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Everything posted by Quincy_7

  1. Isn't every boy on instagram for sale for the right price?
  2. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I had no idea poppers were potentially fatal.
  3. It is my understanding that they supposedly help bottoms relax. I've seen a fair number of escorts use them in sessions and I've always just wondered whether they're really necessary. Part of me feels they just make the encounter dirty as poppers are basically a drug and I'm not into PNP. But I'm also not really bothered when an escort uses poppers, it's mostly just a very minor issue.
  4. Yes, I still think about him and hope to see him again sometime.
  5. Oh believe me, it's most likely nothing more than infatuation. I met an incredible brazilian the last time I was in London and I legit thought I was in love. Took me a while after I got back to calm down and realize that it was just an infatuation.
  6. Quincy_7

    Safe vs. bare

    There was a statistic somewhere that men with HIV are 30 to 40% more likely to get cancer because of their compromised immune systems. This applies even if they're on meds and are undetectable.
  7. I'm curious, what led to the breakdown of their relationship?
  8. I've said before that it feels like a lot of escorts have read some guide about what you're supposed to do because I've experienced the goodbye kiss repeatedly (sometimes even a hug+ a kiss) with a number of different escorts.
  9. He's done too much bareback in porn for me to consider hiring him.
  10. Some like Hoss are definitely proud of their buds. It's become almost a signature move on his onlyfans to pop out the bud.
  11. Rimming is still one of my favourite parts of sex. I just got unlucky once. You're missing out.
  12. I loved to rim until I got giardia last year. Now I only rim guys who are hot enough to make the risk worth it.
  13. Once you put your pics out there all cards are off the table.
  14. I honestly don't remember how I found the forum. It was probably through googling an escort and seeing a thread from here in the search results. The forum slowly grows by hobbyists coming across it in one form or another. I don't know how you'd pursue an aggressive growth strategy, or why for that matter. The last thing you want is to attract the attention of the feds and have the site shut down like backpage and rentboy.
  15. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ElRp5TJXEAM0u5f?format=jpg&name=medium
  16. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eke45kCVcAApaZ8?format=jpg&name=large
  17. You bareback if you're comfortable with anal/penile warts, gonnorhea, chlamydia, herpes, syphilis etc.
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