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Everything posted by ncc1701d

  1. Eric Turner....absolutely smoking hot....and all mine lol!
  2. ncc1701d

    Best Kisser?

    Still really want to meet TB...but having met Mike G a few times he's definitely one of the best...long, sensual and deep!
  3. Thanks...can't believe no one has any intel ;-(
  4. Smoking hot pics but no reviews and no forum threads???? Anyone https://rentmen.eu/AlessandroPerez
  5. Do you remember where?
  6. Hi all Great pics but not reviews that I could find on Daddy's...anyone? Wondering if pics are real in the first place but not the greatest in figuring out how to google search https://rentmen.eu/DILFELICIOUS
  7. How about our favorite chef ! http://www.listal.com/viewimage/14778601h
  8. I too am surprised that clients will agree to photo. In 15 years I've provided stats less than a handful of times, and no pics, which is a total deal breaker. Yes it's 2018 and there is Grindr. But pic on a "dating" site and in an escort email is very different. If concerned, then meet at a mutually agreed public place like coffee shop and go from there.
  9. Wow need to book that flight sooner than later!
  10. Thanks for taking one for the team...please report back and better yet review so we can all learn and find out his rate
  11. Holy cow....I love Jack......I hope it's a real ad and the price isn't the typical crazy porn star price!
  12. So are there any muscles in LV that does the full BFE and not just stand and worship???
  13. Not quite his usual porn scene cum shot (which is huge and very hot to watch) but I'll take it!
  14. yes thinking of splurging on the duo..anyone..Travis and CJ Blake??
  15. He advertised in NYC for USD 400 a while back.
  16. Echoing recommendation for Matt. Ultimate muscular teddy bear. Really good guy and aims to please
  17. Carter Daneand Alex Mecum is a couple . Would mortgage my house for a night with those two lol. Carter has a day job ( found ou accidentally) and I doubt he escorts. Came off very aloof despite what he does.
  18. Hired Tayler off RM recently. I initally passed after he asked for typical NYC rates. He came back later to offer more market rate for the city. PM for info as no reviews here
  19. wow...ON of $1500 but only for 6 hours!
  20. Have to agree with BN.....but there was Ricky Martin butt naked shot ;-)
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