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Everything posted by Capitano

  1. Bump. In Orlando now. He added rentmasseur recently but doesn't check which types of massage are available, could be a red flag. Jmax on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com
  2. Do we have any new info on this hot masseur? He is back in Tampa.
  3. Whenever a masseur's profile pix suggest that he thinks of himself as a model, avoid. Chances are they hate what they do but keep doing it because the money is good and in hopes that their "real career" will take off. Alas, there are many hot guys out there and very few modeling jobs, and their unhappiness about it makes the experience even worse.
  4. Wow! Is there a bathroom nearby that he & his clients are able to use?
  5. Wow, all these name changes, a huge red flag.
  6. I wish him all the best, but we, meaning visitors and residents of NYC, still have Andrew who I think is a better masseur and hotter, at $180 😉 andrewmodel on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com
  7. Bumping this, let's get some holiday season recommendations going 😉
  8. I think this one is unrelated and is much older than Camilo and his partner.
  9. I believe this is his partner, I haven't tried either, though. Reimerlatino on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com
  10. These are escort rates, I wonder what's up with that 😉
  11. In Tampa again, still traveling and charging way too much for what he provides.
  12. I think that is more likely to be the case with old profiles about which nothing bad is posted here. This one is new and there is no record, which calls for extra caution IMHO.
  13. I'd go with an ad on Masseurfinder with pictures of your clean & professional working space, pictures of you that don't leave any doubt about the type of massage, very clear TEXT stating that you are a LICENSED masseur offering high quality professional THERAPEUTIC massage only, and PRICING APPROPRIATE for this type of massage (if you list $150 or higher, that sends a wrong signal). I would NOT post an ad on rentmasseur even if only the therapeutic box is checked because just being there generates doubts. Cheers and good luck!
  14. Rule #1: If it seems weird or fishy in any way, RUN and don't even think about it. Rule #2: If it seems steamy hot & too good to be true, remember to use your big head. Rule #3: Do NOT expect a good experience from a guy who thinks of himself as a model and charges a lot. Rule #4: If you want nudity, MT, and/or HE, politely and tactfully make sure it is part of the deal and included in the price that you agree on via text. Optional Rule #5: Be skeptical about travelers without a permanent base. Hire them only if you see GREAT reviews here.
  15. I say it's a good deal if the experience is good. But then, if the experience is bad, it's not worth any money. I need a REALLY good reason in terms of reviews here to go over $240 for 90 minutes. There are definite price pressures at work, but reasonably priced massages are still available, for example: https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/13627/ https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/43294/
  16. He is back in Orlando, do we have any updates?
  17. I don't get it. He does check "therapeutic" only but his pix and "ask" rate scream that other types are available. He should be on masseurfinder instead of rentmasseur if it's strictly therapeutic IMHO.
  18. Alexandromassage on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com I am sure I've seen these pix somewhere else, but it's a new profile. Thoughts?
  19. Yep, that's them. My guess is that the 4-handed massage doesn't get into erotic but remains a lame "sensual". You may manage to get Camilo naked but he just isn't comfortable with it, which I find to be a total turnoff. I haven't tried the 4-handed option, it's usually a sensory overload for me anyway, the 3-way dynamic with a couple tends to be awkward, and there is no point if there is no discount and I can have two nice regular massages for the price of that one awkward session.
  20. I left a comment on another thread, Camilo is cute & hot, offers limited sensuality & HE, but is uptight and avoids nudity and especially mutual touch. A non-repeat for me. He often travels with his BF who offers erotic massage on rentmasseur and delivers MT & HE, but is overpriced IMHO. He'll probably update his page to show that NYC trip soon. AndresV on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com
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