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Posts posted by StLouisOct

  1. RM does that? I thought RM would need to obtain the request specifically from the client to have a review modified or deleted, good or bad.

    I’ve never researched the subject but frequently in this forum it is said that negative reviews are removed by RM.

  2. Your first problem was even caring about Brodie Sinclair, esp. if he still runs that ad where he claims to work for CIA.

    He's not my type and I'm not familiar with hi history, but the negative reviews provided by RM are unusual, don't you think?

  3. Dude,


    Contracting STDs is not like catching the common cold.... when they are “cured”, they can have long-lasting-effects to the body and the immune system, especially as some STDs have symptoms that don’t surface immediately.


    To continuously contract STDs and nonchalantly get them cured is not advisable.

    I personally know of two guys who are promiscuous ,“allergic” to condoms, have casually contracted and recovered from numerous STDs for at least 20 years and chalked it up as simply an “activity-based-hazard”, from being sexual.


    We are now in our 40s, and both of them suffer from non-describable-auto-immune diseases, that has phases of affecting them greatly.


    They can’t tell me that the consistent abuse to their cells, and organs from regularly transmitting STDs did not impact them in some kind of way.

    Plus with repeated treatments they risk having less success with antibiotics.

  4. Yes, both Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are localized. Therefore, I suspect that his disclosure was to say that you should not top him, particularly not bareback. But if he really only had it rectally, then he could top you and would not transmit to you, or you could have oral sex with each other and not be at risk.


    It is a good point to make regarding going for testing. If your doctor does not know you well or know your types of sexual contact, many doctors would generally only test a guy by a urine test, and not a throat swab or rectal swab. If you are not comfortable asking for those tests from your own doctor, consider going to public/annonymous testing sites.

    Many thanks for your input.?

  5. As Unicorn so correctly stated HPV can cause terrible diseases. The presence of GC or Chlamydia in the rectum may be transmitted to any mucosal surface of the sexual partner who gets in the area. So he may have it in the butt, but you may get it in the throat, in the mouth, or even in the recturm should you be exposed in some way. Why an escort would tell you he has an STI rather than getting it treated is a bit strange. It seems a degrading way of rejecting a partner if that was indeed the intent. Best stay clear. Condoms offer protection from more than just HIV as that graphic picture points out.

    Hmm, where does it state that the escort isn’t getting treated?! ? These guys are both responsible and were getting it treated. That being said, your other comments are helpful.

  6. On two occasions I’ve had escorts tell me they had an STI “in the butt” (one chlamydia the other gonorrhea). Does that qualification mean anything? I declined the opportunity to meet up, but if I hadn’t I would expect to be at risk unless I used a condom for both oral and anal sex with him. My research found nothing on this subject, but if it’s “in the butt” the risk isn’t limited to that hole is it?

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