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Posts posted by rustyrex

  1. Panama City, Panama, Fire Island weekend, White party in Palm Springs, Folsom Street Fair (saw the aftermath and wished I had been there for all of it), Southern Decadence, Carnival in Rio, Pride in New York City, A tasteful porn of myself and a hot porn model, and a raunchy porn of myself and 2 other guys with me tied up. ;)

  2. Interesting question, let me first say that hooking up for free comes with a catch. I have had a couple really good FB's but it usually gets messy and complicated. Me and a buddy had really good times and then one day he told me that he couldn't see me anymore because he started having serious feelings for me. I had an idea that this was starting to happen and I got serious about him as well. We broke off our arrangement.


    He ended up becoming self destructive with drugs and his life spiraled out of control. It was tough to watch and I have had this happen to FBs more than once. I pay mostly because it takes out this complication.

  3. Try molested by a brat in his early 20s. He caught me off guard when I had something heavy in my arms that I didn’t want to drop. I told him that if he ever did that again he would get his ass beat. While tempting, he was for the most part way too immature and even threw tantrums like a child. In the end I ended up turning him down. He was sexy, one of those former college cheerleader types. Could do all kinds of flips and tricks.

  4. Now don't go hating me or putting a bomb after my comment just hear me out. I'm old I've been fucking for 40 years so I know what I'm talking about.


    Muscle hung escorts suffer from extreme narcissism. I've been in gyms all my life and no matter how beyond nice a bodybuilder is don't ever tell him he should work on his abs, you'll get killed. Its worse for muscle hung gays who are fukn worshiped by everone on apps social. Problem with muscle hung male escorts is that they're not ready to face up to the fact that they are whores, which is the most feminine career anybody can take. So to keep their male ego intact, they will say it's okay because they do not btm.


    Here is a good example and I have many of them. This rentmen muscle hung guy visited Montreal lately. In his description he said "ask me" for safe sex and "ask me" for position, which I did. I messaged him that I was looking for muscle bareback sub-bottom that kiss rim and suck and here is his reply: "?? peace nigga"... This guy could not phantom that anybody could expect something like that from someone as hot as him.


    I've experienced the same nonsense. I asked this beefy bull to bottom and he sent me this text like "Do I look like I bottom?" Well he did say ask me in his ad and his over muscular ass was prominently displayed in the ad so I assumed he was opened minded.


    I LOVE my bodybuilders.....I have ever since I was young kid watching the neighbors lift iron in their garage. It's the attitude that it's beneath them that gets me, like how dare I even ask. That's why I wish positions were more openly discussed in the ad, I don't like being all investigative to get a nice piece of ass. Then to put the cherry on top they charge the high fee because someone is fool enough to pay them to do the bare minimum and they assume I'm the same.

  5. When I met up with him he insisted on cash. That was more of a hassle but after seeing this I’m glad I did. He was a one time thing that I won’t repeat but I typically don’t bring anything to my appointments except my phone and method of payment. I don’t know these guys and if they have a habit they need money for I’m not giving them that opportunity. I’ll admit this guy has his routine down but he’ll get caught. For a little while he was working with another guy traveling the southwest. His real profession offers him a means of quick escape from one part of the country to the next. If I could connect the dots it’s easy for law enforcement to do the same.

  6. I don’t get the stats with all the tops. I hear there are more bottoms in the gay world than anything. I don’t necessarily believe that but finding a porn model muscle bottom is like discovering a two headed unicorn. Damn near impossible unless your willing to travel to the big city. Plus the BB info maybe skewed because most guys won’t advertise that unless you ask. A more accurate way to get a true number would be number of safe only responses.

  7. I never understood all the fuss over Ellen. I never did really care for her sitcom and can't stand her talk show.


    I'll give her the coming out episode; she was the first but let's be honest if it wasn't her, it would have been someone else. If you beat someone else to the punch you make history....very calculated and timed just right.


    The talk show is all a front, from that atrocious dancing to the god awful jokes, but people drank the Kool-Aid and she became popular. To me she was trying way to hard to be liked when she first had the talk show, then when the money and awards came in she got too comfortable and let the real her start to show.


    I imagine after you reach the top the only way is down, there is nothing really left for her to do. She can only dance that stupid dance, say that God awful joke, feign interest in someone she can't stand so many times. The cracks have already ruined the facade.

  8. Old school....wow I'd thought I never see the day 2000 is considered old school...but I love all of it. Each decade has a fad to it. The hairstyles, the slang, the clothing, the bareback of the 70's and early 80s to condom in the 90's and early 2000s then back to bareback today. Back in the day you had big names that everyone knew, today anyone and everyone makes porn. I watch a lot of amateurs nowadays because it's more realistic to me. If I can't be convinced that what I'm seeing isn't real I'm not interested.

  9. It's funny some guys will let me slide with being smelly so it goes both ways. If I'm in the middle of something good I can overlook the smell but if the undies come off and the smell takes the curl out of my hair then we gotta hit the shower.

  10. It's funny some guys will let me slide with being smelly so it goes both ways. If I'm in the middle of something good I can overlook the smell but if the undies come off and the smell takes the curl out of my hair then we gotta hit the shower.

  11. No, life is about experiencing everything. Why on Earth would I be with someone that looks and acts like me in my younger days? As my hobby has progressed I've learned to try many different things. My taste have gone from twinky to bear to grandpa to trans to obese, all races, all heights. I love my muscle men but sometimes you want to change it up with a guy that is totally different. It's surprising how hot some of the sex really is with a guy you'd never expect.

  12. No, life is about experiencing everything. Why on Earth would I be with someone that looks and acts like me in my younger days? As my hobby has progressed I've learned to try many different things. My taste have gone from twinky to bear to grandpa to trans to obese, all races, all heights. I love my muscle men but sometimes you want to change it up with a guy that is totally different. It's surprising how hot some of the sex really is with a guy you'd never expect.

  13. The experience was just okay. His picks are accurate, I didn't get much of an attitude from him and we did talk a little. Other than that I probably wouldn't repeat, he wasn't exactly powder fresh and it was kind of a mood killer. If you want to know more PM me.

  14. As someone that lives 50 miles from Santa Fe Spursy just about hit all the highlights of living in the area. New Mexico truly has a beauty of it's own. It's different from AZ. There are plenty of small towns and communities that have festivals year round. There is skiing, the holidays each have their own charm in Santa Fe, especially Christmas. If you want to get away every once in a while, southern NM has White Sands and Carlsbad caverns, both each awe inspiring in their own right. Santa Fe is however pricey, but since this is a vacation home.... The people are friendly enough, a lot of people from all over the world come to Santa Fe for it's charm. The plaza is truly unique. Santa Fe is said to have more gay people per capita than San Francisco, I don't necessarily believe that but we are a noticeable crowd in the city. It's called the city different for a reason.

  15. I agree with the others on the thread that said this one is a keeper. I'm to the point now that if they don't offer this in the first meeting they aren't someone that I continue business with.


    I'm a believer in soul/sexual healing and yes when you connect with a provider beyond the physical act of more than massage it can be like visiting a very good friend, they get to know you in a way not too many other people do.


    It's a tricky thing but I think if someone is advertising to gay men there is a certain level of expectation of how the session will go. If there is no sense of anything more than a massage the price has to be within a range that's on par with others i.e. massage envy.


    When some of these guys spoil you with the perks it's tough to go back.

  16. I had a hard time doing car side pickup for the longest time. I'm not even about to go inside to eat. Yes it's a different world and the world has changed in the few months this pandemic has been going. I miss eating out but since this whole thing has started I have been learning new skills on how to cook my own food and I'm getting better at stuff I didn't know how to do. I do feel bad for those in left in the service industry. I tip more nowadays to help out, to my understanding salaries didn't go up for food service workers and now they put their health at risk just to feed me. I'm not sure how long this will be sustainable for the food service but it isn't business as usual and it won't be for a while.

  17. When I was a teenager I worked at the movie theater. There is no way to enforce masks and social distancing in a dark room while everyone is watching the movie. Hell you have people, myself included who do all kinds of naughty things in the dark ?. Until there is a vaccine, going to the movies is going to have to be put on hold. They should adapt to VOD to at least turn a profit. Mulan and Wonder Woman 84 have already finished their ad campaigns and the movie leaks have already happened. The longer they wait, people will forget about it. Imagine if the movie is terrible....all that waiting for waste of time.

  18. When I was a teenager I worked at the movie theater. There is no way to enforce masks and social distancing in a dark room while everyone is watching the movie. Hell you have people, myself included who do all kinds of naughty things in the dark ?. Until there is a vaccine, going to the movies is going to have to be put on hold. They should adapt to VOD to at least turn a profit. Mulan and Wonder Woman 84 have already finished their ad campaigns and the movie leaks have already happened. The longer they wait, people will forget about it. Imagine if the movie is terrible....all that waiting for waste of time.

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