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Posts posted by rustyrex

  1. Depends on the guy. I've had guys use pics that had to be at least 20 years ago, sometimes they don't even look like the same person. I try to give everyone a chance. One guy had some really old pics but he definitely still had a gorgeous body, another guy didn't even look like the same person. I've never had an outright catfish but have had a damn near close one. If I have to ask if I have the right place or person when they come to the door they should know better than to use that old picture.

  2. Once in a while, but I really have to trust the guy. Gay men are just as gossipy and catty as the women and you'd be surprised just how close the 6 degrees of separation really are to you. Sometimes a buddy and me will exchange notes but for the most part it doesn't come up. Hiring still holds a stigma to it instead of being looked at as a form of getting exactly what you need.

  3. I should've known better than to get on the floor face down on a futon, but I figured the guy really needed the business so I let it slide. As I got my face down to the floor, the dog hair was so much more noticeable, imagine it being stuck to you. It was everywhere.... He gave an okay massage, he had obviously been trained but his practice was unkempt. I flipped over and he offered a HE...I said sure and after about 30 seconds he tells me to get dressed and get out. I was surprised because I didn't do or say anything to be treated like that.


    I paid him and left....apparently his reputation spread all over town and not one of my buddies like dealing with him. Plus I heard more than once that he acted very odd during the sessions. At least it wasn't just me.

  4. I know its a persons right to to be who they are sexually. But, my concern is, there seems to be a glut of tops on RM most recently. You can go through pages upon pages and you will see the rare verse top. I have even seen guys who were previously verse now exclusively Tops.


    Yes, I am a top only, but I just can’t picture myself giving away Benjamins just to get on all fours. A dildo and some free porn would be more cost effective. Why I say this too, those who are saying they are top only, come across as potentially the the bare minimum type: no actual interaction with the client, probably texting his next bottom client while screwing you.


    I understand your frustration. I'm a top as well and I tend to gravitate toward roided out super muscle but 99% of the time they only top or worse, do the bare minimum with "muscle worship." It's par for the course, you just have to look at the wording in the ads, negotiate, and be prepared to be disappointed or pay a little more for what you want.


    I had been keeping my eye on this roided out guy from Vegas who moved to NYC who was pretty much a bottom. A few weeks later he says he's a top with a domination fetish. All the pics of his beautiful ass have been removed. I was crushed.... If I"m ever in NYC I'm still contacting him to see if he'll give up that ass, you never know...he may just say yes.


    Don't give up hope and don't let hearing no discourage you, just move on to the next guy and maybe be a little more open to trying guys who aren't necessarily your first choice. I have met some great guys that don't fit my first choice and they are totally worth the time and effort to meet.

  5. Had a coworker that wanted to be referred to as the dog lady. I said, "you know there is another name for that..." Needless to say I got chastised for implying something. Even though the word bitch never left my mouth....

  6. Chalk it up to a hard lesson learned and only pay for services provided. It's interesting how he threatened to out you for your fetish but will disregard the profession of prostitution and extortion as illegal. In fact you can call the police and report him, tell them that he extorted you for money.


    What's to keep him from coming back and threatening you in the future. You gave him money and he basically took it and ran to keep your fetish secret. Who knows, next time the fee may be higher to keep him quiet...would you pay the price?

  7. I had never experienced an up sell till last year and I only paid it because I had been wanting to see this guy for years....I will never do that again. The guy was very attractive but the service wasn't even on par with guys that hook me up with a $65 massage with full on sex without the up sell. I'll admit, his body was amazing and dick was nice and big, but his attitude was awful. He basically expected me to be grateful he pulled off his undies and put his dick in my face. Afterwards he wasn't even friendly, no small talk and no nice doing business with you. I even told him that I had been wanting to meet for years, he didn't even care. I was thinking....wow...I just threw away $50 on this guy for what? His hand job was shit and he didn't even finish me off...I had to finish myself off. NEVER AGAIN!!!!

  8. It happened by surprise, like another guys said here, from a massage. I went to this guy and he offered way more than a hand job. I was floored by the offer because no one had offered me full on sex after a massage, plus he said in his ad that he didn't offer anything except a legit experience. So naturally I accepted the offer and the rest is history.

  9. I don't see how this could end up well, the way the OP wants. Maybe the OP should get grinder so he doesn't have to hit on married men at his workplace, who are in positions of authority, no less. There's a lot at risk, here. Not worth the potential cost. Look elsewhere--escorts would be a wiser choice if you need something physical. And what else could you be wanting from a married man?


    It takes two to tango. He's not innocent, nor is he naive, and knows exactly what he's doing. I'm just putting my experience out there for advice. Thanks for your insight....remember escorts also come at a cost and risk as well...yet we take a risk of being labelled a predator, jail time, and possible STI's for some physical intimacy.

  10. rather than speculate, could you just talk to him about it? something like "I feel there is a connection between us; is it my imagination or do you feel it too?" sometimes there is just some sort of spark between two people; it may not even be sexual; but if you open up to him about it, you can at least create some space to talk about it and explore it


    I think there is a connection but I've been forward with people before and it's blown up in my face. He's in a position of authority so being forward might cost me more than I'm willing to pay for just a curiosity. I will say this, a couple months ago we stood in the parking lot and chatted for a little while. I kept asking him so many questions and he finally got a point where he said "Is this a personal question?" Which kinda threw me because I thought we were just being friendly. He had told me earlier he's pretty guarded with people he works with and even shared some personal stuff that he asked me not to repeat. I think he was wanting to ask me some personal questions but I told him I was curious about his thinking and why he thinks the way he does.


    Another manager passed us in the parking lot and said "you gotta be careful with the conversations in the parking lot, before you know it an hour will pass..." and with that the conversation ended.


    We haven't really talked like that since....but the stares and smiles continue. Sometimes he'll call me out during a meeting just to mess with me.


    Maybe I'm making more of this than there is....and he's just my grown man crush.

  11. How old is he?


    Have you tried to see if he's on Grindr?


    You wouldn't be the first time he cheats therefore he'll be the one eventually doing his own home wrecking.

    We are the same age...42. I don’t use grindr, don’t even have an account, keeps me out of trouble ?...usually. I think your right, this isn’t his first rodeo nor his last I’m sure.

  12. So there is this guy I work with that has been temporarily assigned to our area from another part of the country. Very cute, confident and straight. I have my suspicions that he may not be totally only because he’s done a few things that give him away. Yesterday someone else told him that I was going to miss him as his assignment will be over next week. He seemed really surprised and gave me this long stare that made me a little uncomfortable but also excited to know that he’s definitely into me. We’ve talked a couple times and he’s even shared some very personal things with me. If this married straight man made a move on me before he leaves I don’t think I could tell him no. I truly admire him and have learned a few things from him that will help me out in life. I think he started noticing that he was being too friendly as well because at times he would avoid me, but I could see him looking at me or smiling at me when no one else noticed. I’m not a home wrecker and I know better than to force myself on anyone I work with but I must admit I like him too. I try not to stare but he notices that I do and is appreciative. Just throwing this out there to the group. Most likely nothing will come of this and he will move on as will I.

  13. I started getting massages again. I've been so tense my muscles needed the attention. His requirement was that we both wore masks during the whole session. I could hardly breath....I'll have to figure out a better way to get comfy. I think my guy was nervous about the whole thing and I totally understand.


    We didn't do the typical extra special super spectacular ending but I totally made a mess of the sheets from the hand job. Will I hire again during these dangerous times? I'm getting to the point where I feel I'm missing a basic human need, so yes I will eventually. But if things are to get worse as predicted I may pull back again. It took me a long time just to order take out from restaurants and I haven't been to the gym in months. I was fortunate enough to have my own equipment but I do miss the eye candy.....A LOT!!!!


    There is so much we don't understand about COVID and it probably won't be fully understood for years to come. I believe I've already had it, I know myself well enough to figure out something didn't feel right. That was back in April, since then I feel fine but I have never been tested, I've been told it's only for those exhibiting symptoms. It's all mess and it will be interesting to see how we will get out of this, either we stand together or we watch each other suffer and perish. Hopefully we can come together and move forward, it's the only way we will survive as a people.

  14. I'm not surprised in the least. There is no privacy anymore, I wouldn't expect as much in this day in age but it doesn't keep me up at night. All of the algorithms can determine your sex, race, sexual orientation and socio economic status. If Siri wants to hear me fart and drop a turd so be it...

  15. I understand the frustration all too well. I recall I got a tisk tisk response to my post a couple weeks ago voicing my frustration too. It’s all about what your willing to do to get what you want. For me it’s traveling. I met my rent soul mate a few years ago... His ad was very ambiguous like he was strictly muscle worship but I asked him my usual questions and he was very receptive to me. We met and we did everything I wanted and as a bonus we totally hit it off. He even told me that he didn’t normally bottom or do the extra thing I asked for but he enjoyed our time together as well. He was amazing ?. Plus he wasn’t some young thing that expects to be pampered, he was a grown ass man that could hold his own. I miss him so much....

  16. My go to guy told me he had a dog since the last time I saw him. I was like really? Where is it? He told me he got rid of it. I asked him why and he said the dog couldn’t be left alone. He would go to the store and the dog would freak out and tear the house up and bark so much that his neighbors started complaining. It got so bad he started getting notes left at his door about the dog. After a month he gave the dog back to the adoption agency and hasn’t looked back since. He calculated he spent well over $1000 in costs just to have the dog around! Maybe that’s why he decided to do massage again....

  17. The best OnlyFans I've subscribed to are the ones that don't have any pay-per-view at all but put their full content on their main timeline. Fulltimepapi and Matthew Camp do this and. More often than not I've found that the ones that have only teasers on their main timeline (which they already charge for) have very underwhelming pay-per-view videos.


    Apart from one instance, I've always regretted coughing up for the pay-per-view videos that they offer. They have always been weirdly low quality (as in very compressed and small file size, which I do not get as even my 5 year old phone can record crisp full HD. Yet these guys seem to be recording on late '80's tape cameras or something). The most I've paid for a video like that was 7 dollars, which I find the only reasonable amount for that (10-minute fuck video where you barely see anything).


    I hate having to pay for "teasers", especially if the monthly price is already the same as a Netflix subscription. Imagine subscribing to Netflix but only able to see the trailers as part of your subscription! And then have to pay individually for the full shows you actually want to see! But hey, it must be working as I've seen this practice explode in the last year and a half.


    Disney plus is about to start this shit with Mulan. Why would I pay $30 and my subscription to watch that movie. I hate being nickel and dimed. Porn is worse and that’s why I won’t pay for that shit. Besides there is soooo much porn available for free. If you want to see the JFF or stuff like that it’s already it’s been pirated.

  18. There was a guy I saw a couple of times who was listed. FTM, very cute but there were a couple things besides the obvious that was different. I enjoyed it, a lot. It's a different experience and while the anatomy is different the experience was really good.


    He felt softer than other guys, which was very different, holding him felt good but I didn't feel like I could be a little rough like I normally like. Kissing was softer, tender and more delicate. The actual sex felt different, it wasn't bad just different. The experience was definitely worth repeating. He stopped advertising but said he was willing to see me in the future.


    As I've said in previous posts, life is about experiencing different things. If your open minded and willing to try something new, give it a try.

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