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Posts posted by Lance_Navarro

  1. Apart from wet dreams as a kid, I think my only hands-free orgasm happened when I was in college. I had acquired a reputation as a player, sleeping with lots of girls. So when I met the woman I would eventually marry (in a class together) she at first refused to date me. That was a wake-up call, since I genuinely liked her and was attracted to her. So I made a plea for her to give me a chance, and we dated for a while with the understanding that we'd only have sex when we trusted each other. Even chastely dating made me like her even more. One morning I woke up with a boner and began thinking about her and fantasizing about us having sex, and without touching myself I came. It was not long before we felt the time was right, it was the best sex I had ever had (maybe because I had developed feelings for her), and I never slept with anyone else until long after she died. Since then it's been men only, my 19 year-old self would never have guessed I'd never sleep with another woman after her. (Not saying I never will, but it sure seems like it.)


    While the balls grow bluer, the heart grows fonder. I'm joking of course, thanks for sharing that touching story. May we all be blessed to share in such great love.

  2. WOW That is so HOT - I think the angle is perfect for what you are doing! AROUSING to see your balls drawing up under your bouncing uncut flaccid cock! Semi when coming!


    I knew you were uncut and BIG! Fun to see you flaccid! Awesome cock in both states!!! This is one erection producing video:)


    Thanks so much! A friend of mine wants for us to teach a workshop on the concept and exercise.

  3. A month or so ago I reached orgasm while laying out on the deck. I was face down with my dick between the 2 panels of fabric on the lounge chair. There wasn't any friction on my dick, so I wasn't exactly thrusting into anything, but it still didn't feel like a truly hands free orgasm. Today I tried it again, this time on my back. By just focusing on my breathe and caressing my chest, stomach and thighs I came after less than 4 minutes. My dick never got hard the entire time, in fact it actually shrunk up a bit and then got just a bit hard right before I came. I shot a video of it and posted it on my Tumblr. It was a horrible angle, and I hesitated to post it, but felt it might inspire some to see our potential as erotic beings.


    Anyone else out there able to do this?

  4. And it's always appreciated if the top is cool with an ass malfunction!

    Agreed 100%! I believe that it is my responsibility to make everything alright, no matter what goes wrong. I'm sure that many have experienced trauma from a douching mishap and a partner that reacted poorly, perhaps to the degree that people have given up bottoming entirely or for a period. I don't ever want to ever be the cause of that.

  5. This is by far the most honest and thorough instruction manual for anal douching that I have ever seen. Loving the use of cartoons to make it accessible and to dampen the "yuck factor". Because this is a subject that is always coming up, I thought many could benefit. I will absolutely be sharing this with clients that are new to anal sex. Check it out and share your thoughts.



  6. My man and I were camping and we filled up a little travel container with lube. Well, the lube was silicone and so was the container and it caused a chemical reaction that turned the lube to thick, unusable goo. We refused to let that keep us from fucking in the woods, so we used Dr Bronners Peppermint Soap. I fucked him as he laid on a fallen tree and he was left with a scraped up back and a VERY cold and tingly hole. It was all worth it though!

  7. That's like 20% of the population in SF, a rather large swath of people to be cautious of, don't you think?


    You are correct that there is a large Asian population in SF, for the sake of discussion, let's say 20%. I think most of us would agree that clients under 35 account for no more than 20% of our business. 20% of 20% is 4%. How many amongst that 4% do you think are going to write a check?


    I don't think anyone took what I said to mean "Don't schedule with an Asian client while in SF". All I'm saying is that if you have a young Asian client, most likely either in SoMa or Dogpatch area, who tries to quickly sign and hand over a check as he rushes you out the door, DON'T TAKE IT! Oh, and tie him down and call me so I can get the other 4 people I know that he's cheated, to come over and get what's due to us.

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