heal section. It makes sense if you think about it. Heal is a word that more describes what therapeutic work does and relax much more describes what a sensual appointment gives you.
    For what it's worth, my friend also told me that if I thought I had aggravation with trying to post a fair review of a massage therapist, that it's nothing compared to the hoops they gotta jump through with the wording of their ads. apparently it's even worse with massagem4m. he said they will cancel and block a masseur's ad who has accepted any reviews that have inappropriate content. he said they have to police their own reviews under the fear of cancellation if any words get through that the massagem4m lawyers have an issue with. He said words like "sensual" or "affectionate" in a review can get the masseur's ad cancelled if they don't block the review from being published. Which explains why so many of our reviews are not showing up. nice world we live in now, huh? And nobody's gonna fight it in the government because nobody wants to admit they use these kinds of services. The puritans win once again!
  25. Like
    Mydavid reacted to MassageFanNYC in Mateo in NYC - SO AMAZING!!   
    We look forward to your review: https://www.daddysreviews.com/submit
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