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Posts posted by PapaTony

  1. I wish guys on RM wouldn't refer to their "massage abilities" so forthrightly. It makes it confusing. Is the rate listed for massage or other? Is it a bait and switch..."other" will cost more?


    There are sites specifically for massage. Ugh!!!


    Here's an example. Beautiful and I'm interested but please tell me what he's offering for $300:



  2. I wish guys on RM wouldn't refer to their "massage abilities" so forthrightly. It makes it confusing. Is the rate listed for massage or other? Is it a bait and switch..."other" will cost more?


    There are sites specifically for massage. Ugh!!!

  3. Met him this morning. PM for details


    Update, 2/26/2018

    I’m still receiving PMs for info: three little words: Don’t Do It! It was a lousy experience.

  4. This guy has some gorgeous pics - https://rentmen.com/Beachboyalex and is going to be in Miami the same time as me.


    His RM profile says "Ask for Alex Theras"


    I couldn't find any duplicates of the photos but the phone number he lists (310-946-5217) turns up 1) an entertainment company in Playa Del Rey, and, 2) caller ID info for someone with a very unusual last name (not posted here assuming it's a private individual).

    It's not possible to draw a conclusion from this info alone.


    Any info?


    Well, well, well


    Keith, this is one of my SA boys (under a different name). In fact, I took some of those pix he displays.

    I don't want a zillion PMs so I'll say here that my one encounter with him was actually quite enjoyable. QUITE!!!


    He's young and a bit hungry / aggressive which gave me the vibe of an hour boy even though he said he wasn't. I didn't pursue things with him as an "arrangement" because I sensed he was being dishonest with me. Not that I haven't longed for another heart throbbing session with him.


    He is a (semi?) professional dancer who also teaches dance which may explain some of the comments above.



  5. He responded to my message on RM and we texted back and forth with his pleasant, enthusiastic interest in getting together....

    Then he flaked!!!


    3 texts over a few hours on 3/26 - no further response in 4 days

  6. I think it's like joining Peta and not wanting to talk about animal rights. If a young guy wants to meet an older guy with no strings he can go to any site for that and find plenty available. What is the arrangement if not financially compensated?


    Well one of my boys has no interest in financial compensation. He enjoys our time together, I do take him to dinner often but he's taken to complaining that I'm spending too much on expensive restaurants.

  7. A) some aren't looking to "move on..." but just have some fun and entertainment, immediate/short/middle term fun


    B) while the huge majority of arrangements involve some allowance and mutual benefit, not all of them do. I've met 3-4 younger men so far who wanted nothing to do with financial allowance. Rare admittedly, but those young men are there.


    Indeed they are! :p:D:p:D:p:D:p


  8. Came across a beautiful face on a SCRUFF profile yesterday. I sent a "woof" only to be met with an immediate unlocking of his photo album; WOW!


    But no responses to my messages.


    I start thinking, this guy is so gorgeous, so hot, so sexy....he could...wait, maybe, just maybe...does he escort?


    So I head over here to my new favorite neighborhood and do a search for TRYP and low and behold I find a couple of threads. Yea!!!


    Now I'm going to try to set something up.



  9. Meet in a hotel

    Suite for the first time? No please meet in the lobby or something for your own



    Yes of course...we met at a local cafe for a bit to get acquainted. He is sweet, earnest and not interested in pay for play or being "kept". Just likes older men. BOY DOES HE!!! Wow!


    He will be treated to nice dinners and gifts from me because I choose to do that. I in turn will be treated to some of the best sex ever! OMG!!!


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