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Posts posted by Quincy_7

  1. 1 hour ago, FrankR said:

    I agree, I like his behavioral approach to budgeting and saving. Cannot recommend him for investing advice - he keeps pushing mutual funds that carry loads (fees and commissions) and that does not sit well with me. 🤷‍♂️  Also the religious undertone is sometimes a bit much. 

    He's never given a sound enough explanation for the rationale behind his  five fund portfolio. 

  2. This isn't really a pet peeve but it's just kinda sad whenever I go on chaturbate and see guys who from back when I was an undergrad that are still active on the site. It tells me that they either haven't made much progress in life or have had some sort of crisis that has set them back. 

  3. On 6/27/2022 at 7:49 PM, TorontoDrew said:

    Toronto has three clinics including one downtown. Info is here.


    The downtown location, Metro Hall, isn't that far from the gay village.  Google maps will show you the way.

    I went to the one on the east end and they weren't busy at all.  It's also a clinic for covid shots and they seemed surprised someone came in for Monkeypox.  I'm sure the downtown location is busier.

    Website states that they're only giving vaccinations to "at-risk populations".  Safe to presume that means gay and bi men.

  4. I plan to have my first pre-emptive full body MRI in two years. Most cancers can be nipped in the bud if they're found early. The problem is that you usually don't feel symptoms if you have an early-stage cancer and by the time you feel sick enough to go the doctor the cancer has spread.

  5. On 5/25/2022 at 8:04 AM, maninsoma said:

    I've had escorts who selected "Safe Sex Only" in their ad try to bareback me.  

    This happened to me 3 times.

    First was the cute mexican twink who slid me in bare after the condom fell off mid-way through a meeting. I had to go on PEP because of him, not fun at all.

    Second was the italian twink whose condoms couldn't fit me and so said we could do bare because he was on PrEP. This was even though in your whatsapp messages prior to meeting he told me he only plays safe.

    Third was the Brazilian who "forgot" to bring condoms and wanted to slip me in bare. He also said condoms only in our whatsapp chats before meeting. We stuck to oral.


    I suspect some escorts think it's flattering to a client to be willing to do bb but it's not.


  6. 12 minutes ago, Luv2play said:

    It seemes every day we are getting a few more confirmed cases in Canada, all in the large eastern cities of Montreal and now one in Toronto. The worrisome thing is that the incubation period can be up to three weeks and I know the transmission route is through touching infected areas but they may be hard to see. Also surfaces like blankets and sheets can host the virus for an extended time.

    Back in history, General Cornwallis advocated infecting blankets with smallpox germs and giving the blankets to the Indians. As a result his name has now been stripped from sites that bore it in the Canadian Maritime provinces.

    His name should have been stripped long before then for his less than mediocre generalship during the Revolutionary War.

  7. We obviously know very little about how transmission works right now but the fact that transmission seems to be predominant amongst gay men should raise a few eyebrows since there are way more straight people than gay people. If it turns out that this is something condoms can mitigate then that would strengthen the argument that PrEP is not some sort of free pass to bareback. 

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