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Posts posted by StLouisOct

  1. I remember him from years ago. He used to escort for a while (IIRC using Levi as his name in Key West) and I think he moved to live in Spain.

    Looks like Levi Poulter in Miami. An internet search will reward you with many photos and videos. ?

  2. Rishi Idnani, born February 18, 1988, in New York, is an American model of Indian descent. Idnani attended Rennselaer school and majored in Accelerated Management Law. Idnani started his modeling career with "On Display Men" and is now working with New York City commercial and fitness agencies. Idnani's dream is to land a modeling campaign with either a major fashion or fitness company. He says that his fitness routine is 90% dieting and 10% exercise.

    Note: this photo's over 12 years old. And I call BS on a body like this being 90% diet and 10% exercise....


    Your BS call makes sense to me. My 10% effort is proof of that! ?

  3. is it wrong to put out an escort name if they are not a good person and I am trying to help others in not dealing with him?

    Not at all. Although you’re not supposed to have detailed reviews here, you can always simply state that you had a bad experience and that people should beware of the guy, and that we can PM you for details. As a responsible member of our community you should also send a review to Daddy’s Reviews and give low ratings and comments in a Rentmen review (assuming you found the escort on RM).

  4. Yes, and one of the reviewers met Calebbro who I met and looked nothing like the face pics he had posted then, although he was hot (but a bit too straight for me.)

    I’m confused. Does “Calebbro” have anything to do with the escort being discussed?

  5. Hmm. I’ve seen a lot of comments about guys who are really hot in porn and folks here would LOVE to fuck them. I bet that when/if this attractive bottom gets focused back on escorting, comments about his poor communications today will be quickly dismissed, and lots of clients will be satisfied with and by him.

  6. I’m frugal and I hate to throw money away, but I agree with the comments above. Best to walk away and then write an objective review on Daddy’s Reviews AND a written Rentmen review. Although the latter are not readily visible in the US, they can be seen. I’d also include a non-review comment on the Deli page saying you had a bad experience and refer to your reviews and offer to discuss via PMs. We will all be grateful to you.

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