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Posts posted by AndreFuture

  1. Yeah, flakes are the bane of escorting, especially those that ghost with no explanation. I had a client not show up to our meeting place just yesterday afternoon. Guess he got cold feet, or his wife found out what he was doing :rolleyes:


    I'm still learning how to detect the cold-feet types, but the few I've had the (mis)fortune of encountering usually are new to hiring, are very nervous-sounding in the phone, rather hurried to meet you ASAP (like "can I see you RIGHT NOW?"), and didn't really do their research about you, your rates, your specialities, etc. Of course, this doesn't get to the guys who pre-book a month in advance, only to flake 20 minutes before the appointment time.

  2. I enjoy kissing and thus far, my clients have been pretty decent at it, too. For me, the #1 thing is fresh breath. Brush and floss your teeth, and wash your ass (dick, too, but you'd be surprised by how many forget the backside), and we'll have a great time :)

  3. Funnily enough, I get contacted in waves usually around the same time each month. I'd say up to 50% of them are time wasters (including scams/phishing attempts, wanting to sext/phone sex, or otherwise are not not serious about booking). The other 50% are from people who show genuine interest and aren't trying to jerk off through our communication, though they may not complete a booking.

  4. Yes to sugar baby; maybe to husband; and no to the need for sexual attraction. I'd have to probe why he wanted monogamy (possible control issues/jealousy/etc. there), but it wouldn't be a deal breaker. The amount would need to be significantly more than what I could possibly earn on my own (through my conventional profession or this), so the chance of this realistically happening are slim. I used to joke about marrying a very rich, estranged, childless octogenarian, but I enjoy my freedom too much and I'm not sure I could stomach the institution of marriage IRL.

  5. It's always weirded me out, and I don't let people use it to refer to me. That said, it's not a hill I'm willing to die on as far as others using it generally.


    I know this will appear to be coming out of the blue. I'm one of those people who frequently complains about political correctness today. Yet somehow I am uncomfortable referring to attractive African American males as hot chocolate. It just has something of a racists ring to me.
  6. PETA is fantastic. I actually don't pay much if any attention to it but saying you "hate" it and "they're trash"?


    Yes, they're trash because they encourage violent, useless ideologies like:


    Were I King for a day, all hunters and poachers would be skinned alive - pay per view perhaps


    Additionally, PETA is comfortable using racism and sexism to promote their agenda, and I'm not down with that. I believe in thoughtful, holistic, and intersectional advocacy, not "eye for an eye" or "If you cant' beat em, join em" apporaches. I don't use my animal advocacy as a cover for some hidden loathing for humans. I want peace for all animals, and humans, believe it or not, are animals, too.


    Anyway, this whole thread is just meatheads bashing on plant-based folks, and I'd rather not get dragged back into this through a quote. Happy to continue the conversation through PM. Thanks.

  7. To those who receive all their mail at a P.O.Box or similar service, can you tell me if you have any issues with using that as your only address? I.e., can you claim that as your home address on a driver's license or voter's registration, etc?


    I have not, but that's because I use the street address when asked for a home/physical address. You usually get a street address equivallent of your PO Box: e.g., for PO Box #123 located in a Post Office on 1000 Happystreet, San Francisco, CA, the street address would be 1000 Happystreet, Unit #123, San Francisco, CA 94000

  8. "Sex work" adds a layer of abstraction to "prostitution." What is amusing in that?

    I didn't fully convey my thoughts on this:


    The use of SW as a synonym for prostitution is often at the exlcusion of acknowledging SW is a broad umbrella and descriptive of a host of other professions that are not prostitution (as was previously mentioned). At least, that's what I've come across.


    With the example I gave, it would be like someone using "automobile" to talk about their car, but insisting a truck and bus are not automobiles. Admittedly, humor is often context and culture dependent, but I personally find that amusing.

  9. Sex work is an umbrella term I feel covers all areas of the industry. Porn, escorting, dancing, sugaring, cam models, phone sex operators, and even those bikini baristas.


    It's a bit amusing to see people use "sex work" as a synonym for prostitution, since the latter is a subset of the former. It's also fascinating to see how other people understand and utilize terms (e.g., "escort" being distinctly not sex work or sexually related, as though "cars" can be distinct from and unrelated to "automobiles").


    I'm fine with whatever terms are used, even if inacurate, so long as they're used respectfully. I often use "provider" and to a lesser extent "sex worker" and "escort" in a general and professional manner; among other providers and on Twitter, I'll use "hoe" as reclamation and in reference to myself, but admittedly be put off if a non SWer used it for me (unbalanced power dynamics being what they are).

  10. Dont say a word. Keep the info to yourself. Even if they disclose to you what you already know, do not reveal that you knew. There is a very fine line between due diligence and stalking in their minds.

    Personally, I would prefer to be told that I have such a information leak. Right now I'm racking my brain trying to figure out how my escorting persona got linked with my private/professional social media accounts, as I *thought* did a decent job keeping them separate. It really hurts my whole "discreet services" angle if my business is all out there.


    So...if any of you gents have come across my real identity, I'd appreciate a heads up :oops:

  11. There's something I've been wondering, but haven't been sure how to ask an escort over texting about it. I'm just not in the mood for sex or dates. What I really want is to just a spend an hour in bed, curled up, and cuddling. I know I can go to a place like grindr and look for that but honestly, the guys I'm attracted to aren't attracted to me and I just don't want to put up with the crap. I'd rather just find some outrageously hot guy that I would have no shot in the real world and pretend.


    Would an escort be weirded out by such a request?

    I wouldn't. I love cuddling, with or without sex involved.

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