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  1. It's been a little over a decade, but I had a good time the last time I went. The experience is much more like a jjimjilbang (Korean Spa) than a old-school gay bathhouse. It's social and friendly, but there's no sexy-times going on. On the plus side, it's a great spa outing for a mixed gender group (most jjimjilbang's are gender segregated). Overall, I would recommend the baths as a novelty outing for a group of friends (the Russian & Turkish Baths have a long history which is cool), but I would strongly discourage you from going if you are looking for some sexual action. FYI, when I last went, they didn't offer massages, but they did have a couple of older Russian guys who'd beat you with birch branches for a few extra dollars. It's apparently very therapeutic!
  2. I'll second the amateur nights. Also (and my info here is a little out of date and based on my experiences on the west coast and not the mid-west), there's a good chance at most places that if you show up, look good, and promise that you can keep a hard on in a crowd, the manager will let you audition that night. As someone who once went from civilian-off-the-street to stripper-making-money in less than an hour, I can confirm that Bearman speaks the truth about the process. The only drawback here is that at most places, you most likely will not be making enough money to make it worth a long drive much less a plane trip. Even if your home bar doesn't have any male strip clubs, I bet there's still a market for bachelorette parties and the like. As to how to get connected with them, I haven't the foggiest. Like latbear4blk above says, maybe twitter? Or maybe search twitter for the type of event host who needs muscle strippers on call. Good luck! I'm a big believer that the world needs more male strippers, so I'm rooting for you!
  3. Geez, currency and commodity exchange rates? Too much math. I'm going to lean expressive rather than exacting here. One of the best tips I ever got back in my stripping days came from this youngish guy with some type of developmental disability (I'm guessing) who wandered in with this wild-eyed, I-can't-believe-what-I'm-doing look on his face suggesting that he had only been able to sneak off to the strip club after, perhaps, giving his group-home field trip chaperone the slip. In any event, when I hopped off the stage and onto his lap to give him a little up-close dance, he grinned so wide that I thought the top of his head might fall off. His attention stayed pretty much laser-focused on me as I did my bump-and-grind routine, but every so often, he'd pause, furrow up his brows, and plunge his hands into his pockets, only to pull them back out after a short moment of rooting around so as to shove a sweaty fistful of change into my boot. Normally, on all but the slowest nights, anything less than a twenty was not likely get me to stay around very long, but this guy would flash me an upwards glance and expression that, I swear, was straight out of Oliver Twist. How could I say no? I wound up staying on his lap for about half of my set. So, the market exchange rate for all those coins shoved into my boot circa the early 90s? Who knows; maybe a coffee and a pack of gum. Having the opportunity to try to give this guy the ride of his life? Priceless. ************* tl;dr -- Mark 12:41-44 + lapdance = YAY!
  4. Aw, I feel a little bad for the original poster. I think I have enough of an erotic imagination to get my head wrapped around someone who has maybe carried around enough fantasies of a "high class escort" that grammar could be a turn on (or off). Certainly there are enough hot librarian tropes out there to suggest that he's not the only one—not to mention Merchant and Ivory flicks. As for me, personally…reading through this thread and Peter's responses in particular, put me more in the mood for something like a good round of Hulk-on-Hulk role play. Peter: Wat makes you feel gud? Me: *grunts* U talk pritee. Hulk want smash.
  5. I can't remember exactly how old I was when I got my first sex talk, but I do remember it well. It was in the afternoon, and it was wintertime. I was with my dad behind the milking barn helping him fix the tracks that spread silage from the silo down the feeding trough for the cows as they were lining up to be milked. My "helping" at this age amounted to standing at the ready to fetch a wrench or whatever dad needed, so I had a lot of time to stare out into the distance. As I was staring out into the field, I noticed two cows acting kinda funny towards each other, and I said, "Hey, Dad, look at those two cows wrestling!" And my Dad said, "Well, son, those cows aren't wrestling. They're having sex." To which I inquired right on queue, "Sex, what's that?" "Well, sex is where babies come from," my dad told me, and he then proceeded to give me the whole biological breakdown of mammalian reproduction in broad strokes: penises, vaginas, sperm, eggs, fertilization, pregnancy, delivery. Up until that point, I'd never really given any thought to where babies came from, and the whole process seemed so wholly complicated and involved that it kinda blew my mind. "Cool!" I seem to recall saying, which got a chuckle out of my Dad. I would have never guessed it had he not told me.
  6. Well, since you're looking for some blue-sky style brainstorming, I'll throw in my two cents, for what it's worth. In the medium to long term (say, 10 years), I'm not sure that it makes that much difference to have one more video to add to your resume. Then again, if the three earlier vids were shot and released back-to-back, they would more likely to appear more as a blip on the radar and less likely to be pull focus from some other thread you might be trying to emphasize in your vocational history. On the con side of turning them down, there's the lost opportunity cost associated with turning down a chance to network. If it's a small production house, and I believe they're getting smaller all the time in the porn industry, then this may not be much of a con. However, if you do have a set of experience and skills that you've been thinking about leveraging that is either relevant to the industry (like AV editing) or just generally relevant to any business (like accounting or IT experience), then you might be missing out on the chance to groom a contact that could pay off in a lateral career move at some point down the line. On the flip side of making a lateral career move, if you see yourself continuing to work as an escort over the next ten years (which why wouldn't you as you seem to be doing pretty well all maxed-out Roth contributions considered!), then an additional vid just seems like free marketing. I mean, sure, don't make the guy-on-guy version of Two Girls/One Cup, but otherwise it seems like a straightforward business decision. I would recommend asking yourself whether you could discern any qualitative difference between the calls that were driven your way by the vids verses the calls generated by your regular means of drumming up business. If you can tell a difference, and if you have a strong preference, well, I'd recommend acting the way that is likely to lead to the type of client portfolio you're more interested in. Otherwise, calls are calls, and new business is a good thing, right? Like I said, the above is super-blue-sky. Just stuff I'm throwing out there to help with the brainstorming. Hope it helps!
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