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Everything posted by Quincy_7

  1. What's the point of handing over a wad of cash without getting to play with the goods?
  2. At this point, basically every twink on twitter and instagram has an onlyfans. Obviously, the buyer can't subscribe to all their onlyfans so in the end a few superstars will do well on there but most will find that onlyfans is not a viable source of income.
  3. There's a very sad trend of gay porn actors dying way too young. I don't know what's behind this trend but it's something that needs to be looked into.
  4. In my view, part of the reason twinks get such a bad rap is that they're the ones who give the impression that the gays are all flamboyant drama queens. I've met over 20 providers and only 4 stick out to me as being effeminate and identifiable as gay just by looking at them. The overwhelming majority were very masculine men and that was a key part of what made my time with them so enjoyable. Most gay men are not of the James Charles mould.
  5. For a city of Toronto's size (supposedly third largest in North America) the male escort market is severely lacking, especially for twinks. You'll do very well here. Really, your only competition will be the boys who occasionally come over from Montreal.
  6. Definitely Phil Phoden right now. He fits that hot chav niche quite nicely.
  7. I'm trying to move on from drug store shampoos, body washes and deodorants and so who better to ask for grooming tips than well heeled gay men. All suggestions welcome. Thanks!
  8. If you don't mind sharing, what sorts of cultural backgrounds do your clients there tend to have? Did you find the language barrier an issue?
  9. Even if there were an HIV vaccine I would still want to use condoms for new guys because bare shit dick is not something I ever want to deal with. A shocking number of bottoms don't prepare properly.
  10. I'm wary of exclusive arrangements of that nature. They rarely seem to end well.
  11. If all goes well I should be financially independent and in the 1% club by 45.
  12. I found that exclusive latino series they had pretty hot.
  13. The way I see it, the difference between being rich and being wealthy is whether or not you have to work for your money. Eg having a high level corporate job vs living on dividend income.
  14. Kyler is my favourite corbin fisher boy: https://www.corbinfisher.com/tour/models/kyler-2.html I'd be all over that ass if he escorted. Rocky is great too.
  15. Met him back in 2019. It was a 5 star experience. He came 3 times for me.
  16. The former escort is now domiciled in his daddy's city so reaching out is not an option. And I definitely get your concerns with exclusivity. One of the perks of being uber rich is being able to bed any gay man you want. Why limit yourself to one when you can have them all?
  17. With reference to the rich guys using escorts debate, I know of one escort who was taken off the market by a wealthy benefactor who he initially saw as a client. The former escort's instagram is now embazoned with pictures of him in several exotic destinations (with his daddy out of frame of course). It's just one example, but it's not hard to imagine how a rich guy could initially hire someone and then take them off the market with an exclusive offer. I'm personally hoping their relationship crashes and burns because I want my boy back:)
  18. It's hard to feel sorry for him given how he screwed over so many. Nonetheless, this has me wondering about how transplants work for prisoners and whether he was just too low on a list to get one.
  19. I don't how great South Africa is these days, even for the rich.
  20. Meh. Besides Montreal, the escort markets are quite disappointing.
  21. Has anyone done a colon MRI as an alternative to a colonscopy? The fact that it's less invasive makes it an obviously much more attractive option to me.
  22. Chaturbate has gotten better over the past couple of years. Now, the default is basically for a guy to start a show naked and jacking off. Previously they'd start all dressed up and require tokens just to take off their clothes.
  23. He lived a full life. While he obviously had access to the best doctors during his lifetime, a lot of rich people die before 90, let alone 99. The guy just had great genes.
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