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    LADoug1 reacted to + quoththeraven in Stonewall movie.   
    Not only that, the movie whitewashed the role of trans women and drag queens of color. They're the ones who started the resistance, not the totally fictional cis gender white dude in the movie. As I understand it, only one of the actual instigators is even a character in the movie.
  2. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to + azdr0710 in 411 on MrMattBig (Matt Anthony) in LA   
    let's not piss off MrMB with all this criticism, though some of the suggestions are very important for him to consider....we've chased off a few other good escorts over the years with the board's drama (though some deserved chasing off).....don't take it too seriously, MB, and stay in touch around here.....you'll notice several other escorts maintain an effective presence here, too
  3. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to coriolis888 in 411 on MrMattBig (Matt Anthony) in LA   
    There is no logical reason the escort needs the information that he asks for in his questionnaire.
    Any client that answers the personal questions asked makes the client extremely vulnerable to any whim of the escort.
    Privacy and/or confidentiatity of the client disintegrates upon submission of a completed questionnaire.
  4. Like
    LADoug1 got a reaction from jtwalker in 411 on MrMattBig (Matt Anthony) in LA   
    Just more feedback - For the same reason you ask for information to determine if the prospective client is not law enforcement, I wouldn't give out my real name to make sure YOU weren't law enforcement. I'm as careful as you are. So unfortunately I'd have to pass.
  5. Like
    LADoug1 got a reaction from + Gar1eth in Scrambled Eggs   
    Love Challah!
  6. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to body2body in Scrambled Eggs   
    Breakfast for Dinner was a feature I my house growing up. My Mother would devote considerable time to making scrambled eggs. She made them in a double boiler. Bring the water in the bottom of the double boiler to a boil and reduce the heat to keep the water just a the point of boiling. In the top of the double boiler melt about 3 or 4 tablespoons of butter over the boiling water. Take 4 eggs and beat them never lifting the tines of the from the bottom of the bowl ( you don't want them frothy- air bubbles make tough scrambled eggs or omelets). Add a splash of half and half to the beaten eggs, pour the mixture into the top of the double boiler with the melted butter. Stir the eggs until they achieve the desired firmness. With this method you can cook the eggs completely and they won't be dried out and tough. Salt and pepper just before serving. Mom always served toasted egg bread (Challah) and buttered it lavishly. I have served these to friends after the theater or a concert with a green salad and french bread, and garnished the eggs with a dollop of sour cream and a little caviar. 4 eggs will usually do for two, unless you are very hungry.
  7. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to Kuriousity in Scrambled Eggs   
    No dessert for me. I am about to be 43....so at this point, food puts up a fight when I ask it to vacate my body....lol
  8. Like
    LADoug1 got a reaction from + Funguy in For all you Hot-Wired guys!   
    My favorite position. Great pic.
  9. Like
    LADoug1 got a reaction from + WilliamM in Am I The Only Who Is Surprised: Zsa Zsa Gabor is Still Alive?   
    Westwood Memorial Cemetery is a must see for those interested in seeing where many stars are buried. Marilyn Monroe is there along with others. It's a tiny cemetery hidden behind a small church and several tall commercial buildings. It's not visible from the busy Wilshire Blvd.
  10. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to Moondance in Am I The Only Who Is Surprised: Zsa Zsa Gabor is Still Alive?   
    Oh, c'mon we've ALL figured out who it is ...

    That being the case, you might want to take him to Zsa Zsa. There's nothing like a hot guy walking in to the room to revive one from the brink of death.
  11. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to Moondance in Am I The Only Who Is Surprised: Zsa Zsa Gabor is Still Alive?   
    DESERET NEWS ... July 31, 1990
    Zsa Zsa Gabor says she slept on a horse blanket and the food was terrible, but her three days in jail for slapping a Beverly Hills police officer were otherwise fairly pleasant.
    "I was very happily surprised," she said after her release Monday. "Everybody was warm and nice and sweet. It was OK. The Beverly Hills police should come and take lessons from this police."
    But there was that moment of terror. "At first I was petrified. They even took my makeup away," she said.
    She scolded reporters for a weekend story that her husband, Frederick Von Anhalt, delivered silk sheets to the jail. "I didn't have silk sheets. I don't even have silk sheets at home. I was on a horse blanket," she said.
    She declared the food "terrible."
    Gabor, 72, got 72 hours in jail for smacking a police officer during a traffic stop last year. A judge ordered the actress and former Hungarian beauty queen to jail for failing to fulfill her original sentence, 120 hours of community service. Gabor paid $85 a day to do her time at the El Segundo jail rather than have the county pick accommodations for her.
    [This thread is beginning to amount to something like a career comeback for double Zsa!]
  12. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to + Funguy in Am I The Only Who Is Surprised: Zsa Zsa Gabor is Still Alive?   
    and pissed off!
  13. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to Kenny in Am I The Only Who Is Surprised: Zsa Zsa Gabor is Still Alive?   
    Eva was the beard of Merv Griffin, whose life deep in the closet resulted in so many awful things.
  14. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to Moondance in Am I The Only Who Is Surprised: Zsa Zsa Gabor is Still Alive?   
    Better Days ... before the Kardashians (and their ambitious mother), the Gabors (and their ambitious mother) kind of invented the concept of the celebutante ...

  15. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to + Gar1eth in Responding to clients who say I love you   
    But in general it's not the escort at risk for falling for the client. Unless the client is one of those types that uses the term 'love' very freely and uses it where many of us would instead use 'like', 'affection,' or even 'friendship,' then it very likely is a sign that the client is in too deep.
  16. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to Kenny in Am I The Only Who Is Surprised: Zsa Zsa Gabor is Still Alive?   
    Queen of Outer Space! (I'm told she doesn't look a day over 95.)
  17. Like
    LADoug1 got a reaction from + Gar1eth in Friday Funnies   
    And they actually had PAY PHONES which all but disappeared.
  18. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to EZEtoGRU in Marriott SPG merged!   
    I for one am very unhappy with this merger. SPG Lifetime Platinum here that still stays at least 50 nights per year in Starwood properties. I keep away from Marriott properties as much as possible due to their Church of LDS connections. I don't like the idea of my patronage of a business benefiting the LDS church in any way. So disappointed here. I guess I'll be staying more with Hilton now.
  19. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to + MasssageGuy in One can only hope karma eventually catches up with this creep...   
    The U.S. Pays a Lot More for Top Drugs Than Other Countries
    In the U.S., drug companies set their own prices and raise them over time. One of the biggest U.S. buyers of medicine, Medicare, is prohibited from negotiating prices directly with drug companies. Private insurers and benefit managers strike their own rebate deals with drug companies, and details of these contracts are almost never disclosed.
    Contributing factors:
    Big Pharma spends Big Bucks on Lobbying!!!
    Big Pharma spends Big Bucks in "buying" favor of Doctors..
    Big Pharma blocks generics and tweaks formulations to extend patents...
    Crony Capitalism big wheel keeps on turning....
    Plus we are only one of two industrial nations that allow Big Pharma to advertise....
  20. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to Vato Loco in One can only hope karma eventually catches up with this creep...   
    "Turing raised the price on Daraprim, a 62-year-old drug whose patent expired decades ago, from $13.50 to $750 per pill. The drug is the only approved treatment for a rare parasitic infection..."
    And this, my peoples, is precisely the reason the pharmaceutical industry is badly in need of regulation....the very thing the Republicans in congress is saying we need LESS of.
  21. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to Juan Vancouver in One can only hope karma eventually catches up with this creep...   
    Actually, from an outsider point of view, with the detachment distance lends, it is very clear that if you have a healthy moral compass and are interested in reality, as opposed to propaganda, you actually have to agree with Bernie.
  22. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to + glennnn in One can only hope karma eventually catches up with this creep...   
    We lost this battle when medical services in America became profit centers, because that's " the American Way'. Probably too late to stop it now, but we can at least scream over this kind of ghoulish behavior. Tell everyone you know
  23. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to Vato Loco in One can only hope karma eventually catches up with this creep...   
    Profit in healthcare is a death sentence for a lot of people GallahadESQ.
  24. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to FilmGeek in Would you rather overweight clients inform you about their expectations before meeting?   
    I know this is an older post, but I would like to add my thoughts.
    For medical reasons, by my early 20's I was over 300 pounds. The gay world is very superficial, and I couldn't get a date. By 23, I was still a virgin, and that's when I started hiring escorts. I probably try about 6 new escorts a year, one every other month or so, and have done so for the last 15 years, and I have had many regulars, although I travel so much for work it makes it difficult for anything regular.
    I learned early on to always tell them my weight and make sure that they were okay with it. When hiring an escort, I do it not only for the sex, but to feel sexy myself. Any escort can get a guy off, that's just the basics. An exceptional escort will make you feel like the sexiest man alive while you are with him. He will make you feel like you are the only person in the world that matters to him. It's a feeling that I don't get from anyone in the real world, and one why I enjoy the company of a great escort so much.
    I have found that if I don't prepare them for what to expect, then I often find disappointment in the meeting. I had escorts turn me away at the door, which is exactly the opposite of the confidence boost I wanted. I've had escorts take me in, but not want to touch me, basically they touched as little as possible, had me jerk myself off, took my money, and shoved me out the door. I've had escorts who couldn't get hard, which makes it difficult for them to fuck me. This was all when I was in my early 20's, and a lot of my paycheck went to hiring them. Then I got lucky and hired Cameron Taylor. I warned him that I was 350 lbs, and he told me that was fine, but for the first time he made me feel like the sexiest man alive.
    There's nothing better than seeing a smile at the door rather than disappointment. There's nothing better than an escort who can't keep their hands off you. There's nothing better than an escort who is hard the instant he sees you. And sure, this may take a little prep on their part. I find the more information I give them, the better prepared they are for the appointment, and the better time I have.
    I have escorts flat out tell me that they aren't interested when I've told them my weight, and I do appreciate that. It means that they aren't wasting my time or money for a less than perfect experience.
    I've had escorts who simply didn't return my text or email after I told them I was heavy. Sure I was disappointed, but not as disappointed as I would have been paying their rate and having a bad experience.
    My vote is always tell them, If they are good at what they will do, it will only help them prepare a more pleasurable experience. If they turn you away, you are better off anyways.
  25. Like
    LADoug1 reacted to + Keith30309 in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Perusing SA is an interesting exercise. I spent a little time scanning profiles and saw several people I knew/know including a companion I saw fairly consistently (I.e. 2-3 times/week for ~4 months) but disappeared. There's a number of guys who had been actively on RM and M4RN but fell off the radar, in some cases with completely different back stories (e.g., guy who was fairly well reviewed and I informally understand had several upscale clients but dropped his ad a few months ago; his SA profile says that he is homeless and living in an abandoned building.)
    I was amazed at the number of people who seemed entitled ("impress me" & "in need of champagne and caviar")... One guy in search of an arrangement has a photo perched on the hood of a late model Mercedes and another pics from Paris and what looks like a Mediterranean coastal spot.
    Some stories are sad - broken relationships and broken people - and others reflective of youthful wide-eyed excitement at the possibilities of life.
    If you have time to kill it's an interesting anthropological exercise.
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