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    + Kufrol reacted to + purplekow in Loneliness... Depression and Anxiety   
    Depression is something which one should not deal with alone. Seek out medical help. The combination of depression and alcoholism can be deadly. Again, seeking help is the first step. You may find that by stopping your self medication with beer, which in itself is a depressant, you may start to see solutions to other life crises. Support groups, such as AA may give you guidance in facing the difficulties which have led to alcohol being such a strong force in your life. In addition, AA may serve as one way of starting to connect on a social level. Only you can take the first step. You may be surprised how many people will reach out the hoist you up once you stretch out a hand and ask for help. It may be a long journey, but please take the first step.
  2. Like
    + Kufrol reacted to + nycman in Life sucks, then you die   
    Isn't this a cheery little thread?
    And I'm someone who enjoys exploring the darker side of life....even for me this is a little rough.
    Nonetheless, in some ways it's nice to be reminded of just how fucking lucky we are!
  3. Like
    + Kufrol reacted to + Eric Hassan in Life sucks, then you die   
    Seriously? What value does this thread have in moving this community forward?
  4. Like
    + Kufrol reacted to John Krups in 411 on HeyitsJulian   
    I met Julian and he's a really good guy, his pictures are accurate and he does very well. He's masculine and clean and kind.
  5. Like
    + Kufrol got a reaction from Matthew999999999 in Please think before getting a dog!   
    My dog and I often go on road trips and we stay at local La Quinta Inns whose generous pet policy (no extra fee, and with very few exceptions, all properties allow them) and value for the room impress me.
  6. Like
    + Kufrol got a reaction from + quoththeraven in Please think before getting a dog!   
    Many Europeans, the English and French especially, dote on their pets nearly as much as we Americans do. "Working" dogs and cats on farms have a different role in a household, but they've managed to work their way into their guardians' hearts as well.
  7. Like
    + Kufrol got a reaction from TruthBTold in Please think before getting a dog!   
    Many Europeans, the English and French especially, dote on their pets nearly as much as we Americans do. "Working" dogs and cats on farms have a different role in a household, but they've managed to work their way into their guardians' hearts as well.
  8. Like
    + Kufrol reacted to OCClient in Please think before getting a dog!   
    A rescue, nearly 1 year old. My first was a girl, and girls are trouble, let me tell you. The 2nd time at the drive through she nearly jumped through to see where the hamburgers were coming from. The time she pushed the car door open when trying to load the groceries and she ran off to find her own way into the store that I'd left her for earlier. She knew he was high maintenance already, so never failed to tease her brother. How she loved getting a rise out of him. She would never give me a kiss, even turned her head the other way, when I asked for one. Mind games, her forte. Knowing when she gave you a start, did her heart good. But inside, there was still a heart of gold. Anyone that was smitten with me, she warmed up to immediately. Somehow she knew. Never bit anyone. Playful. Could catch a frisbie on the fly. Was a beautiful and sleek animal. Too smart for my own good. After all these years I still get a lump in my throat thinking about my girl.
  9. Like
    + Kufrol got a reaction from + honcho in Please think before getting a dog!   
    My dog and I often go on road trips and we stay at local La Quinta Inns whose generous pet policy (no extra fee, and with very few exceptions, all properties allow them) and value for the room impress me.
  10. Like
    + Kufrol reacted to MikeyGMin in Please think before getting a dog!   
    I have a very good friend who travels frequently and was making noise about getting a dog a couple years ago. He actually wanted a Husky. It had nothing to do with Game of Thrones, but was an equally stupid reason. He had dreams of going running with a dog. A Husky? In Texas? In the summer?
    After making a point of telling him when I couldn't join a weekend getaway to Houston because of dog care issues. Or pointing out every time I had to leave an event early because of my dog. Or how much extra our week in Costa Rica cost me because of dog boarding. He finally came around and decided he would wait to get a dog until he was "settled down." ( AKA my age )
    My dog can actually tell when I am expecting a gentleman caller. The things I do to get my bedroom ready are a dead giveaway and he is not amused. He knows he is going to be shut out of the bedroom for a time while God only knows what is happening to create those noises!
    He parks himself near the front door and stares daggers at it until they arrive. Then when the bedroom door opens he scolds them all the way to the front door. It would be an absolutely fearsome sight if he wasn't an old, gray-haired, overweight Pug.
  11. Like
    + Kufrol got a reaction from + poolboy48220 in Please think before getting a dog!   
    My dog and I often go on road trips and we stay at local La Quinta Inns whose generous pet policy (no extra fee, and with very few exceptions, all properties allow them) and value for the room impress me.
  12. Like
    + Kufrol reacted to LaffingBear in Please think before getting a dog!   
    I love dogs.
    I dont have a dog. I travel with minimal notice. Often away from home for long hours. It wouldn't be fair to the animal.
    I had a college ex-roommate who got a dog, tired of the dog, tied its leash to the police station door. Not long thereafter got a new puppy, tired of it, and abandoned that one at the police station too. I think that was the moment in life I understood the term "seeing red!" But thats why I wont get a dog until Im certain I can provide a longterm appropriate home.

  13. Like
    + Kufrol reacted to marylander1940 in Please think before getting a dog!   
    Peter Dinklage urges 'Game of Thrones' fans to stop buying huskies just because they look like direwolves

    Game of Thrones fans are some of the most loyal around, but lately they’ve been showing their love for the show in a way that’s harmful to animals. There has been an increase in demand for huskies due to their resemblance to the show’s direwolves, the mythical large and intelligent wolves that the Stark children are given in the first episode. The direwolf is also the sigil of house Stark.
    The problem with the increased demand is that shelters are unfortunately filling up with abandoned huskies, who are given up by owners once the novelty has worn off and the reality of having to care for one sets in. So now Peter Dinklage, who plays Tyrion Lannister on Thrones, has paired up with PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) to tell people to think before buying a new pet.
    “Please, please, if you’re going to bring a dog into your family, make sure that you’re prepared for such a tremendous responsibility and remember to always, always, adopt from a shelter,” Dinklage said in an official statement.
    So if Game of Thrones has you itching for a Ghost, Nymeria, Summer, Shaggydog, Lady, or Grey Wind of your own, but you’re not sure you can commit to taking care of a live one, maybe consider an adorable stuffed animal instead?
  14. Like
    + Kufrol reacted to + purplekow in Please think before getting a dog!   
    Once you have a dog, it is inconvenient to not be able to just take off and travel or stay out late working or partying. I have four. They are a great reason to stay home and a great excuse to avoid staying late at work or going out when I would rather be in bed. I do need to shape my life around them, but that shape turns out to be a heart.
  15. Like
    + Kufrol reacted to + Tarte Gogo in 411 on Jesse Twink in New York City?   

  16. Like
    + Kufrol reacted to + othermanc in 411 on Jesse Twink in New York City?   
    Kevin Slater said :"report back." I did earlier on another thread but if anyone is watching this one, I'll copy the section where I answer Kevin's request:
    Now that daddys is accepting reviews again I will submit the details to the review section, but just a quick, happy note here. Of the three twinks I hired in New York City only one was a native New Yorker. (Brooklyn). The other 2 were visiting. Not my plan but it worked out great for me. Each guy was great in his own way. All were fun, enthusiastic in the sack, and did everything but a song and a dance to please me!
    Great bodies, great attitudes, and everything I hire twink escorts for!
    If you are a twink lover, check out Jesse, the sole New York resident (https://rent.men/JesseTwink)
    Sean from Boston( https://rent.men/dreamboyy) and Jake from Toronto (https://rent.men/jakobd).
  17. Like
    + Kufrol reacted to + azdr0710 in JhonnyBoy in Minneapolis   
    go here:
    put the entire address (as in your post above) in the white box....then click "visit anonymously"
    then proceed to the reviews, open them, and see if there is text for any of them.....
    EDIT: just looked and there are several favorable comments along with several reviews with none
  18. Like
    + Kufrol got a reaction from Scott Virginian in College_guy in San Diego?   
    Sometimes that's all it takes, Scott!
  19. Like
    + Kufrol reacted to Good Grief in College_guy in San Diego?   
    Whoa! @MikeBiDude . Excellent Sherlocking, you Holmes gent!
    Should I apologize to @Seaworld ? Nah, he's been pain enough...
  20. Like
    + Kufrol got a reaction from CADreamer in College_guy in San Diego?   
    A bit of levity?
  21. Like
    + Kufrol got a reaction from Good Grief in College_guy in San Diego?   
    A bit of levity?
  22. Like
    + Kufrol reacted to MikeyGMin in College_guy in San Diego?   
    All the idle threats and false bravado are kind of amusing. At least it amuses me when some welp doesn't seem to realize that many of us have been doing this longer than he has been alive. Blacklisted via a phone number!! Hehehe. The naivete an utter lack of understanding on how this world actually works is kind of a giggle.
  23. Like
    + Kufrol reacted to + azdr0710 in College_guy in San Diego?   
    Good Grief
  24. Like
    + Kufrol got a reaction from bigvalboy in College_guy in San Diego?   
    A bit of levity?
  25. Like
    + Kufrol got a reaction from RandyC in 411 on Axel Hardy   
    I debated between attaching the birthday song to President Kennedy or to Elvis Presley. I chose the latter:

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