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Everything posted by robear

  1. Not a plug, but if you're a fan of big beefy guys, The Guy Site does have a history of featuring amazing models, most of whom don't appear anywhere else, either in porn or on hiring sites. Don't know how he does it. In the past year or so, he has more and more of the models interacting sexually, too. I don't know how the guys "identify," but the producer clearly makes it worth their while to "play gay" for video.
  2. In the internet age, fact is that if you've done commercial porn, future employers, clients etc. are likely to know about it. Or discover it. That's a given, and I think it serves anyone to be upfront about it, so there is no discovery to be made. In the scenario of a gay/bi/etc male client and male therapist, as mentioned above, it really depends on the work the client seeks and whether he feels that a sexualized view of the therapist would interfere in that work. ('Cause you KNOW he's gonna find that porn.) I saw a therapist for several years who in the course of our sessions shared a bit of his own experience with casual sex, bathhouses and all that. It was relevant to the conversation. If that had extended to my seeing video of his behavior, I don't think it would bother me or change our relationship. But that was him and me and the specific work we were doing.
  3. It may not be just the $3 if you use a credit card. Seems to me a way to harvest cc numbers for resale. Avoid avoid.
  4. It's been discussed in other threads, but this might be a good place to mention the book Every Grain of Sand, a memoir by @David-SF. I was unexpectedly moved by his tale of redemption from a host of personal demons through his discovery of a gift for connecting with men as a provider exactly where they were, and bringing light to their lives, if only for a limited time. Highly recommended if you haven't read it.
  5. I'm sure porn producers all have their own ways of working and recruiting models. In the case of Jake Cruise, his oeuvre features many prime models, including escorts, bodybuilders and pornstars who otherwise didn't do this type of video. I have to think it was well worth it to them. Cruise clearly knows how to recruit and negotiate the talent that he wants. I recently went down a rabbit hole with model Mike Roberts, uncut Southern California boy who worked for a number of producers, starting I think with The Body Shoppe's "Uncle Don." His appearances were always trade, no kissing, no sucking, always top, never really interacting with his fellow players. He bottomed for Jake Cruise. What do you supposed THAT cost?
  6. Jeremy's appeal in straight porn was that he embodied a kind of everyman. Straight men watching him would only be projecting themselves: if HE can get all these beautiful women, there's hope for me. As he got older, fatter and balder, so did the men watching.
  7. Give, definitely! But I do need reciprocity of some kind, I'm not into guys who just lay there, because they're "straight" or whatever. I know some guys appreciate that but not moi.
  8. Hey Danny, locating in Bushwick will def discourage bookings. Not only is it *Brooklyn*, but is principally served by the J, M, Z and L trains (depending on exactly where you are), not the main trunk lines. In other words, a real schlep involving a change of trains for anyone coming from Manhattan. And of course that doesn't factor in how many potential clients will be hiring at all this summer because of COVID concerns. Remember it was/is a major disaster in NYC and people are generally very cautious. If you have other reasons to want to hang in the city, great, but I'd advise against counting on a steady stream of clients during your time here.
  9. Curious if anyone can link to, or even knows anecdotally, of an instance where mixing vasodilators (such as Viagra) and poppers resulted in a medical crisis. The warning has always been there, but I've never heard of it actually happening IRL, and it always seems to be rather hypothetical. But just because I've never heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't happen, hence my question.
  10. I've been on Truvada since it was approved for PrEP. My PCP has discussed switching to Descovy, but here's the thing. Truvada goes generic in Sept of this year. I am almost certain my insurance will ONLY cover the generic when it's available, so I think Descovy would be at best a short-term switch, and have opted to stay with Truvada. Then again, it feels like I haven't had sex with another human since the Clinton Administration, so the whole thing is an academic exercise anyway. BTW both Truvada and Descovy are marketed by Gilead Pharmaceuticals. The "superior" Descovy option was only brought to market when patent on Truvada was soon to expire. I'm not a fan of Big Pharma conspiracy theories, but the cynical way in which this prevention strategy has been manipulated for $$$ is really astounding.
  11. I'm contacting some of my faves to offer to prepay a session to be scheduled at a happier time in the future. I know these guys are good for it, and suspect they could use a little cash flow at the moment.
  12. I think these "public nuisance" prosecutions are always targeted for a reason having to do with money and influence. (I know, conspiracy theories ...) If the place was in the crosshairs, for whatever reason, it wouldn't take long for an undercover to induce some kid just trying to make $20 to do something "inappropriate" -- or not and say he did. Meanwhile, The Blue Store and similar businesses right up the block go their merry ways, selling ... what, exactly? DVDs?
  13. 2%, with any kind of cut-up fruit, nuts and a sprinkle of dried fruit. Better than ice cream. Sorry not sorry.
  14. Meth in particular produces a distinct "chemical" body odor in the user. You'd know it if you encountered it. Never noticed it in a hire. (My hires are VERY selective.) I have, however, encountered it in group play situations.
  15. I vaguely recall (and I may have this wrong) that he said he was in school and was going to focus on that and retire from erotic work. That was maybe a year ago, and might have been posted to his onlyfans. In any case, I think it was an "onward and upward" situation, not anything negative.
  16. The really appalling part of that is the 1998-style do-it-yourself webpage
  17. https://chubsandcubs.com/ https://www.deviantman.com/ https://musclebearporn.com/ https://pigboyruben.com/ https://www.raunchybastards.com/ https://theguysite.com/ http://cmnm.nl/ http://www.jockpussy.com/ I guess we all have our preferences ...
  18. Anybody have first-hand experience with a provider in the NYC area that does trimming/clipping/shaving services, either alone or in conjunction with massage? I know some guys advertise this, but I'm seeking actual testimonials (that don't run afoul of the no-review policy of this board). PM is fine if there are deets you don't think should be public.
  19. Picking up on post by @E.T.Bass above, the agenda by the videomaker seems to exploit our tendency to find causation in correlation. Hundreds of thousands of gay and bisexual men died of AIDS in the past four decades. The vast majority of course had nothing to do with porn. It only follows that a group of young men who at some point appeared in gay porn films would be similarly affected. Likewise, deaths by suicide, accident or violence happen throughout the population, for varied and complicated causes. Except for the preponderance of AIDS deaths, the necrology of my high school or college classes would look very similar. We experience all actors, and especially pornies, in a special way that makes us feel falsely connected to them. We usually only know them by their screen personas, which for porn actors usually means at their most beautiful and sexually alluring. They're our fantasy lovers and fuck buddies. The photos in the montage show them at that time in their lives, under their porn name, almost always a pseudonym. We never knew the actual man playing the role, yet the video tugs at us to invoke a kind of bittersweet nostalgia.
  20. A "low dose" daily strategy works well for me for Cialis and generic. Dissolve pills in a measured amount of non-acidic juice (like apple) and keep in refrigerator. Take a measured amount of the juice daily. (ie, 1x20mg dissolved in 4oz juice = 4 daily 1oz doses). The extended effect of each dose means they overlap to always keep me good to go.
  21. I digress a bit, but a silly pet peeve of mine is videos offered on RM by guys described as versatile, in which it's impossible to tell which is the man featured in the ad. Closeups of pole in hole, or other anonymous anatomical details really don't tell a prospective client much.
  22. On the dental dam theme, plastic wrap also works fine and is usually more readily available. A drop of lube on the receiver's side enhances the experience. (Obviously don't mix up "sides".) No, it's not the same. But it is safer.
  23. It looks like Gilead is including Descovy in its copay coverage program for patients with commercial insurance. As with Truvada, you register with Gilead and they send a card that you present to a retail (NOT mail order) pharmacy to have your copay waived, hence $0 out of pocket.
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