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Posts posted by harey

  1. I always sleep naked. When I get up, I don't put on underwear but pyjamas. I put on my underwear only when I go out. Since I stay at home most of time during the pandemic, I often don't wear underwear for a few days in row.

    That must be great for your sperm count. ?


    I wear pjs to bed without underwear. However, when getting comfortable after work I sometimes change into pajamas and keep the undies on. I work from home but do get dressed for the home office.

  2. I’ve never booked through an agency but (a few times) did find out later I’d been texting a personal agent to set up the meeting. In one case, I was quoted $1,600/hr for the provider’s time. In another case, when the provider arrived he was an ala carte guy.


    I can understand why some escorts would outsource scheduling and travel arrangements, however my best experiences have been with guys who communicate directly.

  3. Interesting thought and thanks for that Aussie weather link. Storms are distinct weather events that cause visual damage. El Niño is general term for a warming phase within a larger weather pattern. Do you think specific naming of heat waves would catch on?

  4. @Luv2play Good story. It’s closer to Sunset I believe although Hollywood blvd is closer. 1980 - you saw some history. I didn’t find LA until the 90’s. My recollection of the Coral Sands is vague, so I probably had a little too much fun.

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