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Rod Hagen

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Everything posted by Rod Hagen

  1. Sorry. Snopes says it's FALSE. https://www.snopes.com/mother-sues-hospital-after-son-turns-gay-from-flu-shot/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social
  2. Also saw it this weekend and I loved it too. Definitely see Guadagnino's A Bigger Splash http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2056771/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_5 and I am Love http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1226236/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_13 Both are Movies with a capital M.
  3. Yorkshire huh? Well, they both got their pudding, that's for sure.
  4. I admired how the movie handled this scene even better than the short story. In Annie Proulx: Enis steals the shirt. In the movie, when he comes down, he worldlessly asks her if he can have it and she wordlessly says, "I want you to have it." (maybe even "I sent you upstairs to find it"). Having grown up in a VERY rural place, I recognize those quiet, loaded, nods quite well.
  5. I enjoy Threesome quite a bit as well. The dialogue was fantastic. In the early to mid 90s it was fun to watch mainstream media test the gay, non AIDS, waters (the lesbian episode of Seinfeld, The Butchers Wife, etc.) Gay was hip.
  6. In Theaters NOW, gay, and fantastic: God's Own Country (it's a Scottish Brokeback Mountain with just as many sheep) BPM (Beats Per Minute) is very french: And, of course, the one EVERYONE is excited about (Gifted director, gifted screenplay writer, two talented actors, and based on a book many love) will be in theaters THIS WEEKEND!!!!--Call Me By Your Name: The two young men in God's Own Country are MUCH more to my taste than the two more vaunted men in Call Me By Your Name; physically I mean; To each his own. There's no denying the acting chops of the CMBYN actors. Here's a fun article about CMBYN: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/17/movies/timothee-chalamet-armie-hammer-call-me-by-your-name.html
  7. Rod Hagen

    NICE guys

    That's very sweet you guys. Thank you. I do think I'm a nice guy. :-)
  8. while cucumber is a delicious fruit, mint (i think I see it in there) is disgusting.
  9. Rod Hagen

    Best Kisser?

    Add me to self proclaimed list.
  10. There is of course no such obligation, yet most email inquiries include name, race, age, extras, and describe what they are looking for/enjoy.
  11. This is where what I think is right (drinking age at 18) and what I want to see (drinking age at 21) diverge.
  12. The parties listed on the link I gave generally do not require an invite.
  13. these days you'll likely have more fun at a Sex party than a Bathhouse or Sex Club. Here are the sex parties around Los Angeles: Menplayla.com
  14. When I started escorting some clients were older than my grandmothers, both alive at the time. 20 years later most are still older, but I'm catching up. :-)
  15. WOW, I'm so dumb. I was confusing Enterprise with Next Generation. I was flabbergasted, mistakenly, that you didn't like Next Gen. Enterprise, on the other hand, I watched the first ep and no more. It was awful, and those friends who continued watching it confirm that it sucked.
  16. Oh my god you're so wrong about enterprise, unless you mean the car rental service. Maybe? :-)
  17. Actually, I imagine it's similar to a real infant, only with an off switch and a box for storage.
  18. Good Lord yes. My external drives are brimming, and my mykissanime streams are constant.
  19. Cool! This reminds me very much of the intro and/or closing to SO MANY of my favorite Anime series.
  20. All good to great stuff. There was an excellent Sondheim review at the Hollywood Bowl a couple weeks ago. Beautiful.
  21. I Can NOT seem to stop listening to the new The Black Angeles: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/death-song/id1200060618 I don't like most music, and recently I stepped into a coffee shop blasting the usual pop crap. I winced, the counter guy perceived why, and asked me what I'm listening to these days. I told him the new The Black Angeles (he didn't know them, young ppl don't know good current bands anymore--not that long ago that knowledge was a badge). I sat down, and three minutes later, via streaming, Currency (see below) played. I could see him jamming out to it, and all the following fantastic songs. I taught him new music! And this is probably my favorite song on the album. They are very much inspired, and take their title from a song by, The Velvet Underground. One thing I love about this song is that by 4:10 it's already given us a great gift but it then proffers this 1-minute section that just carries you along in a golden carriage. And since I can't stop talking about their music, how about that video? Follow the bloody money, it tells a story about each character. And I love LOVE the fountain at 4:45; you're asking "What the hell is that???"
  22. This reminds me of all those idiot Brits who bought and not long afterward abandoned owls because their kids fell in love after that first stupid harry potter film. And, before that, Dalmatians, one of the biggest pain in the ass dogs you can find, all abandoned just after 101 Dalmatians.
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