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Everything posted by bashful

  1. Search lucasstrom (without a space between first and last name)
  2. I'd be cautious about garethlopez. The pic of him in the kitchen at the coffee maker is from Gingerbella's ad.
  3. Not sure if your looking for those who have newly arrived to the U.S. from India, or those that look like they are from India. Have never met him, nor communicated with him, but this gentleman advertises an Indian/Pakistani decent. https://rent.men/IAMRAJ And, I think I would like to meet him if I ever got to Toronto.
  4. I assume your comment was tongue and cheek, but Finns see other men naked very often given the popularity of the sauna.
  5. Wondering, in future state, will we not be able to view past reviews of retired guys, as we do now?
  6. @Moondance. Thanks . Enjoy reading this too. Always happy to see when you've added another post.
  7. Saw a packet for some brand of Cincinnati Chili at the grocery store. Decided to give it a try. After cooking, my place stunk. Didn't go away for days. Not bad tasting, but the odor told me to never buy it again.
  8. Tristan Baldwin. My patience was rewarded recently when I was able to meet him. It's all been said, but not until I was with him did I realize how great he is at what he does.
  9. He, or I should say when he and his partner are hired as a duo, have limits on age and body type.
  10. Would only last 11 years at that rate of spending, and probably not counting college tuition for 2 kids. They need more life insurance.
  11. Personally, I thought about Stas several months ago when I first saw his ad, and I was planning a trip to FL. He looks hot. However, I don't remember his ad having the same info regarding him being PNP friendly, and anything goes regarding safe/bb. May have been just be an oversight on my part.
  12. KFC has really done well by hiring their current marketing/advertising firm (if they are the creators of this). I also loved it when they introduced the "extra crispy" Colonel (the perpetually tanned George Hamilton).
  13. Being a former Detroiter, I'm impressed he's a Tigers fan.
  14. I seem to recall Mike Gaite endorsed him.
  15. Wow. I'm new to all this, and really didn't expect escorts to recommend or endorse clients to other escorts. But, then again, why not. Thanks.
  16. On the flip / flip side, do escorts ever tell other escorts about clients they should welcome? I doubt it, but thought I'd throw it out there.
  17. +1 A couple of us did mention it in the thread. I think that scene you're talking about is when he is sitting on the couch with his grandfather, and his grandfather (who obviously loves, and accepts him) either asks or says something to the effect whether they ever taught him shame (without ever mentioning his orientation). One thing I noticed about the movie, I don't ever remember the word "gay" ever said.
  18. I really hope you mean you're tired of women being sexually harassed. I can't speak for them, but I think they're tired of this shit too.
  19. I don't read or speak Spanish, but from watching the video, I don't think it was created to curb normal, everyday innocuous "manspreading" at all. Rather, what I got from the video was the "men only seat" was intended to let a man know what it would feel like to be subjected to male genitalia pressed up against them (just only one form of sexual harassment women have experienced on the subway).
  20. To me, it sounds as if the escort rebuffed the client by cutting off communication. Just my impression.
  21. +1 Leaving Metropolis 4 Moons Stranger By The Lake
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