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Posts posted by PapaTony

  1. @overeasy I recognize those pictures, too. But I don't remember where from.

    I advise caution. KYsouthernboy's ad seems to be part of a cluster with a common source.





    https://rentmen.eu/thedesolateone (old ad: https://rentmen.eu/NaughtyAngel)


    What do you mean by “common source”?


    I texted with KY yesterday. He was fairly quick to respond. Courteous, honest answers to 2 questions that put him out of the running for a connection.





  2. Another thing that confused me is that my understanding is that Discovery is a prequel to the original Star Trek, but the technology appeared to be more advanced than the more recent editions.


    Agreed. In the very first moments of the episode I thought it would’ve been very cool if the production designer had played off the chronology of the show and created an environment that in some way mimicked the original series.


    Another thought: since Discovery is set only ten years earlier than the original series, all of those earlier characters would be alive and part of Star Fleet; Kirk, Spock, etc, etc.


    Sarek, Spock’s father is around but will the others appear?

  3. ?


    I can deal with a gay relationship between the Captain and her First Mate, but it was clearly interfering with her ability to run the ship, not to mention the almost universal ban on Fraternization in the service...



    Wait, what? Captain and Michael are in a gay relationship? Says who?



  4. Wow, reading some of these awful reports makes me think I’m the luckiest guy in the world. As I’ve written before I have 2 very sweet young men from SA I see on a regular basis and the relationships are simply wonderful. And I was lucky enough to meet both during my first month of subscription. I renewed one time for a second month but not again.


    I do believe you naysayers failed to set your site preferences correctly.



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