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Posts posted by PapaTony

  1. Customer name and last four of the card number are considered customer data. Even if he obfuscated it, at virtually every company releasing an internal record, such as a receipt, outside of the company is grounds for dismissal. If this guy is comfortable with taking a photo of a receipt and posting it online I wonder whether he would stop there or would he be equally comfortable taking a photo of the front and back of a credit card belonging to a difficult patron.


    Please, just stop with the “what if’s”


    There is no discernible private customer data revealed in the posted photo.


    There have been many examples of this sort of thing in this age of Instagram etc. There are also examples of posting receipts in which a customer does a good deed such as a extraordinarily generous tip as a means of helping someone in need. No one complains about “data” in those cases.


  2. I thought under federal law that gays were a protected minority like race and gender. I see from your post that I was wrong.


    Forgive me for the way in which this will sound like a condemnation but it baffles my mind that anyone can be so ignorant of the ongoing struggles members of the LGBT community face every day.

    I pause to wonder about your personal space and how your circumstances color your perception.


  3. Maybe I was a rush to judgement. But the restaurant was wrong to have fired him. That was discrimination based upon sexual orientation. That is not just morally wrong but illegal.


    I am just so sick and tired of all the homophobia that still exists especially here in the USA!


    Are you fully versed in the laws of the state of North Carolina? Unfortunate but true that there are still too many states where gays can be fired, denied housing, etc etc.


  4. Bingo! It's not a fool-proof disclaimer nor does it claim to be but it's better than nothing. I will also note that many jurisdictions do not pursue higher end providers, especially men as we tend to be a lower priority. There are some jurisdictions where officers are told to leave us alone and let us do our thing.



    We'll be right back after this brief commercial break:


    The hottest scene I’ve ever watched. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve cum thanks to you @Kurtis Wolfe




  5. I received a reply to my message on RM which included a series of photos, not the same as that in the ad. He stated he uses a different profile pic for “reasons os discretion”


    The photos he sent were quite nice but how does one know what to trust at this point?


  6. I have a beautiful young man I see regularly (not an escort) who has a small endowment. I admit the first time I saw him naked I felt disappointed but in reality he’s so handsome, kind, sweet and sexy that, bundled together, makes sex with him simply wonderful. He’s a top and frankly I’ve come to enjoy the pleasure of him with no pain, no fuss, no muss.


    The only issue between us is he won’t consider bottoming for me: “you’re not coming anywhere near my butt with THAT thing” has been oft repeated by him. LOL


    in case you’re wondering, his size is not much bigger than a pinky finger but boy does he use it well



  7. Hey guys,


    New escort here in LA, just wanted to introduce myself. A good friend of mine said there's good people and great networking on this forum.


    Here is my link and my contact info if interest.


    Thanks gents!






    You need to fix that link


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