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Everything posted by ncc1701d

  1. Bang on...as usual! USD 300 (going rate or even lower) for NYC is approximately CAD$400. No ads in Toronto has that rate. For me I don't bargain, so if you keep your rate in USD here that simply means I either pass or hire for shorter time. Just offering the other side of the story ;-)
  2. I'd go in a heartbeat. Worse case scenario take an Uber!
  3. ncc1701d


    Interesting; I contacted him once for massage and was so turned off by his arrogant response.
  4. ncc1701d


    Pride weekend last weekend brought in tons of hotties, especially from Montreal. Unfortunately the Pride flakiness also arrived so beware. It may slow down now that Pride is done
  5. I prefer longer time hire (weekends or more) and have done ON just to see if we are compatible . I stopped doing ON as after initial chat and play, the time is pretty much left to sleep and nothing in the am. And the price of a whole 24hr doesn't seem all that higher than 12hr ON, so even economically ON doesn't make sense. But if they were the European rates that were quoted here then it's different and certainly a good way to test drive before committing to longer.
  6. Supposedly a tax auditor from Germany. He can do my taxes any day!!!!
  7. Last I contemplated hiring Tomas B was 3 years ago and at that point his rate in NYC was 400 or 450. I see his new ad has lower that, so hopefully that's a good sign
  8. And the fact that he's good friends with the infamous Austin Wolff should have tipped me off. Oh well
  9. Glad I'm not the only one who felt that way with Santiago. Yes perfect body and six pack and perfect place (actually too perfect), but the actual experience was clearly an act. Well at least it wasn't a total failure like some cases have turned out to be!
  10. Hope the name change comes with better communication Lucky you. He ignored my text and never responded
  11. yes thank you so much. !
  12. ncc1701d

    411 XXXJames

    Hot pics, and so far emails are answered promptly and nicely (and in complete sentences!)...But no forum posting and the only review is very uninformative (under James Grey)..... https://rentmen.eu/XxxJames So anyone???
  13. saw him last year shortly after my post. Perfect gentleman, giant one albeit. Very much in shape and into his client. But that was almost a year ago
  14. Saw his scenes on Naked Sword...have to say those pics make him look a whole lot better than those scenes !
  15. No one has taken the plunge????
  16. No one has taken the plunge????
  17. Wow 3-4 times a day!! Care to name that escort, even if in PM? My longest was 5 days, and it was twice a day of fun, and of course gym/email time for him (and me) daily, with meals etc. Some planned and unplanned activities.
  18. I see the mystery continues.....hope someone will take one for the team ;-)
  19. Just how on earth do these hunks get into those tight jeans???!!!
  20. That's too bad. Those pics are smoking hot
  21. lots of porn scene to give you an idea; a smoker so I had to pass but seems nice in emails
  22. Flaked on him elsewhere and apparently another member of the forum. Buyer beware
  23. Go hire Matt. He is one of the nicest guys I've ever hired over the years. You will be fine, and safe!
  24. he's now advertising with his partner Tyler...any recent information https://rentmen.eu/TYLERCARSON
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