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Posts posted by PapaTony

  1. So... following up on my last entry. I've been chatting with another boy for two weeks and have now made plans to meet him tomorrow evening in a hotel suite.


    Any hints / tips on how to do some background checking on him? I'm not on twitter/Facebook/ or anything else

  2. As the person who started this thread more than a year ago, I decided to take a look at what's been posted. Tons. And lots of it good. As for me? Well, one of the reasons I've not been on here for a long time is that I met someone from Seeking Arrangements. And we've been in a "relationship" since late summer of 2016. I had quite a few good experiences and quite a few bad ones (including some really clueless guys). Then in last summer of last year, I came upon a 25 year old guy on the site. He's 4.5 hours from Manhattan. He's 25, putting himself through college at a very good school, teaches gymnastics, and has his own training business/gym. He's very self-sufficient, has been on his own since he was 19. Comes from a solid middle class family who live upstate. He called himself an "alpha with a heart." Loves older men, can't relate to young people his age. And he does physique competitions. We texted for a couple days, I thought it had promise so we agreed to meet halfway at a hotel. Because of his limited schedule he said he'd have to leave in the middle of the night to get back for a client appointment at 6 am ....


    So we met. It was non-stop talking for 3 hours as we instantly got along. He was very masculine, very alpha. At one point, he said "get over here" and he got on top of me and we stated making out and fooling around. We went to dinner and then settled in to watch a movie in bed. He was obviously very tired (he seems to be going 24/7) and at one point he fell asleep. I let him sleep. I thought it was clear that we had made a connection and that I would be interested in an arrangement with this guy. I was sound asleep and then around 3:30 I felt movement. I figured he got up to leave. I was half asleep when -- not saying a word -- as he was leaving he leaned over me and kissed me on the forehead. I thought this is a keeper.


    We spent several weeks back and forth texting -- he unsure if he had the time to do this but wanting to -- but I felt there was something good here. So we eventually settled on a week to go to my lake house. We discussed money and we were all set. By the end of the first day, it was clear something was going on. I wanted to say something, he sensed it and said go ahead. I told him it was crazy but I really liked him and it would be a real fantasy to date. He said "why do you think it's a fantasy ...."


    It's 7 months later, and we're still together. We realized that week we had a real connection and decided we should be together. No money has ever exchanged hands. I've tried helping him out from time to time but I usually have to be some money in his jacket pocket or something. He really doesn't want it but I know he could use it. He's very drived, goal oriented, ambitious ... we haven't had a cross word or argument. Our only real conflict is that because he's so busy we don't get to see each other as much as we'd like.


    I wake up each day thinking this is too good to be true but then I get a text in the morning saying "good morning sweetie, have a great day, love you ..." and I realize that it is really happening. He's basically a younger, way hotter, more masculine version of me ....


    So I'd have to call Seeking Arrangements a success for me. I didn't find what I was seeking there (something uncomplicated) but I think I've found something much better. I have no idea how long this will last but I'm very happy for right now.



  3. I've met up with a few very handsome young men, who just LOVE daddy. Dinner and a date. I feel like I am 25 again.


    Me too. Very positive results.

    I've received a few of the rude ones and that Germany pitch too but just ignore them.


    I've met 2 really lovely boys, each of which just LOVE daddy. One has never asked for money, in fact detests the idea, but we've had a few dinners together and one very lovely overnight.


    The other is a hard working student with a side job who I've been with several times (he LOVES fcuking daddy) and yes I've helped him a bit (minor) financially but only to ease his strain.

  4. I hope it's ok to ask this here.

    I contacted Tommy on RM, he unlocked his private album for me. I think he's cute and would hire him BUT I realized late that he's a bottom (foolish me didn't read his profile, just contacted him based on this thread). Anyway when he replied wanting to know if I was interested I was honest and his response was "I can top too"


    So...he identifies as bottom, profile says he's submissive in the bedroom....what to do, what to do?

  5. You guys have been so cool and helpful as I shared the experience of facing my sexuality while raising my kids as a single father. My eldest is in his second year at Fordham, happy and thriving. On Friday one twin got a call from Delegate Norton's office that he'd been appointed to the US Naval Academy, his lifelong dream. It is amusing to see how happy he is, and his twin is almost as happy for him. That son is still waiting to hear about his college applications. Stanford is his first choice, but I hope he ends up closer, Still, whatever will be best for him is what I want.


    So I'll have a Midshipman starting this summer. It means he'll leave home sooner, in late June, but he's only about 45 minutes away when he's in Annapolis, although he won't be able to come home often. He and his girlfriend vow they'll manage the long distance thing (she's hoping for UPenn) so we'll see. They are very serious, so maybe it'll last. And I think it's sinking in to the twins what a change it will be for them to be apart. They've always shared a room, even turning down the offer for one of them to move into their brother's room when he left for college.


    And I feel the approaching departures deeply, now they're in the last semester of high school. Yes, I'll be free to be myself and find out what that means, but I'll be on my own for the first time in my life, really. Lots of discovery to come, I think, for all of us.


    From one single dad to another....Congrats!!!

  6. I always enjoyed the series however I do recall that "Jack" was sharp tongued, sarcastic and sometimes bitchy but always smart, in the beginning of the season but devolved (somewhat along with Karen) into ignorant jackasses.


    I recall at the time commenting on how TV producers seem to do that to certain characters after a period. I can recall it with Julia Louis Dreyfus' character "Christine" in the series: the new adventures of old christine


    There were others as well I can't call to mind at the moment

  7. a pre-negotiated rate not always constrained by a fixed number of hours.....certainly not always possible to set up with some guys, but it might include some combination of a meal, movie/theater, drinks, walking around, sightseeing, and private playtime.....some clients here will propose a part-day or evening plan that includes a variety of these activities without a hard, fixed ending time established.....may only work for regulars who trust each other......


    again, this vague "session rate" may not be acceptable to some escorts, especially at a first meet


    Thank you

  8. I guess even though I've paid $500 many times, I've never paid that HOURLY.


    Now, I've hired *plenty* of gentlemen who quoted well over $300-500 as their advertised "rate", but I've always discussed a "session" or "visit" rate. My fellow SoCal poster @Epigonos books in a similar manner I believe


    Sometimes yes that's for an hour, usually due to no chemistry or a dishonest advertiser in my hotel or bedroom room so it's "goodbye" early on. More often than not I get 90-120 minutes for the quoted/agreed rate, we chat, freshen up, fun, chat some more. Maybe a meal...


    I've had incredible luck the last 25 years (yikes that long?!) booking "sessions". Don't assume (or at least I don't) that the advertised rate is per hour. It might be, and you might be hiring a clock watcher? But often in the initial comms that can be worked with.


    Never forget these guys are human first. Respect goes a long way in discussing donations and plans.


    What is a "session" or "visit" rate?

  9. Any of a large number of men, including Chris Evans, Kellan Lutz, and Dustin McNeer. Most of the men from a lot of my strings. Addison Graham comes quickly to mind...



    Wow, who's that pictured? An escort? Woof woof

  10. Sex on a budget does not allow such extravagances and if I could spare the cash, I would opt for a three way or 2 hours with someone else.


    No one. Not as long as there are Gentlemen like Tristan Baldwin, and Mike Gaite who provide stellar services at a far more rational rate.


    Agreed, there are far too many lovely boys out there available at fair rates, however, :p if I were to ever venture down the road of fulfilling a fantasy I would take out a loan for a night with:




    Yes, there's been a lot of negative press about him, blah, blah, blah but I've watched his videos for a long time and the boy just pushes all of my buttons. As I said, "fantasy"

  11. I had the pleasure. Definitely book him while you are in Vegas.


    He's just like he's described in his Daddy reviews. Looks just like his pics. Beautiful body and butt. Great kisser. Doesn't just lay there like a dead fish - he works his body while you're topping him. It's so hot!


    He does ask for his compensation up front. Personally, I have no problem with that. But, I don't always remember to tip guys who do this, and that was the case with Kade.


    I'm not the youngest or the fittest guy and he made me feel young and sexy. All in all, a good escort and good kid.


    Thank you

  12. You can PM me for details but I've the same level of privacy as I do with a RM-based arrangement, at least in the beginning and until I choose to make it otherwise.

    I've met several guys via SA and what is known about me is what I've chosen to make known to them based on my level of confidence.


    It's a more protracted process, taking days or even weeks rather than hours, and generally the guys are uncertain and need some guidance.


    Agreed. Same for me

  13. Thanks to mention of seekingarrangement by Keith in another thread I joined.

    In just a mater of days I've had about 24 contacts by really cute looking guys of which 6 are potential real winners. (Yes there are lots of sketchy losers)


    Today I spent time with a beauty I had been texting with for a day. We talked and talked, getting to know each other and understanding what each wanted out of "an arrangement"


    At one point I said I really wanted to kiss him, he said ok and 4 hours later I was a puddle of gooey goodness. The boy did "daddy" real good and all he wants out of it is to see me again real soon and looks forward to going out to dinner with me. I know and I'm willing to help him out a little with finances but he's not interested in "payments". He has a full time job and is studying for his masters. he's not penniless; doesn't want handouts. But if daddy wants to treat him nicely or give him gifts I think he'd gladly accept. Trust me, the sex was so f*cking good I WANTED to pay him.


    I think I'm going to like this a whole lot.



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