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    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from liubit in Jimmy Dean Breakfasts?   
    We all are a good sounding board but not a substitute for the services and support of a good social service Agency === And they are everywhere if not your town then your county - local religious organizations == even the local fire dept and the Red Cross/United Way are all a call away!!!
  2. Like
    Bearofdistinction reacted to + bashful in Jimmy Dean Breakfasts?   
    @Llguy is right. You have it, and given it's hereditary, then you know the progression. Don't just accept it as being inevitable. Make whatever changes you can, one at a time, even the simplest ones, now. There's more information out there. Yes, easy for all of us to tell you to do as we say (and sometimes not as we do, myself included), but, it really begins with you. A good primary care physician will help you.
  3. Like
    Bearofdistinction reacted to + LIguy in Jimmy Dean Breakfasts?   
    Avalon, Make small changes daily until they become habits. Knock off the diet sodas and get a Brita pitcher and drink water. Cut up some limes and put a wedge in your glass of water. Are you a Type 1 or 2 diabetic? You don't need to cook or microwave breakfast. I eat a low sugar lowfat yogurt and a banana with peanut butter on it. Start with changing how you eat breakfast.....do it for a week or 2 then change lunch...then dinner. Take it from me that eating all those preservatives in food can clash with your medications. You seem to have alot of time on your hands so goggle google google healthy foods that may not need to be cooked on the stove. If I lived near you I would come over and kick your butt into gear. But I can offer moral support and some gentle? nudging.
  4. Like
    Bearofdistinction reacted to Rudynate in Jimmy Dean Breakfasts?   
    You already are. You're wearing your property manager out. I have some experience with this. Relying on a few well-chosen service agencies can really make life a lot easier for you. My father was extremely ill - he had CHF so bad that he could have qualified for a heart transplant and he was on kidney dialysis. I was his caregiver. The social worker at his dialysis unit helped me get hooked up with a few service agencies like meals on wheels. It lightened my load a lot, and he looked forward to seeing the volunteers. I think meals on wheels may actually have saved his life. He wouldn't eat the food that I prepared for him and his weight had dropped to 110#. I got him set up on meals on wheels and he started eating because he wasn't trying to play power games with me. In a matter of months he put on about 25 #.
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    Bearofdistinction reacted to + bashful in Jimmy Dean Breakfasts?   
    Agree. It's not perfect, but gives @Avalon a start at branching out on the diet.
  6. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + g56whiz in The Barracks in PS?   
    They often do group mackromea parties to create slings for the poor
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    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from MikeBiDude in Maine investigating restaurant that sedated lobsters with marijuana   
    I prefer to put out martinis and pate for the lobsters along with a good cigar before I kill them and eat them --- Even Serial killers get a last meal
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    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + Avalon in Maine investigating restaurant that sedated lobsters with marijuana   
    I prefer to put out martinis and pate for the lobsters along with a good cigar before I kill them and eat them --- Even Serial killers get a last meal
  9. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + Funguy in Lobster Thermidor   
    Lobster Thermidor is still on the menu every day for decades at the Knife & Fork Inn -- Atlantic City, NJ and it is decadently delicious http://www.knifeandforkinn.com/ourmenu.php
  10. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + Avalon in Do You Like Candles? Scented Ones?   
    Unscented - great for hot wax play --- Scented NEVER --- One of the many reasons I never go into a PIER ONE Import Store
  11. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from MikeBiDude in Burger King Delivers   
    Folks this is not just about food delivery - from what Avalon describes there are few if any support services where he lives. Per his profile is only 65 -- but his quality of life seems very restricted -- I hve offered to research potential support service but he prefers not to disclose his city or state
  12. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + Pensant in Phone use   
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    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from Mrmongoloth in any others with a scent fetish?   
    Sweaty Pits - Sweaty Pits
  14. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + WilliamM in Burger King Delivers   
    Time to Movie out of Bugtussle and to a real,place
  15. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from MikeBiDude in Burger King Delivers   
    Time to Movie out of Bugtussle and to a real,place
  16. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + Avalon in Burger King Delivers   
    Time to Movie out of Bugtussle and to a real,place
  17. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + oldNbusted in WOW I just turned 2000   
    posts and I only feel about 1900
  18. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + WilliamM in WOW I just turned 2000   
    posts and I only feel about 1900
  19. Like
    Bearofdistinction reacted to + Avalon in Where Do You Carry Your Wallet?   
    I think most men carry their wallet in the back pocket. I got into the habit of putting mine in the front right one. Less chance of it falling out or a pick pocket taking it,
  20. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from Walker1 in Has A Client Ever Tried To Talk You Out Of Being An Escort?   
    Are you kidding? I tried to talk the Uber Driver into joining the fun and make real money -- Fucking Georgeous Exotic Built!
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    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + pitman in How long have you been an Escort?   
    Crisco is the traditional gift ---- JLube is the modern gift
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    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from Rod Hagen in How long have you been an Escort?   
    Crisco is the traditional gift ---- JLube is the modern gift
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    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from Kenny in How long have you been an Escort?   
    Crisco is the traditional gift ---- JLube is the modern gift
  24. Like
    Bearofdistinction reacted to Kevin Slater in How long have you been an Escort?   
    I've been escorting 16 years now. It's always been sole support. I think that's the Crisco anniversary, btw.
    Kevin Slater
  25. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from rvwnsd in Best Pick Up Lines   
    I have a stack of $100s rolled around my cock -- could you help me count them?
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