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Everything posted by MrMattBig

  1. Well if you are going to claim something have proof before you do...and you can change settings so a copy of every message is sent to your personal email
  2. Receipts of original messages please if you claim it's deleted...
  3. Just to clarify I hope you mean "you" in a collective sense. In my perspective I mentioned desperate in relation to the escort in the OP, because when the OP stated they would not be a match sexually, the escort then proceeded to still get an appointment and payment by pressuring them into a massage appointment. And it was how they phrased it as well. "Ok I see, well I do offer massage sessions as well if you would be interested in that"....cool, perfect. "So you never get massages on here, just sex?" That's some passive aggressive nonsense which in the circumstances of involving payment to me indicates at least some form of desperation.
  4. Good point. There's an attitude of some out there that they don't want anyone looking at their ad if they are not going to meet and pay. That's extreme for a public ad on RM. That's what onlyfans and the like are for.
  5. I think part of the issue too is the ghosting and blocking that has become norm as a passive form of rejection. So when someone is encountered by an active rejection like "I don't think it would work out" they don't have the skill set and perspective to deal with that and lash out. Which can then be exacerbated by drugs and desperation.
  6. Currently chatting with a "couple" from doublelist in San Francisco. It's a guy saying he is looking for another guy down for a 3some with a girl he knows. He keeps semi dodging questions I ask and asking for pics and asking if I am real. I offer to meet in public tomorrow to ensure him I am and my pics are me, and to go over our story of how we are supposed to know each other. Instead of accepting that offer, or even counter that he is too busy, he insists on me sending a 3 finger selfie, and creates a dialogue where someone would feel pressured to prove they are real. When I insist on in public, he backs out completely. This is clearly an attempt to collect a catalog of pictures to use for themselves, including a 3 finger selfie to "verify" realness. Two points: asking for 3 finger selfies is now a moot point because scammers are preparing for this request. And if you ask for one where a provider has encountered a situation like the one above, they will absolutely refuse or ignore you completly. Better to gauge professionalism and commitment to get a sense of pictures are genuine and accurate.
  7. You think he would thumbs down the op post instead?‍♂️
  8. MrMattBig


    Ugh thats ridiculous...either way they spin the classification of themselves, they still provide transportation services through the technology services that they provide.
  9. I think the point is more that catfishing exists on RM as well as Grindr. It exists everywhere. There are escort profes out there who do no not use a single real picture of themselves. I think that is what was being referenced to more
  10. Literotica.com is similar to nifty as well.
  11. MrMattBig

    Safe vs. bare

    Thank you for giving me my new favorite term to address some in a sarcastic tone. I am forever in your debt.?
  12. And hardly a Grindr situation unique to hiring. I am on Grindr a few times a month. Last month I had someone try to scam me for a PlayStation store code for $50 to keep there little sibling upstairs busy, and a few days ago for Uber money in advance round trip for an amount that was way more than what it should be for the distance they were from me. Both regular hookups.
  13. Not everyone is fortunate enough to be in a position to have good credit to qualify for loans. Sometimes past circumstances beyond control coupled with uninformed decisions hurt credit. (I still have about 3,000 to pay off from a car loan after the car being totaled without gap insurance, and intialing had to let it turn into a repo on paper because of other financial obligations). I have asked for advances or help in the past from a couple of clients, probably 3 times total. (Once for a tooth extraction and other dental to prevent a root canal, once for car repairs, and once for cremation services for a pet). Everything depends on circumstances and relationship between that particular client and escort. Of course when it's only been after 1 meeting, then it should definitely be a red flag, stop, do not pass go.
  14. What's always interesting in scenarios like this, is when they try to show a sense of humility, "trust me, I wish I wasn't starting off my Monday begging you for your help" and finish with a "haha" Pretty much saying from their own mouth that they are not genuine. I don't know how your experience and perception of him was in person, but I was expect a law student to be able to communicate better.
  15. To [uSER=21009]@Calix_K[/uSER] I think it's the fact that's it's a coin is the problem more than the denomination.
  16. This is an interesting point of view. My experience is that most who claim to be freaky are not even really into alot of fetishes, but just mean they get down in the bedroom. Meaning they are about a porn star experience. Some deliver, most are eh. Never thought clients might think freaky means something bad or something to feel adverse about.
  17. Great that you had a great time and connection from your lunch date. Your title to the thread has me thinking my own sexual experiment thoughts, so I have to ask how old you thoughts he was from your own opinion from his pictures and meeting in person.
  18. Shhh, I can't reveal all my secrets here for everyone. Have to have some surprises and shockers for when we meet.
  19. This is true. I thought about this one, but personally this falls into one of my fetishes and kinks so...??
  20. The absolute, most annoying thing ever, is being somewhere hot, having a vending machine around to get your hopes up for a nice cold drink, and it only accepts card and it's offline!! Sometimes efforts to be more tech/electronic in every aspect of our lives are stupid and fail miserably.
  21. Being concise and serious and actually coming through is thoughtful in spades. And you, my friend are exactly that?
  22. Anyone who expects 100s is way too high maintenance and not enough brains. Not all ATMs have been retrofitted to dispense 100s.?‍♂️ Personally, I am grateful for small bills, even 5s and 1s. It saves me the trouble of breaks bills for vending machines, buses, trains, etc. Personally, whenever some says "oh you must be tired from other appointments" or something similar if I suggest an evening appointment is annoying at the very least. It's assuming I have appointments before and am just saying when I don't, and thus would be worn out by then. No, I only say I am available when I am able to deliver. Assumptions and under estimating are extreme pet peeves of mine.
  23. There should never be an exchange. Each party is free to share personal information as they see fit. With that being said, please remember that if someone asks your name, it's just to be polite and have something to call you by. It does mean your legal name and social is required lol. Same with asking about work. It's just polite small talk. Doesn't mean your work location s and hours are wanted lol. Just feel I have to put that out there for those that I had to change a fill field on my website that used to say "name" to "name, nickname, or alias"??‍♂️?‍♂️
  24. With shaving comes ingrown hairs sometimes. I have had to reschedule I few times because of trying to get an ingrown on the shaft and making it worse. When I get them they tend to be well below the surface ugh. I make it a point to try to pluck when possible, especially for extended travel trips. Recently I had to let an ingrown i be for a while because of appointments several days in a row. It didn't raise the skin or compromise any appointments, but when I finally got an opportunity to get it, it must have been almost an inch long, from the shaft!?
  25. Some say yes just to close the deal and never deliver in person. I have had the same experiences hiring women for particular interests (performing oral and then and receiving watersports from them). I have received a yes to my request and then in person didn't let my mouth even get close and failed to drink up or even flat out dehydrated. I think it's because money is the first thought. With my experiences they seemed nice enough to not be a blatant scam, but completely lacked any sense of pride in their work to deliver the experience I was looking for.
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