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Posts posted by Chuckball

  1. I think the title of the post is inaccurate. Clients don't hate escorts. It is just that some are assholes who do not treat a professional as he should be treated. My lawyer friends have the same complaint about price hagglers and no shows. Unfortunately there is a small percentage of the population that acts so rudely. Don't let a few bad apples spoil the fun you derive from your work and certainly don't let it cancel your holiday spirit.

  2. I had an acquaintance in my youth whose father was probably the richest man in town. Gary, we called him, always wanted the best for himself and eventually had a magnificent eagle tattood on his upper left arm. The detail and art work were amazing.

    As years passed, Gary fell on hard times and acted out criminally and was sent to prison for 3 years. Once inside, he had to cover his arm because the quality of the artwork marked Gary as someone who was either rich himself or had rich family members. He spent his whole sentence in fear of being muscled.

  3. I have the same experience as @Rudynate. Two escorts I have used had their names appear as possible "friends on Facebook. I contacted each to tell them the situation. One escort who had used his legal first name but refused to tell me his family name seemed shocked and requested I not disclose it. The second escort who had not disclosed either name did not seem to mind and asked me to submit a friend request. I remain close to both these guys and refer potential clients wherever possible. I do not disclose their legal names to anyone else. I believe clients have a confidentiality obligation just as we expect the same from our escort pals.

  4. I saw it on Saturday. James Franco certainly shows the expanse of his acting skills playing the eccentric if not downright weird Tommy. His brother Dave plays Tommy's friend and co-producer. His acting skills are also superb. He is also great eye candy on the screen (especially when sporting a beard).

  5. I did a double-header last week seeing Ladybird followed by Three Billboards. I thought both were exceptionally good and I agree with the comments posted so far about a possible best actress nod for Frances McDormand. Am I right in recognizing the first boyfriend in Ladybird as the actor who played the McDormand character's son in Three Billboards? That young man is also a highly talented actor.

  6. I have a cousin with whom I was never close. Events in her family had been mentioned as they arose by other family members but I paid little heed.

    At a wedding I bumped into that cousin and barely recognized her. To make small talk I asked how her husband and son were. The reply: Both dead. I was so embarrassed in not recalling the tragic events that led to their demise I couldn't even utter the words that was sorry.

  7. I came across a young man who said he was given a year to live in the outside world and see how it operated before making the commitment to rejoin his community. He said he would blow me for $20. I would like to think that experience was the deciding factor but I never saw him again.

  8. Asking for extra to suck on a masseur's cock after the massage has started is bad form. I've had situations where the masseur has told me up front to feel free to touch or suck if I wanted. Only once did a masseur tell me up front that if I wanted to put his dick in my mouth it would be extra. One masseur brought me to orgasm by sucking on me. That was certainly an incentive to return


  9. Canada will legalize pot on July 1,2018. The delay is to allow provinces to enact rules regarding distribution and rules regarding driving under the influence. Pricing is to reflect the going rate on the black market. The idea is to reap the tax profit that would otherwise further the criminal element. Unlike Colorado, banks also federally regulated in Canada would be able to deal with proceeds. Of course the legalization has opposition. But let's face it. Legalization is not introducing a drug that is already prevalent. It is just eliminating the risk of getting a criminal record for current users while reaping tax revenue and freeing up police for better use of their time. I can' t see legalization as encouraging anyone not using now to take up the practice once legal.

  10. Why feel horrible? The advice you were given was good. Just be yourself and communicate what you are expecting. Every escort worth his salt should try to accommdate you and treat you with understanding and respect. You are not there to impress anyone-just have a good time. Every experience is different. You will find some escorts who will become good friends and you will meet others who are total jerks. But that's life- an accumulation of experiences.

  11. I once visited Johannesburg South Africa. My friend and I stopped at a sidewalk cafe for a drink. Two young women were seated close by and kept staring at us. As we were about to leave, a waiter arrived with two beers, the gift of the female oglers. We invited them to our table to thank them. The one woman looked to my friend and said, "You have dimples to die For," The other one looked at me and said, " You must be very proud of your son." I suppose it was gratifying to realize we all shared the same appreciation of men.

  12. I watched the first two episodes and the commentary that accompanied them. I learned the writers were so devoted to the "trekkie base" that they valued consistency more than good story telling. The slow speech patterns of the Klingons put me off. The mask on the alien on the bridge is so unreal it makes everyone fail to suspend disbelief. Special effects are good. I really wanted to like this series but the writing and the makeup are off-putting.

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