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Posts posted by Bearofdistinction

  1. he could be trying to establish/reiterate an "identity" thinking that it would come off as HOT... (and he is clearly not reflective enough to realize that it could just be a huge mis-fire!)


    And he kind of looks like he escaped from the Charles Mason School of Hair Design and Destruction . . .

  2. I made email contact. I wanted to meet with him on my upcoming Indy trip. His reply was that this coming weekend is dedicated to his girlfriend, but any time after that is ok...I'll keep you posted...


    Well that response is a turn-off for me. I don't need to know about your deviant hetero lifestyle.


    Why not simply say -- "I am sorry I am booked for that time/weekend - is there another date or time that works for you?"

  3. About ten years ago I was in San Francisco having breakfast at Sears. I was seated at a table next to Matthew Rush. He was very new in the business in those days and was gorgeous. I did NOT approach him as he has always had a thing about NOT escorting.


    SEARs serves breakfast? I guess you do get more with a KENMORE!


    And yes - I have met Gentleman Callers in "real life" one or two I knew personally -- one or two I got to know personally after meeting in the real world. One was a server in a very high-end restaurant and I discretely mentioned his other business endeavors - he smiled and brought me a free dessert of Chocolate Mousse with lots of whipped cream "If you enjoy the mousse I can bring some along for our dessert" he said. I waited at the bar across the street for him to finish work and then finish me . . .


    Another arrived as the workman for a company I had hired for some work around my home - lunch and happy hour were memorable.

  4. I always like the idea of using such items. I recall one guy who walked the aisles of Home Depot looking for common every day items that could be effective for playtime.


    As for myself, for someone who does not own a clothesline I have quite a few clothespins... or as one Brit guy I once played with referenced them... clothespegs.


    Home Depot - Lowes - ACE is the place for the hurtful hardware gear . . .

  5. with the Groff...



    I have been an RT Fan since the HISTORY BOYS hit the stage --- Before RT was supposed to be the HOT Boi! === RT has ONLY GOTTEN HOTTER/SEXIER/MORE BUFF/MORE HANDSOME/HIS COCK KEEPS GROWING AND HIS ASS GETS PERKIER BY THE DAY~~~~


    NOW Add in Dominic Cooper -- the HOT HISTORY BOY --- Into a 3way and I am Ready to CUM and then GO -- Cause it will NEVER GET HOTTER THAN THAT!!!

  6. He used to dance at LeBoy in Fort Lauderdale. Much discussed here at one point. Outrageously cut body sporting outrageous hair. Advertised on RM in LAfor a year or so. Now advertising in Miami. Would love to hear from anyone who's hired him. Thx for help with providing




  7. Why one couple feels like they're scraping by on $500K a year


    Make Date Night Sharing one Kids Platter at Steak and Shake -- Lose a Car and one vacation a year - Give the Kids POLE DANCE and STRIP LESSONS! And let them pay for their own lessons and college fund -- Get a better accountant







    My suggestion would be getting rid of the car (16,600) and cutting the expenses on charity (18,000)


    I would also cut in clothing for 4 people (9,500 per year = 208 per month per person), and 1 holiday instead of 3 (18,000) besides 6,000 per holiday for a family of 4, even if they're paying $500 per person round trip to San Francisco they could get a better deal for hotel and food and not spend 4,000. There's no better city for a staycation like NYC.


    What would yinz do?


    What would you cut or get rid of if you were lucky enough to be making 250k per year, have a mortgage instead or rent, and have a hubby/bf with an equal salary.

  8. http://www.boyculture.com/.a/6a00d8341c2ca253ef01b7c801b4b3970b-550wi


    For those like myself, who ask, "Who the heck is Billy Reilich?" here's a picture and the link to his instagram:



    The copy I read says that he was Ellen DeGeneres' gardener, apparently going by the stage name of Nick the Gardener?!! He's sure gorgeous!

    Here in 2014 she gets him a meeting to be in the Magic Mike sequel Magic Mike XXL which I recall being not as good as the original Magic Mike!


    TruHart1 :cool:


    I Do Not Care -- I AM GETTING THE VAPORS -- and soon feel the need for Azaleas!


    Even so Not Really My Type -- I like Real HWP Furry Guys --- But Lordy -- What a human buffet trey he would make for parties! Belly Button Wassabe Anyone?

  9. I lived close to a Penn State frat house in State College, PA many years ago.


    The pledges were treated very badly then, and apparently nothing has changed.


    What a horrifying waste of life = What kind of creatures is our society raising


    that so many could stand by and do nothing for so long - and watch someone die . . .


    -- A Star Athlete and Top Student a Beautiful young man whose engineering talent might have


    provided multiple advances to the cause of humanity. I have not been able to confirm but have


    been told by sources in Jersey that the family is related to retired Pro Athlete Mike Piazza but


    they did not want to advertise the connection to keep the focus on their son.



  10. Do any clients on this forum have criminal records? If so, are they obligated to never hire an escort?


    There were just these two little things - Taking down Country-Wide Mortgage and Excellon Communications --- Now I was never officially arrested . . . . but . . .

  11. Just curious to read others' opinions about this. In the process of doing a Google reverse image search of photos on a particular ad, in an effort to determine whether it was legitimate, I came across the mugshot of the individual in question. The record indicated an arrest for a violent crime.


    Were you in my shoes, would you be deterred from hiring? And do you feel that in a forum such as this one that such information is pertinent to bring to other potential clients' attention? Where do we draw the line between respecting these men's privacy and protecting one another?


    Murder/Arson/Big Narcotics/Personal Violence NO


    BUT -- Security Exchange Violations/Counterfitting/MailFraud/ID Theft/Insurance Fraud/Market Manipulations Leading to National Recession = No Problem == Stay with White Collar Born-Again Republican Biggity Bastards and Your Are Just FINE !!!


    Of Course they will probably charge you extra to supply them with Viagra

  12. If that's what the sub wants then that's what the sub should get as long as it is done within the sub's individual limits. Some subs like to wear nipple clamps when being flogged. Others like to be blindfolded. Some prefer to be restrained. Others feel that it is their duty to take what is dished out without restraints. The only other limits should be safety and sanity.


    Some subs like to do their Ethel Merman impersonations singing both Cole Porter and Disco songs

    while being flogged -- which is just their way of saying HARDER HARDER - Beat the Song Outta my heart!

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