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Posts posted by rustyrex

  1. I'm in agreement LivingnLA, let the masseur do the driving. Last thing you need is to be banned from a place because you took it too far. Since this place sounds legit I wouldn't be pushing anything. Even if he is pressing his semi hard cock on you....it could be a ploy for a better tip or it could be a cellphone in his pocket. If I were in your situation, I would be telling him how good he is at his technique and that his cellphone pressed up against me a couple times. He will either apologize or tell you it's not a cell phone....just his hard dick. Innocent enough to bring up in conversation, yet direct enough to get answer.

  2. Did it once while in the heat of the moment. I didn't think it was a big deal till I realized when I touched his hair that it didn't feel like real hair. The guy damn near jumped back and then guided my hand somewhere else. His hair felt really odd, like straw but flexible. I apologized and we continued. He was an older gentleman with an beefy body and nice ass. I still enjoyed our moment together.

  3. Watched it last night. Maybe I need to watch it again to enjoy it but initially it felt depressing and sad. Plenty of eye candy, definitely hit the pause button a few times with the nudity. Bomer was beautiful to see naked. Other than that, watching the guys tear each other down was sad. I was like, damn...if this is how you treat friends how the hell do you treat family?


    Don't get me wrong my buddies and I can get on each others nerves but to carry on like that....that's abusive.


    The movie did have it's moments, like the dance number and the campy dialog. It reminded me of some good times. I know we have had entire restaurants watch us carry on.


    It wasn't a bad movie, just not what I was expecting.

  4. I just received a letter from Gilead stating they are discontinuing the Truvada co-pay assistance (in California at least) bcs there is a generic replacement. I have paid zero for my Truvada for a few years now with insurance and Gilead co-pay. Apparently there is a co-pay program for Descovy.


    I’ve not seen much info on the generic Truvada? My doctor is a bit clueless about my lifestyle, but I like him and it’s fun educating him on these drugs, lol.


    Thanks for the info, my doc hasn't said a word about this. I remember hearing that Truvada is about to generic, but I didn't hear that Gilead is about to discontinue the assistance program. So far I haven't had to pay for Truvada but since it's about to change I may start the 2-1-1 method.

  5. My first experience was with a guy with a gigantic cock. It was about the thickness of a soda can....I was so excited every time we met I couldn't keep my hands off it. The novelty eventually faded and I ended up knowing the guy attached to it, sweet man by the way. We never had anal sex...for obvious reasons..I'm not about to get torn open by something that big unless I love the man.


    I don't mind smaller ones, they are easier to preform oral on and there is less to manipulate...bigger guys take a lot of damn work. I'd be more receptive to having a smaller guy fuck me than a monster.

  6. Please dont make the same POTENTIALLY LIFE THREATENING mistake he's making.



    First, I'm a board certified American physician. I do this for a living. So yes, I know what I'm talking about.



    Did the writer get a vaccine? Yes, I have NO reason to believe he is being dishonest.

    Did the writer get ill? Yes, I have NO reason to believe he is being dishonest.



    But he's making what scientists call a Cause and Effect Error.



    Many, many thousands of years ago, as we lived in Mother Africa, we heard roosters crowing at EVERY dawn. We therefore thought at that time that the roosters crowing at dawn BROUGHT UP the sun. We now dont think such nonsense as obviously we see now that these bronze age people were making a Cause and Effect Error. Just because one event follows another, doesn't mean the first event caused the second.



    Dear readers: his vaccine did NOT in any way, shape, or form cause his illness. Thats nonsense thinking. He got ill, sure, but its a mere coincidence that the illness followed the vaccine. Dont make his tragic mistake & believe such nonsense. THAT mistake could KILL YOU, or OTHERS around you.



    I have NO delusions that this man will change his views no matter how strong an argument or proof is shown to him. These are the guys who go to their (literal) grave defending illogical but dearly held beliefs (believe me, I see them professionally all the time!). My point to you is just dont be LIKE him.



    My dear brothers, GET your flu shot ASAP. This is NOT the year to get influenza AND Covid-19 at the same time. Such an event could be fatal.



    FYI: 2019/2020 flu season killed roughly 22,000 Americans. 370,000 Americans were hospitalized (not visited the ER, hospitalized)!


    I"m in total agreement with you, as a healthcare professional imagine hearing that crazy anti-vaxxer logic from nurse. I was talking to my coworker and she hasn't had the flu shot in years! Nowadays if we refuse we have to be masked up the entire time we are at work. This year she's adamant that she is not getting a flu shot, but instead an excuse from her doctor that exempts her from taking it. She said that the flu shot gives her a skin rash....then she showed me pictures...it's not uticaria (hives). It's eczema, I know this because I suffer the exact same fate every time the seasons change.


    I asked her if she would take the Covid 19 vaccine when it becomes available....and she said she didn't think that she would. I was at a loss for words. Part of me wanted to take her license, revoke it and have her go back to nursing school to learn the basics. I have a feeling if things get as bad as predicted she will probably be too frightened to even come into work.

  7. I can't stand it when a younger guy calls me daddy. I know one guy who plays with me and calls me that, he knows it gets under my skin. I usually pass for a younger guy but have decided to let my facial hair grow. My facial hair has a little grey in it so I'm sure I'll be hearing guys call me daddy more frequently.


    I'm not the daddy type to be letting a grown ass man live off me. You wanna play you gotta at least have a job and your own place and some coin to spend. Some of these guys are insane, with "can you pay for ......." "can I live with you" "can you give me some money for...." "can I borrow your car for the day?" Those perks go to a husband or my kids not a guy I just met an hour ago.

  8. I'll admit, I expect this type of massage every single time so when it doesn't happen I'm surprised. With that said, I don't push that type of situation in a legitimate spa, it's too risky and I'm not about to get thrown out for being a bad boy. I've had guys definitely let me know they are into the session, there are certain ways they do it, like caresses that are a "innocent" and "accidental" but pushing it any further will put their job at risk. If they do let me know they are interested I ask if they do work on the side.


    When I meet up with them in another space, I have no issue taking the session down another avenue. I'm not saying I haven't had the thrill of doing something naughty in the next room or in a semi public area but I'd feel horrible if the guy got fired because we got caught.


    With that said:


    One time I got super excited during a session and at the end the masseur noticed and I told him I'd take care of it. He walks out of the room while I start taking care of business, he walks back in and immediately starts giving me head. After a few minutes he bends over and we go at it on the table. He kept his eyes on the door so we wouldn't get caught and yes, the idea of getting caught makes the sex even more fun. I busted my nut and it was amazing! Afterwards he told me he never does that type of thing with clients. I told him that I truly appreciated the massage and compensated him well.

  9. That must be it....I just created an account and I guess I never realized that was one perk of having one. Crazy....all this time, if they don't have a phone number to text they usually don't get my business but I finally broke down and created an account. I don't really care for it but it is what it is. Plus I'm not sure I understand why some guys don't use a phone number. If they aren't easy to contact there is always someone else who is...

  10. I’ve read from various forays on the internet that it’s not profitable to open a gay brothel. The market is still an underground thing and with gay bars and clubs going the way of the pay phone I doubt any of us will see one anytime soon. Plus I think providers like the freedom of having funds come directly to their pocket and not having to split or share with a group. I don’t think straight brothels are doing all that great...even before the pandemic. Plus last time we were in Vegas we got hit up by the ladies quite a few times just walking the strip. We had to tell them to calm down, they were barking up the wrong tree.

  11. I pretty sure it’s just me but I just realized rentmen finally put positions in the descriptions section which finally takes the guess work out of searching on my cell phone. It’s the small things that make my day! Is this recent or did I totally miss the fact it’s been on their mobile site for a while?

    Never mind....sigh....seems I lucked out that this one profile stated preferred positions. ?

  12. They are both fake. The first one is a popular German instagram model who is posting from Germany at this moment. I recognize the other from IG as well but can’t recall his name.

    Your good, maybe it’s time I break down and get an IG account. I hate social media except this one of course..but as the guys keep getting younger and I get older I need to learn their language so I can spot fakes too.

  13. I pretty sure it’s just me but I just realized rentmen finally put positions in the descriptions section which finally takes the guess work out of searching on my cell phone. It’s the small things that make my day! Is this recent or did I totally miss the fact it’s been on their mobile site for a while?

  14. There is a quote in the movie Waiting to Exhale where one of the characters says "when a man treats you well you can't go back to bullshit."


    I went to a massage provider that I have been trying on a regular basis and today he took it to a whole different level. We did our customary greeting and he asked if there was anything specific that needed to be addressed. I told him "no" and we began.


    The massage went to full on erotic from the start but it was done in a way that I had never experienced. He used his entire body to caress me and he did it in such a way that it caught me off guard. I got goosebumps and he then started working other parts of me that practically had me panting like a dog. I turned over and he continued.


    It was like he was my lover and he was very attentive to my body, while continuing the massage. Then he started getting in different positions that seemed awkward but felt amazing. After a while he asked if I had cum and I told him yes but I wanted to do it again. He was more than happy to oblige and the second time I moaned and screamed. I only get like that if it's mind blowing.


    At the end I told him that no man had ever touched me like that and I let him know that the experience was beautiful for me. He was like "Awww that's sweet of you to say" I was generous with compensating him and he gave my ass a good swat as I walked out the door. I always top but if he wanted my ass, believe me he could've had it any way he wanted.

  15. I'm not sure that naming them makes a difference. Although weather is becoming way more extreme, it's still hard to tell how much damage it truly is going to do. When Death Valley hit 130 degrees I don't remember hearing about mass destruction on a scale like storm or a hurricane.


    It's a shame, we are watching the world change at a drastic pace and most of us don't realize just how serious it really is. It won't become a reality for most until it starts hitting everyone's daily existence. When you can't find food in the grocery store, when the air is too acrid to breath and destructive storms become too expensive and numerous to recover from it will be too late.

  16. Human contact is healthy and normal. COVID is turning an already socially gun-shy young generation into something even more awkward.


    Conditioning yourself to only porn is problematic over time, especially when attempting to find a relationship or trying to have a normal, functional, healthy sex life. I have had several clients who have come to me to help them break the habit and get back into the swing of things in a non-judgemental, low-stress sexual environment.


    Jacking off is just one tool in the box, not the entire box.

    If I'm ever in Dallas, which I am at least once a year...I'll have to contact you. I'm curious what you do to break the cycle.

  17. I thought the show was thought provoking, but toward the end...meh...got a little too cliche and a little too weird, especially with the inplanted tech on the one girl, and the lady living forever at the end. I was a little pissed about Russell's story arc because in a way it seemed too tragic. I did enjoy Russell on Looking...too bad that one didn't last but a couple of seasons.

  18. I just watched it. I think it fell short compared to the photography and grandiosity of original Chinese productions. For Disney trying to capitalize on one of the biggest audiences in the world, I was expecting A LOT MORE.

    I heard it’s awful...and that just saved me $30!!

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