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Posts posted by Chuckball

  1. I visited Beijing in October. After a day on the Great Wall, our tour operator allowed for having masseurs come to the rooms. The price was ridiculously cheap and I opted for a one hour massage. I am not sure the masseur was professionally trained and I was told to keep my underwear on at all times. I had a great massage all the same but of course no happy ending. The masseur spoke only Mandarin. To communicate I spoke into his smart phone that provided translation. Things went well.

  2. This gallery shows that most young men in their 20's are great looking. Being arrested doesn't change that. We may disagree with the values exhibited that got them into trouble. (Let's not forget that just being arrested and photographed does not mean that they are necessarily guilty) . But for arguments sake let us suppose they are guilty and are imprisoned. When they get out of jail they will find it difficult if not impossible to get a decent job and that will in turn cause them to make money the only way they know how. So instead of just listing at their photos maybe we should trust them to demonstrate there is such a thing as rehabilitation and welcome them back into society. IMHO crime is a young man's disease and the only cure is birthdays.

  3. The prices for escorts (as determined by doing searches on RM) are creeping up. However, $200/hr seems to be the going rate with some slightly above. For all of us who hire escorts, I think it is bad practice that many of us would pay more.It will only serve to up the market rate.

    I also can't tolerate escorts coming to Canada and advertising in US dollars. Some Canadian escorts are now advertising in US currency. True professionals like Eric Hassan charge in local currency.

  4. I suspect some straight guys can be very brutal with women and usually women might not have the physical strength to fend off a brutish rogue. The fact that the client' s ID is lodged with the female escort could be a way of preventing overly aggressive behaviour. Male escorts I have been with are physically fit and unlikely to be messed with by unruly clients. I am stating this not that men are superior just that some woman just aren't as muscular.

  5. Sorry guys. I suffered through season 2 but I cannot take any more. Martin Sheen is totally unconvincing. Fonda and Tomlin are just reading their lines without doing the acting of which they are capable. I certainly don't mind gay characters being depicted comically ( Will and Grace; Modern Family) but this show makes gay characters appear as cardboard cutouts. Let's demand a more realistic portrayal of gay characters.

  6. When you Google his name there are quite a number of postings. Reading his Twitter postings one gets the impression he is now out of porn. One tweet suggests his director and crew forced him to do drugs and perform acts he found uncomfortable. Also take a look at his YouTube videos. He does an aerial act on a rope worthy of Cirque de Soleil. He says he has worked gay bars but does not escort. It seems he now lives in Vancouver. I find this guy not only super attractive but also extremely interesting as an individual. I would like to have met him!

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