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Posts posted by MrMattBig

  1. What makes you think they will get that much money? The pandemic unemployment assistance will be based on last year's net income. This is income minus expenses and minus health insurance But the expenses for the massage therapist as the expenses for any other self-employed person continue.

    A seasoned professor provider should be able to show last year’s net income.

    The struggle will be the self employed angle.

    I'm in Nevada (Vegas) I got denied because of no w2 income and being self employed, even while the online application had boxes to indicate self employed and affected by Covid 19. I got sent an employer validation paperwork however.

    Going to try and Wade through the phone system tomorrow to fix the situation or find the proper course of action.

  2. It should have been immediately apparent what was going on, and stores should have taken appropriate measures right away.

    I completely disagree. No retail business would react precipitately to a run on an individual line of stock on one day, they would want to see a pattern. They would respond more quickly if it was a threat to their bottom line or the stability of their operations. This wasn't. They wouldn't allow an individual shop manager, much less a checkout operator, throw the switch, but they would fairly quickly see that it was happening in multiple outlets and their IT systems would tell them the scope of the issue. That would be when they would move, which is what they did. It wasn't a threat to the company, the restrictions were implemented to calm shoppers down. That calming effort was complemented by detailed e-mails of what they were doing to their loyalty card holders and signage in the shops. This wasn't a run on a bank.

    This is what I mean about rules and regulations. There should be an SOP to limit essential items (toilet paper, milk, water, rice, etc) when panic buying is witnessed in a store. Either case if checkout clerk or store manager would have done something they most likely would have got suspended or fired.

    First hand knowledge again, I had to close a dining room once at a Jack-in-the-box I worked at for only 2 hours, because I did not have enough coworkers (2 others called out sick) to finish our duties and still give out lunch breaks, and attend to dine in customers and drive through. What happened, I got suspended for a week.

  3. I've heard that from friends who shop at various Mariano's. The most vocal critics are those whose Mariano's was not converted from Dominick's. One of them even said this is worse than what Safeway did to Dominick's, and Safeway ruined Dominick's. (You probably know that already unless to moved to Chicago after 1999).


    I asked someone at Fry's where I could find a clean cart and she pointed at the carts the guy brought in straight from the parking lot. When I asked for one that had been sprayed with sanitizer and wiped down, like at Safeway, she said they weren't doing that. I left and went to Safeway where they had two people at the door at 8:00 PM wiping down carts and handing them to customers.

    Safeway wins the day for me too.

    Here is Vegas it's Vons. But the same attention to sanitary measures...one attendant wiping down carts and handing them to you, another with a counter to monitor store volume (last I noticed it was 100 occupancy limit), security guard outside as well, then floor markers at checkouts to maintain 6 feet, and arrows for one way aisles.

  4. Those with dyed hair before COVID -19 and cannot go their hair dresser, are now showing the tell-tales of their true colors... ???

    Lol, depending on the style of hair and dye job they can try to dye it themselves.

    I just tried to do a lilac type color, but with a product that is not meant for what I was trying to achieve really. Results?

    Wayyyy to dark of a purple, had to try and wash most of it out and stained my hand for a few hours.

    I understand the product better though, so going to try again this weekend. Not able to get the roots though, but luckily I last had it bleached beginning of March so it's not too bad but they are getting long.

  5. .


    Again, it goes back to those 2 valuable words: 2 consenting adults.

    This point is exactly why I say your risks are your risks. I get it stop, stop drilling down on this, when I am saying your risks are your risks and I see and get this point.


    One word: Hypothetically. That’s the examples you’re giving me. Yes, bodies are being stored in refrigerator trucks. But my question is, is it the first time? I think not. Remember this:





    Second, this graphic illustrates the flu burden, it does not say that because of illness refrigerator trucks have stored the dead before. And even it did, should we resign to accept it because it's happened before, or try and stop it?


    And the hypothetical?

    It's a valid emotional exercise, one every adult taking any risk should be able to run through, so they can be prepared for the consequences, if they should arise.

    And trust me, from first hand experience from a non Covid situation, when you know you could have done more to safe someone, or possibly or partially responsible for someone's death, it is not an easy thing to deal with.


    Just for the record: I’ve been taking visits all this time. I’m still alive. And been checking with all my clients, they too are still alive.


    This part is fine. Your risks are your risks. Stop saying it's not less safe though. When refrigerator trucks have to store the dead, it's time to pause and think. Point blank.

    Question is as well: will you be able to deal with the scenario of getting sick and finding out out after checking in on clients that one of them is gravely ill?

    Or vice versa.

    Nevermind it hasn't happened yet, do you feel you are emotionally ready to handle that burden of responsibility knowing that intimate get together could be the source?

  7. Check the tracking # on Amazon with USPS tracking and you'll find it's probably a fake number. Also check feedback and plenty will say it's a scam. Many of us have been lulled into the fake Chinese mask deals on Amazon lately.

    Thanks for that tip! The one of the two that I suspected to be fake or not come, the tracking number does not check out and the page disappeared. One other one I just ordered yesterday so no tracking number yet

    @Spursy I have an order for cloth ones that is 2 weeks out...a math equation print one and a blow job print one?

  8. That's dedication!

    I just push the button on my Keurig

    Well I know I’m an oddball....but I buy green coffee beans from all over the world and roast them myself about twice a week, then grind roasted beans per cup, and use a pour over filter cup by cup. Might be one of the few food-crazy things I do that actually saves money after amortizing the cost of the roaster. I rarely pay more than $6-7/pound for my green beans.
  9. Very true in my case. I was cursed with a small dick and it's been my lifelong wish to find a man to serve. I own my home so he could move in with me. I'd do all of the cooking, cleaning, work part- or full-time to help with finances. A drink and a foot massage ready every day when he arrives home from work. Sexual servitude, of course. I would be such a dutiful and obedient househusband. Unfortunately, nobody wants a guy with a small dick - not even as a service provider as I've described. :(

    Smaller dicks are easier to deep throat and can pound you with harder full strokes without hurting you for going to deep?

  10. I have worked at two different high volume licensed Starbucks in the past. I agree their regular coffee (medium blend Pikes place) sucks.

    It can be interesting experimenting with different blends they have 'in season' or if it's a reserve store they will have a variety of blends and will be more than happy to brew from French press which is way better than the typical commercial way that's used to brew coffee. My drink if I stop by is a grande soy white chocolate mocha extra shot so 3, with whipped cream. Every espresso drink needs at least one extra shot. And those machines get out of calibration very easily or need a cleaning cycle done with cleaning tablets run through every shift. That cleaning cycle can by bypassed for a good amount of time before it makes you, and doing so can start messing with the calibration big time.

  11. Curious to hear what will you be looking for in providers in relation to Covid.

    Will it be pictures on their ad in masks and gloves?

    Will it be saying they have be self isolating/quarantined since a certain date in their ad.

    Will it be them saying they already had it and recovered?

    With RM it limits the length of characters of an ad, so that also means that an ad listing anything regarding Covid might have to sacrifice personal descriptions.

    Will you be more inclined to respond to ads with sexually targeted ad text, or Health safety text, or will it be a balance of both that will catch your eye.?

    Will the absence of one sway you one way or the other on your decision?


    So what will cause you to pull the trigger going forward with new providers?

  12. My chocolate essential is Twix. Especially in times of stress, to hold those two sticks like cigarettes (even though I don't smoke) and savor the blend of chocolate and caramel with a crunch mmm?

    On a regional note regarding holiday time chocolate, during this past Thanksgiving and Christmas season I was in the Northwest for a few days, particularly the PDX area, and the local grocery chain clerks had no idea what I meant by cordial cherries and they did not carry any. Luckily Walgreens almost never fails me and they had plenty of boxes right across the street.

  13. It's definitely a dilemma and because of high density areas there is really no way around it. I agree above that people are damn slobs sometimes. When I went to LA from Vegas on the bus last the beginning of March, this guy say next to me who kept coughing without any effort to cover up his mouth! I have seen subway ads across several cities to take off backpack to avoid hitting someone and report suspicious activity. I think to start instead of ads on various things on subways and buses, they just need to always advertise both physical and medical health and add to cover your mouth with your shirt or elbow if coughing, avoid touching handrails unless necessary. If you are sick stay home or if necessary to ride wear a mask, suggest riders carry sanitizer, etc.


    Create awareness to make high traffic areas as sanitary as possible

  14. The real issue is, that if I become infected, NO ONE should be allowed to come to my house to fetch the dog to take him for walks, etc. While it appears that dogs do not GET COVID, I think it can reside in their fur, etc. And if I am hospitalized?

    Perhaps have a few boarding options as a contingency plan if friends or family are not viable options for prolonged housing of a pet, as well as as planned precautions such as bathing of your furry friend between care and living situations.

  15. I believe kids (anyone under 18) lack the mental capacity to be held accountable for making the decision to create a Grindr profile.


    I know the law says differently with age of consent around the country, but I think minors aren’t culpable for their actions when there is a significant age difference.

    I think that's a weak excuse, as well as partially facilitated by sign up based apps and how online teens are with social media. i was 14 and browsing craigslist non stop through high school, but knew I couldn't do anything online sexually until I was 18. Actually lost my virginity to a butch lesbian from craigslist at 18. But back then if you were curious you could browse ads freely, so your viewpoint would actually have more weight as it would be more of an impulse to click and say im horny want to hookup. Now if you have to create a login to even view the content of that site/app, even with a fake email/burner account, that makes the decision to do so more dynamic. Additionally teens should be taught more that actions have consequences. Yes, mental capacity is still limited and increasing, and most of that is on a biochemical level. But if you can condition through environmental factors, such as holding responsibility for actions, then there is no need to be handicapped by biology.

  16. Matt, Tocilizumab is being used in a variety of places. Antivirals are also being used in some places here in NJ with some reports of success. I am sure Dr. Fauci is aware of these drugs as for the rest of the administration, who knows. Tocilizumab is not a cure all but in the right setting at the right time we have had success with it. The last thing that would be needed is for someone in a position of power to start talking it up as a cure all and suddenly the use of the drug becomes inappropriate. At my hospital, I as the primary care provider can only request that the ID specialist give permission for it to be used. I have done so three times and all three times it has been beneficial. In fact, all three have gone home after looking for all the world as though they needed to go on a ventilator. It is used to prevent cytokine storm which is a result of the damage that the virus has done and it does not kill the virus at all, so if you are not in danger of imminent cytokine storm, it is not of use.

    Thanks for the explanation ? It puts back in context that right setting and right timing is important in relation to a cytokine storm scenario.

    Your right about the last thing needed is to tout it as a cure. To the lay person with no context that's what the rhetoric about hydrochloroquine seems to promote, which is annoying. I feel for those who use that medication for lupus and other conditions who have had to worry and struggle to get their everyday meds.

  17. Well today is the last day of my break. I received a call from the doctor covering for me. She told me that the mother of six who seemed destined for the ICU responded well to the tocilizumab and improved almost immediately after given the drug. She continued to improve over the weekend. We also used anticoagulation on her. If those meds did anything or if she was just destined to get better you can never be sure, but I will be using that combination again. Another woman in her 50's also seemed to turn around yesterday after the tocilizumab. I had mentioned previously that this is a interleukin 6 inhibitor. Interleukin 6 stimulates cytokine release. Cytokines are vasoactive and inflammatory chemicals usually released in a control manner to fight infection but in this disease they are released in a manner called cytokine storm and though the infection is hindered, those chemicals worsen the damage. So the key it to get the cytokines under control at the proper time. In addition, we have been using anticoagulation to help treat these patients. The patients are noted to have an elevation of a substance named D Dimer which elevates at the time of blood clots in the lung. The CoVid patients do not have large clots, pulmonary emboli, but it is thought there are many many small clots which cause oxygenation problems and which cause the D Dimer to elevate. So now, when we see the D Dimer elevating, we are adding anticoagulation to try to prevent as many of those small clots as possible. None of this is standard, but so far we have had some success.

    While I was on the phone with the covering doctor, she started to have a catch in her voice. It was clear she was becoming emotional and I asked her what is wrong. She told me they had just played "the song" and she was still getting used to it and hearing it gets her emotional.

    What has happened is, someone came up with the idea that each time someone is discharged or has the tube removed from their throat, the play a brief burst of a song over the intercom. Today they were using Oh Happy Day. This is a new idea since Friday and I think it is a wonderful way to let the people in the hospital know, that there are successes. They only use the first two lines. (oh happy day, oh happy day, oh happy day oh happy day). Just a brief break in the efforts. Kind of like hearing a bell and knowing an angel got its wings.

    We also had the first person make it successfully off the respirator. I believe I had mentioned a healthy 60 year old gardener who came in and looked good and then in the morning was admitted to the ICE and placed on a ventilator. Well, I think it is 8 or 9 days later and he was extubated. The first one to get off the ventilator. I had been posting here that people were not getting off the respiratory. Now general reports are coming out that 80% of the people on respirators or even more are NOT making it off. So the plan now is to do everything possible to keep patient off the ventilator. So we are using more of the Tocilizumab to assist in that.

    I am rested and physically able to go back. Mentally it is still a struggle, but I am sure I will be ready in the morning.



    I hate to overly pick your brain on your last day off but is there use of tocilizumab in spots across the medical community right now? And if so is there push to bring it to the attention of the adminstration?

    After looking online, my rough understanding is that hydroxychloroquine is a rough target against and inflammatory response of the immune system in general, while tocilizumab is more targeted against cytokine release.

  18. Sorry you’re indifferent about “cocking” it’s much fun ?


    Buy yourself a decent rice cooker - I like the Zojirushi models. One of my favorite small appliances, my model has a steel cut oatmeal setting which is nice!

    Lol haha need to edit. Cocking...that's a entirely different matter?... Since it's just myself I just go for the steamer bags from freezer section instead of a rice cooker. Just annoying on me and amazement for others, especially 2 clients in particular who have cooked rice on the stove with a regular pot and lid in front of me while I entertain them with my stories of burnt rice or rice mush lol

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