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Posts posted by Chuckball

  1. I was visiting a friend at his parent's cottage. We were both 16 and had earlier in the evening double dated with some girls in the area. Upon our return we found the parents had overnight unexpected guests. My friend and I had to share a bed. We started by asking if one another had ever slept in the nude. That led to us taking off our undershirts and eventually comparing dick size by touch. Both of us were rock hard. We decided we would explore each other further. We went into a 69 position and my friend suggested I put my mouth around his penis. As soon as I did I shot my load all over his face. Within a few seconds he unloaded on me. We quickly cleaned up and never talked about the incident again.

  2. One of the hottest videos I have seen is a video called Pit Stop that matches Aspen with Jaxton Wheeler. Aspen has posted pictures of his wife and kids. Jaxton Wheeler says he is gay for pay. I don't know what it matters. Both are hot guys and put on a show that is really hot. Does it make any difference that I will never have the opportunity to be with either of them sexually?

  3. My partner had bariatric surgery (sleeve). Counselling was part of the process. Weight loss isn't just because of overeating. Often ridding oneself of one sort of addiction means substituting it with another addiction. Very often people lose the weight but regain it because they reduce food intake but substitute it with alcohol consumption. For anyone thinking about weight loss surgery check out a forum called Obesity Help.

  4. I’m so sorry to read it depressed you. That definitely poses a conundrum if it’s something you ultimately enjoy. I should count myself lucky that I was just embarrassed to the point of nausea. It didn’t help that Mike Gaite is better looking in person. I felt really sorry for him as I made him work so hard. I think I insulted him, in a way. Anyway, the effect for me was sort of good as I got a home gym (and am using it), started a cardio routine and I’m starting kickboxing lessons when I get back from FantasticFest. I doubt these things will cure my ED, but I hope I don’t feel as self-conscience around the guys I ask to ignore it in a few months. I hope your depression is more of a slight blues and not anything dangerous or clinical.

    My suspicion is that you are overly embaŕassed that you suffer from ED. The beauty of hiring an escort is it just doesnt matter. Wow! You've hired @Mikegaite. That's been a dream of mine so I am very impressed. I am sure Mike was not put off by your condition. There are plenty of things a guy can do to have sexual gratification without having a boner. I have mentioned before that going by your avatar you are one very sexy looking dude and regardless of body shape or ED there are plenty of guys that would love to hop into bed with you.

  5. I like men but not all men. In fact most of the guys I pass on the street never twig my curiosity. Then there is the minority that I must consciously avoid staring at. I have always thought that with a sixth sense gays could identify gays. The article suggests there may be some science behind my speculation.

    On the other hand a quiz came up on Facebook the other day showing pictures with various images hidden and the reader is asked to check the image seen first. I completed the test and scored 100% straight - never had a homosexual experience and likely never will. I almost choked on the cock I was sucking.

  6. I always felt Goldie Hawn had a certain degree of attraction. Fortunately, while attending a Broadway play, Goldie and Kurt Russell made a late entrance and took a seat near me. I didn't have the nerve to approach her.

  7. I visited Boston a few years ago and was told to be sure to visit Cape Cod. So I rented a car and headed out to see Cape Cod. I drove until I reached Provincetown. It was approaching winter and didn't see anybody on the streets. I returned to Boston upset that I did not find a town named Cape Cod. Didn't find out the reputation of Provincetown until much later. Otherwise I would have stayed longer.

  8. I have hired Logan 3x and I am one of his biggest fans. I know what he has charged me each time. I don't want to speak for Logan but his rates are extremely competitive with other Toronto escorts. He would be my pick if visiting from outside Toronto.

  9. I hired my two favorite escorts for a threesome once. It was really difficult to put together. The escorts wanted pictures of each other and a complete description of what each other liked to do. Then there had to be assurances that neither was getting a price break and both would be paid equally. The meeting stared somewhat awkwardly but once everyone was naked all seemed to have a good time. I should have asked for a fee for my trouble in putting ittogether

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