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Posts posted by Bearofdistinction

  1. I love the toilets where the toilet seat that you sat on was covered with paper. You sat and did your thing. Then you got up, wiped, and flushed. When you flushed a new sheet of paper wound around the toilet seat for the next person to sit on. Luxury.


    I was in Phoenix a couple of years ago for a conference --- and the toilets in the airport, the hotel and various restaurants/bars had plastic (like saran wrap) covers that automatically changed as soon as you stood up -- a little bit creepy and a little bit

    sticky because it was July in Phoenix and the temp range was 113-117 degrees all week day and night and there were daily rainshowers so it was humid ----- Made me glad to be home to shit on my own toilet!

  2. Looks like they're pretty well bolted down, so hopefully not. http://www.boytoy.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif


    Is he pissing on the correct side of the urinal????



    Looks like they're pretty well bolted down, so hopefully not. http://www.boytoy.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif




    http://65.media.tumblr.com/7bdb1cbe45cc4df93ab1c334c9935a53/tumblr_mwtn8cv0031rcp94ao1_1280.jpghttp://67.media.tumblr.com/5144487d0be2dc5dc9eeaaf1c25f9a9f/tumblr_ny15oehJx71uvf7quo1_1280.jpghttp://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_maoowmyohe1qg22hlo1_1280.jpg#'s 43 and 47 together with a side helping of #54 for desert PLEASE!!!


    Number 26 - Number 43 - 3 cans of whipped cream - 2 sticks of butter -- a quart of strawberries -- a pound of chocolate chips and 4 bananas - That would take care of the first hour . . .

  4. Doesn't the saying go the bigger the better ;)


    I love to hug and feel bigger guys they feel so comfortable and I feel safe in their arms :)


    Hey Cute Cubby Thanks -- There are few things more romantic as a big guy than to feel a sweet chaser on top of the big guy wrapped in each others arms = just feeling the weight of your body on top as we kiss and explore and enjoy each other as the heat and other things grow is almost heaven . . .

  5. Hello Ladies and Gentlemen Of The Forum:


    Hope all of you are doing fine and well on this happy Friday.

    As for me, I'm doing great as I'm relaxing enjoying a nice cold bowl of Strawberry Ice Cream, and watching Queer As Folk -Season 4.


    Love me some Ben Buckner(Robert Gant). My dream husband. LOL. :rolleyes:. He's SOOOO HOTT!!! I think him and Brian would have made more of a hot couple on the show. What a hot scene it was to see on Season 2 Ben and Brian did fuck together at one point as a hook-up before Ben met Michael. ;);).

    What was hot about scene: Ben was the bottom for Brian. Usually Ben is a top for Micheal. Not in this case with his hook-up with Brian. Lol. :rolleyes::rolleyes:. Ben does have a hot ass on him. Same with Michael too. ;).

    Anyway - Here is my dilemma, folks, and need everyone's advice on how to handle or deal with such a complicating issue I'm facing with my close friend, so here it goes (sigh).......


    Have a close friend I've known for 7 years now who is also a fellow escort/masseur in the Midwest. We talk on the phone at least once a week, and even visit each other 4 times a year.

    Don't get me wrong, I love the guy - really I do, but he gets on my freaking nerves with his constant bragging how in well demand he is in everything. Without asking "how you doing - how's you're day going", it's right away all about HIM, and how clients are lining up to see him, ect. Sometimes I wonder does he intend to lift himself up on a pedestal on purpose to intimidate me or make me invy him.

    I think he's trying to make me feel inferior as it appears to me that's what he's doing at times seeing how he has to make the conversation all about him, and how grand he is to everybody on earth.

    He'll re-route a conversation we'll be having about a world events or working on our future goals, and right away he'll make the subject about him on how he lived lavishly with his ex-lover all over the world, and how his ex-lover of 19 years was wealthy, owning houses together, owning lavish cars, traveling around the world, knowing wealthy celebrities, Congressman, English royalty, ect. You name it - him and his ex-lover done it.


    I become so annoyed when he speaks or goes on and on about how guys outside of escorting chase after him, and hit on him wherever he goes to be his boyfriend. Proves to me he has low self esteem, and do feel he exaggerates a tad much as nobody is that lucky all the time - everytime like that 95% of the time in they're lives. Makes my head spin as it's pathetic to me how someone has to brag to such annoying extents like this.

    Had a heart-to-heart talk with him a month ago, and explained to him how his behavior in bragging to me or others can be a turn-off, and he need to get a grip on this before people think he's too high-maintenance or one who's a show-off. What does he do? Be on the defense, and say how I'm being too sensetive or jealous. I broke out laughing because it's so ridiculous to me of why would I be jealous of someone who has to brag to me or clients on how well they've had it in the past with a wealthy lover, and how high in demand they are client wise.

    I know he's well loved and in high demand by clients as I've worked with him in the past as he's really good at what he does, and am happy for him, and his success, but when you throw such success constantly in someone's face all the time trying to make the other escort feel they are beneath you or inferior - to me, that's going way overboard, and is considered as bragging in my opinion. Some may ask "Have you talk to your friend, and told him how you feel about his behavior"? Some may say " Maybe he doesn't see or is aware he's bragging being he's sharing his life experiences with you as a friend". Both maybe true, and he maybe sharing his life experiences, yes, but there is a difference in sharing your life experiences, and just plain being a show-off intentionally on purpose to prove to someone how well you have it made in life in and out of escorting.

    What do you guys think I should do about my bragging friend? Should I be firm, and confront him again on how uncomfortable it makes me feel of him bragging too much or cut him loose?

    May the suggestions begin........:):).............


    You made him aware of how annoying his behavior is - now is time for Behavior Modification.

    Modify a canine Shock Collar and lock it around his cock and balls - and everytime he starts to brag --- ZAP HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Well Greg, if you are 6 ft tall, you'd be perfection @ 200. I am 5'9.5" and currently at my highest weight of 230. It's a terrible struggle... I diet and workout but cant drop a single ounce... I am currently researching the "fat freeze" and lipo procedures.... People don't say I'm fat, but I am uncomfortable in this body... and this summer when I broke my beach chair, that was the final nail in my coffin....


    I just blamed it on the termites and poor Wal-Mart Chinese manufacturers - especially when my 110 lb lesbian friend broke

    the same exact chair --- but she was carrying a bottle of Cuervo - two limes and ice --- Amazing how lesbians can distribute weight!

  7. Oh Goodness...


    I have a client who was 86 Years old. Needless to say Age and Size doesnt matter to me. What matters to me Is they arent a Douche or Flake.


    If I make it to 86 I am gonna spend my final years with the most charming, intelligent, beautiful, sensual, kimky, raunchy, wild men I can find. If I get to choose my way to go - it is in the middle of 4-5 msn session with me at the center of attention --- Im Cuuuummminnnnngggggggg ---- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh --- Im goooooging -- keep fucking me till Im go0ne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    And in this Case ----- I WILL leave envelopes in Advance!

  8. Oh Goodness...


    I have a client who was 86 Years old. Needless to say Age and Size doesnt matter to me. What matters to me Is they arent a Douche or Flake.


    I always tell my future partner my stats before we meet --- If it is a problem for him I would much rather know before I have prepped. set up the gear, and set aside valuable time - Only to have a caller get to the door, stammer and either say this isn't gonna work or gulp and grind his teeth and fake it as we both have a lousy time. I am a Big Bodied Rolly Polly Bear/Chub and I like my

    big furry body - If you don't lots of other guys do!


    Good Communication makes for great fornication!!!!!!

  9. I thought Hastert was a wrestling or boxing coach. Why are the boys wearing kimonos?



    I had an occurrence several years ago where a youngster contacted me through Grindr. His stated age was 18. But then in conversation he told me he was 16. He was the one who initiated the texting in the first place. I'm not usually attracted to youngsters like that. When he told me he was 16, I said I can't talk to you, and I immediately blocked him.


    I have had similar occurrences but not on GRINDR--- so prior to ending conversation I provided information for the local LGBT Teen Support and Social Groups ---- I remember being 16 gay and horny and not knowing where to go. After the information exchange for resources - I ended and blocked all conversation ---- Interesting to me is these guys who claim to be 18 are 16 look

    22-24 (My absolute Minimum Age Threshold) although I generally prefer older like 30 at the bottom of the age range and 60 on the other end. Is this all a scam? I don't know I looked 20+ when I was 15

  10. Here is a look at the movie posted on our PBS site. The author discloses that he had offered to speak with the movie's makers to give his remembrances of what had led to the riots and what happened after.




    Thank you for sharing the article TBT --- I do recommend Marc Segal's Book -- and if you are not familiar with any of his work for the LGBT community I suggest that you

    Google --- The John C. Anderson House in Philadelphia - the first public/privately funded partnership to create "LGBT Friendly" Sliding Scale Fee -- Senior Housing.


    The Sunday NYTimes did an excellent piece around the ground opening.

  11. I have looked repeatedly in greater philly So Jersey with no luck. Misstress Destiny Chambers are allegedly available for rent IF no one else is interested



    In the interim I have amassed a large quantity of gear including bondage bed/sling/rimseats/electro/medical/toys/cbt/etc and have

    a bondage compatible 2-3 person shower and have been considering offering ll of the above on kinkbnb in a convenient in town location with parking


    Will keep y'all advised if I move forward with the plan

  12. Not if done right with proper precautions --- Por Hemplo


    I boil my sounds under pressure for at least 25 minutes AFTER they have been cleaned with BZK Wipes - then wrapped in warm clean

    microwaved sterile towels --- THe play area is cleaned with hot water and antibacterial soup -- then wiped with BZK including the piss slit - then treated with provine iodine swabs - and wiped clean again with BZK wipes --- Sterile Surgilube is inserted into the slit and worked down with sterile gloves --then the clean boiled warm rods are treated with sterile surgilube and inserted ---- Ahhhhh Ahhhhhh Oooohh Oooooh Into My Bladder SIR -- please control my piss , , , ,,

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