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    Wolfer got a reaction from escortrod in Would you ever consider a RealDoll?   
    Some of them make me think of the puppets in the old Thunderbirds series.
    I also think they require a lot of care, upkeep a'd maintenance because of the material the "skin" is made of.
  2. Like
    Wolfer got a reaction from rvwnsd in Would you ever consider a RealDoll?   
    Some of them make me think of the puppets in the old Thunderbirds series.
    I also think they require a lot of care, upkeep a'd maintenance because of the material the "skin" is made of.
  3. Like
    Wolfer got a reaction from + IronMaus in US escorts, how to best communicate preferences?   
    Thanks, that's great to hear! I always contact through WhatsApp or text whenever possible so they get my number from the first contact. I have no problem sharing my stats, but I don't include them in my initial message because I've only had one escort ask me for them.
  4. Like
    Wolfer got a reaction from + IronMaus in US escorts, how to best communicate preferences?   
    I ask this because I do most of my hiring in Belgium, where it is legal, so my pre-hiring chats are very straightforward, along the lines of:
    "Hey! I saw your profile on Rentmen. I may be interested in a date. Do you kiss with tongue? (This is very important for me). Do you bottom? (I'm a top) Can you host? What's the price? I am available this afternoon or tomorrow evening after 8pm. Thanks!"
    From what I can surmise from the forums is that this type of straightforward questioning in the US might be a problem? So any tips on how I can best approach this?
    I ask because in the past I've had some dissapointing experiences because I didn't communicate clearly enough beforehand.
  5. Like
    Wolfer got a reaction from LADoug1 in Can A Person Be Too Good Looking?   
    Ugh, my dream guy! Add in kindness and considerateness and I am a puddle on the floor.  
    I sometimes have a strong longing to be super hot, because I think it'd make my life more fun or something. Or I'd be more accepted. But then a couple of years ago I worked really hard and finally (after years of wanting it) I got a six-pack and the lean built that goes with it. I remember looking in the mirror and just being super disappointed because I had the six-pack but inside I hadn't changed at all. The six pack didn't make me happy...
    And you know what attracts people? Being happy. Radiating warmth and joy and charisma. Sure, a hot ass and a big dick attract people also, but they'll have other things in mind. Which is also fine, of course, if it's the right time. But when you radiate joy people will also be looking for more than a fleeting connection, which is also nice.
  6. Like
    Wolfer reacted to Rudynate in Can A Person Be Too Good Looking?   
    I think getting built is (1) evidence of a strong character and (2) helps to further develop a man's character. And I find men with strong characters to be very sexy. But the sexual marketplace doesn't place a premium on character.
  7. Like
    Wolfer got a reaction from Cody Converse in The Ignorance Of Youth!   
    Well, seems like I've stumbled in a thread of grumpy (old?) men. (I am teasing, just teasing!)
    I'm sure a couple of generations from now some young kids will be giving blank stares when Lady Gaga or Beyoncé get mentioned. I don't see the need to get personally offended by that.
    Everyone has their own interests and will like what they like. It's not an affront to society or you or the person if some random kid doesn't know one particular part of history.
  8. Like
    Wolfer got a reaction from HotWhiteThirties in The Ignorance Of Youth!   
    Well, seems like I've stumbled in a thread of grumpy (old?) men. (I am teasing, just teasing!)
    I'm sure a couple of generations from now some young kids will be giving blank stares when Lady Gaga or Beyoncé get mentioned. I don't see the need to get personally offended by that.
    Everyone has their own interests and will like what they like. It's not an affront to society or you or the person if some random kid doesn't know one particular part of history.
  9. Like
    Wolfer got a reaction from + Avalon in Can A Person Be Too Good Looking?   
    Ugh, my dream guy! Add in kindness and considerateness and I am a puddle on the floor.  
    I sometimes have a strong longing to be super hot, because I think it'd make my life more fun or something. Or I'd be more accepted. But then a couple of years ago I worked really hard and finally (after years of wanting it) I got a six-pack and the lean built that goes with it. I remember looking in the mirror and just being super disappointed because I had the six-pack but inside I hadn't changed at all. The six pack didn't make me happy...
    And you know what attracts people? Being happy. Radiating warmth and joy and charisma. Sure, a hot ass and a big dick attract people also, but they'll have other things in mind. Which is also fine, of course, if it's the right time. But when you radiate joy people will also be looking for more than a fleeting connection, which is also nice.
  10. Like
    Wolfer reacted to amused1 in Can A Person Be Too Good Looking?   
    I think a person can be too aware of how good looking he/she may be.
    I once dated a guy who was absolutely stunning. Imagine the statue of David with a solid 8" cock. He never showed any awareness of how attractive he was. That lack of awareness made him even more attractive.
  11. Like
    Wolfer got a reaction from + Avalon in The Ignorance Of Youth!   
    Well, seems like I've stumbled in a thread of grumpy (old?) men. (I am teasing, just teasing!)
    I'm sure a couple of generations from now some young kids will be giving blank stares when Lady Gaga or Beyoncé get mentioned. I don't see the need to get personally offended by that.
    Everyone has their own interests and will like what they like. It's not an affront to society or you or the person if some random kid doesn't know one particular part of history.
  12. Like
    Wolfer got a reaction from + honcho in Showing some puppy love :D   
    I'll take all of them, including the trainer.
  13. Like
    Wolfer got a reaction from LADoug1 in Can A Person Be Too Good Looking?   
    The television show "30 Rock" once did a whole episode about this phenomenon called the "bubble" where incredibly looking people are cut more slack and are treated nicer generally. The humor in the episode (and the reason it's called a bubble) is that the good looking guy isn't aware he's being treated differently because of his looks. He just thinks the world is super friendly in general. It's a funny episode and since being introduced to the concept I've met one or two guys who live in a bubble like that. One guy in particular was super flaky and he would always end up hurting people. But he'd always get out of trouble by looking like a sad puppy. He was totally confused when he tried that with me and it didn't work.
    The downside of being superhot and the advent of social media is that some people treat you like public property and make unsollicited proposals of various kinds. Is what I've seen anyway. I'm not hot enough to get that kind of attention but a friend of mine is and he has to deal with some serious personal boundary breaking a lot of the times we go out. I've stopped being his wingman because it seems I'm almost invisible when I'm out with him.
    It's weird to me how much value we place on just looks. Seeing comments like "You're amazing, I wanna be your friend!" on a hot guy's instagram has made me pause. Because the only thing that that wanna-be friend knew about the hot guy is... That he was hot. And I can also imagine that guy's personal message inbox blows up which can be annoying.
    Then I had an aquiantance who was one of the biggest asshole I'd ever met and very attractive. Two of my friends I told them that he was an asshole (and what he had done) and both friends literally said: "Yeah, but he's so hot. How can you stay mad at that face?"
    I very well can, thank you.
    Of course, if a hot guy walks by I'm one of the first to perk up and enjoy the view. Why not? But at the same time I remember that these guys are fully fledged human beings too and deserve respect and not invade their personal space uninvited just because our blood drained from our brains to our dick.
    Unless they wiggle their eyebrows and unzip their pants.
  14. Like
    Wolfer got a reaction from TruthBTold in Can A Person Be Too Good Looking?   
    The television show "30 Rock" once did a whole episode about this phenomenon called the "bubble" where incredibly looking people are cut more slack and are treated nicer generally. The humor in the episode (and the reason it's called a bubble) is that the good looking guy isn't aware he's being treated differently because of his looks. He just thinks the world is super friendly in general. It's a funny episode and since being introduced to the concept I've met one or two guys who live in a bubble like that. One guy in particular was super flaky and he would always end up hurting people. But he'd always get out of trouble by looking like a sad puppy. He was totally confused when he tried that with me and it didn't work.
    The downside of being superhot and the advent of social media is that some people treat you like public property and make unsollicited proposals of various kinds. Is what I've seen anyway. I'm not hot enough to get that kind of attention but a friend of mine is and he has to deal with some serious personal boundary breaking a lot of the times we go out. I've stopped being his wingman because it seems I'm almost invisible when I'm out with him.
    It's weird to me how much value we place on just looks. Seeing comments like "You're amazing, I wanna be your friend!" on a hot guy's instagram has made me pause. Because the only thing that that wanna-be friend knew about the hot guy is... That he was hot. And I can also imagine that guy's personal message inbox blows up which can be annoying.
    Then I had an aquiantance who was one of the biggest asshole I'd ever met and very attractive. Two of my friends I told them that he was an asshole (and what he had done) and both friends literally said: "Yeah, but he's so hot. How can you stay mad at that face?"
    I very well can, thank you.
    Of course, if a hot guy walks by I'm one of the first to perk up and enjoy the view. Why not? But at the same time I remember that these guys are fully fledged human beings too and deserve respect and not invade their personal space uninvited just because our blood drained from our brains to our dick.
    Unless they wiggle their eyebrows and unzip their pants.
  15. Like
    Wolfer got a reaction from + GregM in US escorts, how to best communicate preferences?   
    I understand that, yeah. I've come across guys where I hire who actually have a set "menu" of sorts. Where the price would vary depending on what you wanted to do.
    But I'd rather pay a flat rate because I don't know what I'm going to be in the mood for. Unless I'd only want to cuddle. But then I might end up super horny anyway if it's nude cuddling... :cool:
  16. Like
    Wolfer got a reaction from + 7829V in My foray into bottoming   
    Oh no, not another thread about bottoming! Ah, but I've done my research... poured hours over the various threads and posts on the forum here, dating all the way back the beginning of the previous decade.
    So this is more of a sharing of experience and also some request for talking about how and what I felt and how I can move forward.
    So I've never really enjoyed bottoming up until now. When I was with my ex-husband, I bottomed a few times but we naturally evolved to him being the bottom and me being the top. We were also each other's first and only until we seperated after thirteen years.
    Since then I've topped exclusively with the guys I've been with and I absolutely love it. I get rock hard, love to ease myself into a guy while being attentive to his needs.
    BUT! AH! Something happened yesterday! I was having amazing blow-your-socks off sex with a beefy latino until suddenly he flips me onto my stomach, lays himself on top of me and starts to work my neck, back and ass in such ways I was in pure ecstasy. Before I knew it I had my ass up in the air and a desire to get fucked by him took hold of me. I ultimately didn't, because I hadn't douched and also hadn't bottomed in a couple of years. But it had opened me up (pun intended) to become versatile and try bottoming.
    So try I did! Having read all the wonderful threads here on the advice to prepare yourself I did just that: I douched, put on some hot porn, lubed up my ass, played with myself, took out a tiny (about 3") dildo and started working myself.
    First thing: my anus burned. But it already started burning when I used the lube, long before I put anything up there. It also burns when I use soap. This is such a mood killer. When I was gently pushing the dildo in, the burning sensation intensified. So while the idea of getting fucked was a turn-on, almost all of the physical sensations were a mood killer, especially the burning.
    I've read that the burning sensation might be because the muscles are being forced, but that doesn't explain the burning already starting when just putting lube on it.
    I'm not a quitter so I pushed the dildo in completely and it flopped back out again a couple of times. But I kept at it and I'm certain I hit my prostrate because I immediately came uncontrollably while my whole body was awash with ecstasy, even after cumming physically the ecstasy remained until I pulled the dildo out. That moment did override any of the physical discomfort.
    So in conclusion: I was a bit dissappointed that the discomfort was so big. But I'm willing to try it again. But there has to be something that I can do about the burning, because it completely, totally destroys the mood. Pain is a complete and utter turn-off for me.
    I also hit a wall with just the 3" dildo. So what can be done about that? Work my way up to bigger?
  17. Like
    Wolfer reacted to Aaron_Bauder in Tops who will bottom?   
    Yeah, I just don't get the gay guys' bizarre and bigoted bias against vers guys at all. It makes no sense. I don't understand why people cannot be accepted for who they say they are, especially in a community that should know better.
    What exactly is wrong with being a vers top?
  18. Like
    Wolfer got a reaction from Ryan Roman in US escorts, how to best communicate preferences?   
    Aaah, gotcha! Thanks for the clarification!
  19. Like
    Wolfer got a reaction from inthepit3 in Tops who will bottom?   
    Yup, I'm in the same boat.
    I don't like the idea of an escort that is a top in his personal life to bottom for me because, having had a boyfriend who was a real total bottom, I can see and feel the difference. Bottoms (or true vers guys) just have that particular switch in their brain that just... I can't describe it but I've begun to call it "bottom energy", because I've noticed it with all the true bottoms I've been with. It's very noticeable, it's like they get flooded with pleasure when they're getting fucked. This also drives me wild, seeing a guy lose it like that.
    The escorts I initially hired (and this was before I had any experience with real bottoms) were tops in their personal lifes but advertised as vers. But this is actually a turn-off for me as I get pleasure from giving pleasure. The thought of someone "grinning and bearing" it... Nope.
    I actually also know a guy who advertises as a vers/top but is a bottom most of the time in his personal life. Seems that advertising as a top just brings in more bussines.
  20. Like
    Wolfer reacted to biggerbilly in Tops who will bottom?   
    I didn’t say that at all. I’m talking the act of bottoming. If you’re enjoying every minute of it when you’re bottoming then you make the list. Note, I’ve said I don’t go after tops and top/verse, nothing about versatile guys.
  21. Like
    Wolfer reacted to biggerbilly in Tops who will bottom?   
    Perfectly said! There is not like being with a TRUE bottom. A lot of guys think they are great bottoms because they "can take it." But there's a big difference between "taking" to "wanting!"
  22. Like
    Wolfer got a reaction from marylander1940 in Tops who will bottom?   
    Yup, I'm in the same boat.
    I don't like the idea of an escort that is a top in his personal life to bottom for me because, having had a boyfriend who was a real total bottom, I can see and feel the difference. Bottoms (or true vers guys) just have that particular switch in their brain that just... I can't describe it but I've begun to call it "bottom energy", because I've noticed it with all the true bottoms I've been with. It's very noticeable, it's like they get flooded with pleasure when they're getting fucked. This also drives me wild, seeing a guy lose it like that.
    The escorts I initially hired (and this was before I had any experience with real bottoms) were tops in their personal lifes but advertised as vers. But this is actually a turn-off for me as I get pleasure from giving pleasure. The thought of someone "grinning and bearing" it... Nope.
    I actually also know a guy who advertises as a vers/top but is a bottom most of the time in his personal life. Seems that advertising as a top just brings in more bussines.
  23. Like
    Wolfer reacted to + tassojunior in Barcelona - Sauna Thermas - It only got better!   
    Lucas and Gabriel are the Brazilian muscle bottoms. There every day. Both great looking.
  24. Like
    Wolfer reacted to TopVolt in Spas in NYC   
    WOW! Just went to Utopia, second time, and got Ariel!!! Amazing experience, from beggining to end. PM for details !
  25. Like
    Wolfer got a reaction from SuperJunior in Would you rather overweight clients inform you about their expectations before meeting?   
    And what if the client doesn't have a lot of self-confidence? Mind, I take extra care to never be self-deprecating and I accept (never refuse) every compliment without ever fishing for one.
    That doesn't take away, though, that I have almost zero sexual self-confidence and I subconsciously act like that, too. I don't carry myself very sexily nor take charge or know what to do.
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