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Everything posted by pubic_assistance

  1. Bottom line: It's well documented that the increase of traditional Sexually Transmitted diseases runs directly parallel to the introduction of PreP in the gay community. Only people who deny this are: The Drug company who MAKES Truvada, and people who really really want to defend their right to bareback with a lot of strangers.
  2. Yes of course the drug manufacturer and their associated doctors would never lie to us would they ? Denial is a great drug !
  3. Beyond "shaming" anyone for how they personally manage their sex life and their health. I would like to point out that Truvada use has lowered the risk of HIV transmission while simultaneously INCREASING the risk of syphilis to the point where it's considered an epidemic in the NYC gay community. Unchecked syphilis can live in your blood system for years with no obvious symptoms while doing a tremendous amount of damage to your internal organs. So.....just take that into consideration when you are about to have some "natural sex" with a complete stranger.
  4. AGREED ! Who talks like that, and exactly WHAT makes this supposed customer "very confident" ? Is this fellow his doctor ? Or maybe works at Quest Diagnostics where he just ran some recent blood work.....
  5. Nice looking man. Unfortunate excess of ink.
  6. Aaron is great. He used to be at MMX in the same building. The comment above about BDSM sessions, to the best of my knowledge are at MMX. Not "Daddy's Retreat". But maybe Aaron is still working with both organizations ? MMX started out as a great idea, but they veered off to increase membership with a younger crowd by NOT inviting their older members to many of the private events. Kinda tacky...but money trumps ethics in today's world. To date, Aaron doesn't not seem to exhibit the same sort of prejudice.
  7. That scene may be giving a lot of your client's a second thought about submitting for a while! ha.
  8. Agreed ! Poor choice. No acting skills, at all. Highlighted by the contrasting presence of so many pros.
  9. Agreed. Writing is brilliant, and the dry humor superb. Additionally Dan Levy is adorable, as the day is long. http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/degrassi/images/2/2f/Dan_levy_leaves_mtv.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111120164049
  10. As was stated here previously. A good psychotherapist helps you to help yourself. A professional will bring you to re-evaluate how you experience the world based on the origins of how you started ( blame your mother). Many of us hang onto childhood insecurities well into our adult years, causing anxiety because we don't give ourselves enough credit to be able control our environment and our destiny as an adult. The main thing to accept when considering therapy is that like going to the gym..it's a no pain/ no gain situation. You need to dig up a lot of things you didn't want to remember in order to get rid of their negative impact on your life.
  11. Bill has been with so many escorts, I can only imagine this would be a personal mission of his.
  12. THAT depends on location. The price of a room in Manhattan is valuable indeed.
  13. I think when in the possession of a spare room in an area where young people are struggling to pay bills, you are indeed missing an opportunity. No one wants to be held as a sex slave...but at the same time if you make a kind offer to a young person who is in need, you may very likely be rewarded in many different ways for that generosity.
  14. For my "Arrangement", my young friend is getting to live for free in one of the best neighborhoods in New York City. If he were sharing an apartment here with a room mate it would cost him at minimum $1,500 a month for his half of the rent on a one bedroom apartment and one of them would be sleeping in the Living Room not in his own bedroom. He is dining with us every night. ( helping to prepare meals three to four times a week). Food costs of at least $ 100 per week is another $ 400 of value he is getting. Plus we dine out a few times a week and invite him along. So the value he is getting here is a minimum $ 2000 a month. I have also handed over the credit card for reasonable shopping trips to H&M and Zara and helped fill a gap in College Tuition. I find all these costs perfectly comfortable in return for a valued friendship that I hope will last long past his exit from my home. There ARE some real people in real need on the site....but like everything you have to spend time and filter out the riff-raff.
  15. I've had my "Sugar Baby" living with me for over two months. Lovely young man, who had been abandoned by his conservative Catholic family for being gay. He's been a rewarding addition to my home life. Couldn't be more pleased at my decision to welcome him into my life.
  16. I am not doing a transaction of services...I am building a relationship..so as I stated I am VERY satisfied with the relationship.
  17. I think if you treat someone with kindness and offer them a reasonable arrangement that helps them out of the difficulty that all university students have with finances, then you have a partner who is eager to return the favor in some way. That at least has been my experience. Sure there are a lot of unreasonable young men on S.A. but I met just as many nice young fellows who are just trying to get a little help getting started in life.
  18. It's been one month, living with my young college student, and he's been a delightful companion. The biggest expense for college students is housing and particularly problematic for students in NYC. So the offer of room and board, in a college town is a good deal for students looking to save some cash on their higher education. Too many leave school so deep in debt, they will never be drowning with a starting job salary.
  19. I've met a very nice young man on S.A. who couldn't be more delightful. He moved in with me recently. It's all a matter of filtering out all the con artists and focusing on the good people who are simply struggling to get by.
  20. The butt alone has me "falling under his spell". Pretty sexy kid.
  21. There are more than a few gold diggers on Seeking Arrangement. Sort of like drunks in bars....goes with the territory.
  22. I once jerked off to an episode of "TAXI" because Tony Danza had his shirt off. I was obsessed with him for years. I am still obsessed with this "type" of guy.
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